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Xero Racing | CT'17
Xero Racing p/b Octagon 2017


Xero Racing returns for another year in the Continental Tour after a relatively succesful, often painful, always entertaining first year in the sport. They let themselves down in some areas whilst other riders stepped up to the plate in true Xero fighting style. In the end 11th was the placing after "the Swiss incident." One place off of their goal and two off of what would have been an arguably undeserved promotion. Early tippers have liked their base but there's a lot of work to do with four fantastically strong teams coming down, other great teams around them and a fresh batch of newcomers, all clamouring to be the next Evonik, Ferrero or Strava. They've got a fresh perspective but the same direction - forward.

The change in background management under the moniker Lionheart Racing confused fans and non-fans alike but we're assured it really won't matter much but will give whatever future iterations the team has coherency and the same Lionhearted spirit. But right now the atmosphere around this team is driven, optimistic, and 100% focused on promotion this year. But that's much easier said than done.


The Primary Sponsors

These are our (wo)men with the money. Our sugar daddies, if you will. But they're no random rich sheikhs. These companies all have a passion for the sport, and, just as important if not more, the project itself.


About: Octagon is the sports and entertainment marketing division of the Interpublic Group (IPG). The IPG is one of the "big four" advertising companies and so being sponsored by the South African arm of the sports arm of the IPG is a smaller deal but with big background.
Contract Until: 2017 *new contract
Focus Nations: South Africa, Africa*

Octagon help us get our name on the backs of buses, billboards, wherever, in our target countries. Good for publicity, finances and fans. They've done a sterling job in 2016, helping us to a nomination for online HQ of the Year, and will continue in the same major capacity for a renewed 2017 contract.


About: The overnight success that is Xero is now a international company still based in little ol' NZ. They develop online accounting software for small businesses (like our own?)
Contract Until: 2017
Focus Nations: New Zealand, Australia, Great Britain (minor), United States (very minor)

Xero stepped in at the last minute in 2016, but have been a great asset to the team. However, they are very disappointed with us not achieving as highly as we said we would so far, and may take a smaller role within the team if we don't promote, though this year is still a primary and title sponsor and are as passionate as ever for the project

The Secondary Sponsors


About: Has nothing much to do with either government but helps bring New Zealand and South African businessmen and women together. Not related to the NZABC, a NZ-government approved company with the same values who unfortunately said no.
Contract Until: 2017
Focus Nations: South Africa, New Zealand, Africa (minor)*

They have been disappointed with the lack of South Africans on the team but understand our struggles and know that their continued sponsorship (plus the fact they, y'know, are contracted for another year) will be one of the main ties that will help us focus our focus on our focus nations.


About: A government-backed, state-owned sponsor, Kiwibank is a subsidiary of New Zealand Post. Of course as many of you know they were involved as a title sponsor for Becherovka, one of the best teams in the world. They left as the team pursued a more Slavic focus, and want to start helping building a team from scratch where no pesky Eastern Europeans will give them the boot.
Contract Until: 2018
Focus Nations: New Zealand

Kiwibank will be stepping up the funding for 2017 for a bigger role in the team with a view to renewing early, with a year left, to become a primary sponsor when we reach PCT. This could happen for 2017 if we do get invited up. I didn't tell you anything.


About: My Food Bag is another hotshot emerging modern Kiwi company, an online food delivery service philosophising in “Eating food from the ground, sea or the sky. A sure-fire way to enjoy food the way nature intended, with less preservative, salts and a host of other artificial things. With recipes being focused on bringing natural ingredients forwards as the heroes”. We will help spread the word as they hope to develop this message with local (not always possible for us) and free-range produce.
Contract Until: 2017
Focus Nations: New Zealand, Australia

They've now got a look at expanding abroad thanks to Octagon and we've loved the nutrition provided by the Kiwi upstart, and we're happy to keep going with this partnership for the 2017 season.


About: Econet are an innovative company based out of Southern Africa but operate in the rest of Africa South America, Europe, East Asia and Australasia. Their core area is telecommunications and specifically broadband and fiber networks. They are also involved in other ventures in other sectors entirely
Contract Until: 2018 *new sponsor
Focus Nations: Zimbabwe, South Africa, Africa (minor)*, Australasia (minor) East Asia (very minor)*, South America (very minor)*, Europe (very minor)*
*The choice of flags here means nothing

Econet are a truly innovative company which we are glad to be sponsored by. As a more worldwide company they don't demand any focus nationalities but will hopefully expand our influence even more in Southern Africa.


About: Telkom Indonesia is a majority state owned telecommunications company, the largest in Indonesia.
Contract Until: 2017 *new sponsor
Focus Nations: Indonesia

Jamalidin Novardianto is a cult hero now and nowhere is this more clear, other than the manager's room, than in his home country of Indonesia. Not investing too much money, the government wanted in and will sponsor the team, just so they know we're tight and all, as long as Jams rides for us. So until he retires, then.

Post-Transfers Roster

GeorgeBennett78 MONLeader75.30€ 125,000
AnthonyRoux78 HILLeader74.64€ 90,000
JonathanSalinas77 MONCo-Leader74.33€ 75,000
IgorAntón77 MONCo-Leader74.28€ 100,000
TomDiggle77 HILCo-Leader74.08€ 100,000
SimonClarke79 SPRLeader73.74€ 55,000
GeremieNzeke76 HILLieutenant73.73€ 105,000
StijnVandenbergh77 COBLeader73.01€ 55,000
EgidijusJuodvalkis75 MONLieutenant72.25€ 50,000
MarvainKossouhorou73 HILDomestique72.08€ 50,000
TomDavison73 HILDomestique71.50€ 55,000
CarlNgamoki71 COBDomestique70.81€ 50,000
MatthewLloyd73 HILDomestique70.65€ 50,000
HamishSchreurs71 COBTalent69.90€ 85,000
JamalidinNovardianto74 FTRFree Role69.71€ 55,000
DylanKennett72 SPRTalent69.47€ 50,000
DanielAfoa67 HILTalent66.44€ 10,000*
ReiOnodera69 TTTalent66.20€ 50,000**
ScottAmbrose67 MONTalent65.97€ 10,000*
*Stagiare from 1/08
**Loaned in, paying € 0


Xero Racing p/b Octagon
[CT] 11th


Team [18 riders]:
Tom Scully Marvain Tognama Kossouhorou
Tom Davison Geremie Nzeke
Timothy Gudsell Jean Helwani [Loan]
Simon Clarke Tom Diggle
Matthew Lloyd Ole Hirschlein
Aleksandr Efimkin Nils Schomber [Stagiare]
Jordan Schleck Jamalidin Novardianto
Jonathan Salinas Ok Cheol Kim [Stagiare]

Rider's Rider of the YearTom Diggle
Fan's Rider of the YearJamalidin Novardianto
Ride of the YearTour of the Middle East, Stage 9
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Posted on 18-02-2025 09:48
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2017 Official Goals
Vuelta al TachiraTop 5FAIL - Top 15
Tour d'AndorraTop 5FAIL - Top 15
Tour de San LuisTop 5SUCCESS+ - Won
i65.tinypic.com/2m2dl5w.jpgTeam StandingsTop 5FAIL - 6th

Short-Term Goals
- In 2016 place a solid CT ranking and develop young talents from our focus nations in particular
- Increase the popularity of all divisions of Cycling in NZ.
- In 2017 promote and come out trumps in the Oceanic CT battle.
- In 2017 continue to develop our younger riders.
- Have a team 75% from our focus countries

Medium-Term Goals
- In 2018 Survive in PCT and continue to develop riders.
- Survive with an at least 65% focus nations team

Long-Term Goals
- Promote to PT
- Max Out talents and develop new ones
- Sign Sam Bewley before he declines
- Establish ourselves as the premier NZ and eventually Oceanic Team
- Establish NZ as more than just Bewley and Sergent, a global power.
- Keep the national focus and Lionheart ideals throughout our time in professional cycling


Home Race
Goal Race

10/1 Clasico San CristobalC2
22/1-31/1 Vuelta al TachiraC2
31/1 Great Ocean Road ClassicC2HC
4/2 Barcelona ClassicC2
16/2-20/2 Giro del TrentinoC2HC
21/2 Geraardsbergen-BosbergC2HC
25/2 Gisborne GPC2HC
14/3-18/3 Bayern-RundfahrtC2HC
25/3 Kuurne-Bruxelles-KuurneC2
3/4 San Marino Hill ClassicC2
4/4-7/4 KBC De Panne TourC1
22/4-28/4 Tour de LangkawiC2
7/5 Cacak ClassicC2
15/5-18/5 Euskal BizikletaC2
19/5-21/5 Tour du FasoC2HC
2/6 Lillestrom GPC2HC
4/6-8/6 Circulo de JuarezC2
20/6 Nelspruit ClassicC1
26/6-30/6 Tour d'AndorraC2HC
1/7-8/7 Tour de San LuisC2HC
15/7 Tour of the BattenkillC2
18/7-22/7 Tour of BulgariaC2
3/8-8/8 Benelux ChallengeC2HC
20/8-21/8 Grand Prix CyclistesC2HC
1/9 Paris ToursC2HC
1/9-8/9 Tour of BritainC2HC
24/9 GP YekaterinburgC2
1/10 Colombian VenteauxC2HC
5/10-9/10 Herald Sun TourC2
9/10-12/10 Course de SolidarnoscC2HC
14/10-15/10 Tour of East JavaC1
16/10 GP KigaliC1
18/10 Zuri-MetzgeteC2HC

Stages and GCs


10/1Clasico San CristobalClassicAnthony Roux
25/1Vuelta al TachiraStage 4Igor Antón
19/2Giro del TrentinoStage 4George Bennett
25/2Gisborne GPClassicGeorge Bennett
17/5Euskal BizikletaStage 3Anthony Roux
5/7Tour de San LuisStage 6Anthony Roux
6/7Tour de San LuisStage 7Anthony Roux
7/7Tour de San LuisGCAnthony Roux
20/8Grand Prix CyclistesStage 1Anthony Roux
1/9Tour of BritainStage 1Anthony Roux


19/2Giro del TrentinoStage 4Jonathan Salinas
18/6Tour d'AndorraStage 3George Bennett
20/8-21/8Grand Prix CyclistesGCAnthony Roux


24/4Tour de LangkawiStage 3George Bennett
15/5-18/5Euskal BizikletaGCAnthony Roux
6/6Circulo de JuarezStage 3Simon Clarke
2/7Tour de San LuisStage 2Simon Clarke
21/7Tour of BulgariaStage 4Jamalidin Novardianto
22/7Tour of BulgariaStage 5Igor Antón
24/9GP YekaterinburgClassicAnthony Roux
6/10Herald Sun TourStage 3Jamalidin Novardianto
9/10Herald Sun TourStage 3Rei Onodera

Minor Classifications




15/5-18/5Euskal BizikletaPointsAnthony Roux
1/7-7/7Tour de San LuisPointsAnthony Roux
18/7-22/7Tour of BulgariaKOMIgor Antón
20/8-21/8Grand Prix CyclistesPointsAnthony Roux
1/9-8/9Tour of BritainPointsAnthony Roux


16/2-19/2Giro del TrentinoPointsGeorge Bennett
1/7-7/7Tour de San LuisKoMAnthony Roux

Other Races


27/7U23 Sprinter's ClassicClassicDylan Kennett





After a year racing in a stunning light blue design from bwiggins with the change in the background and foreground (hopefully) at the team for 2017, something a little different was on the cards for 2017. In the end, we found something we felt was just right, designed by the fantastic the_hoyle!


We also currently have three National Champions in our roster! Here are their jerseys for the season:


Cameroon RR - Geremie Nzeke


Lithuania RR - Egidijus Juodvalkis


Central African Republic RR & TT - Marvain Tognama Kossouhorou


Yet to come...
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Nice intro to the team mate! Looking forward to our inevitable battles in the coming season!!!
yes! hello Xero, hello promotion 2017!
@Jakstar - Thanks Grin Yep should be good fun, starting Friday Pfft
@Croatia - We sure hope so! Thanks Smile


Renewals Update

During our renewals almost all of our riders agreed to take a pay cut for the greater good. Some didn't. Two deserved it, one is a desperate man on the wrong side of 33 who wants to know he's still got moneymaking legs. By the skin of your teeth Timothy. By the skin of your teeth. We also waved goodbye to Jean Helwani, a loanee who's now on the free agency, Aleksandr Efimkin, a valuable domestique who we just didn't feel fit the team after another decline, and Kim Ok Cheol, a stagiare who just wan't a good enough fit but is now looking for a home on an Asian team.

NationLast NameFirst Name2016 Wage2017 WageProfit?
Total Change-€180,000
seems like a very good renewals for you, now it's just one way on the transfer season and that is attack! great base for great wages Smile
Looking forward to competing against Jams this season, looks like the boy is beginning to understand his worth to Xero Wink
jandal7 wrote:
Xero Racing p/b Octagon 2017


Xero Racing returns for another year in the Continental Tour after a relatively succesful, often painful, always entertaining first year in the sport. They let themselves down in some areas whilst other riders stepped up to the plate in true Xero fighting style. In the end 11th was the placing after "the Swiss incident." One place off of their goal and two off of what would have been an arguably undeserved promotion. Early tippers have liked their base but there's a lot of work to do with four fantastically strong teams coming down, other great teams around them and a fresh batch of newcomers, all clamouring to be the next Evonik, Ferrero or Strava. They've got a fresh perspective but the same direction - forward.

I feel honored to be mentioned here. The whole text is well written and also the jersey is stunning!
A Big Thank You To All MG Reporters!

@Croatia - Yep I was very pleased with our progress with wages,
and now as you say ready to attack the market!
@Booker - He's a special kid, that's for sure Grin Can't wait to compete against Kulczyk too this year Smile
@knockout - Thanks a lot, hoyle has done a fantastic job with that jersey Grin Yeah you're one of those visible rocket teams going straight up Pfft


Rider Availability

TomScully79 SPR, 77 PRL75.31150,000YES
JonathanSalinas77 MON74.3375,000Unlikely
TomDiggle77 HIL74.08100,000Unlikely
SimonClarke79 SPR, 78 ACC73.7455,000YES
GeremieNzeke76 HIL73.73105,000Unlikely
OleHirschlein77 MON73.7285,000YES
MarvainKossouhorouLow 70s everything72.0850,000Unlikely
TomDavison73 HIL, 73 PRL71.5055,000Unlikely
MatthewLloyd73 HIL70.6550,000Maybe
JamalidinNovardianto75 ACC, 74 FTR69.7155,000NO
TimothyGudsell72 TT, 71 SPR68.5050,000Probably
JordanSchleck69 MON66.7050,000Maybe (Loan)
NilsSchomber74 PRL66.4150,000YES (Loan)
First thing I have to say is: Wow that jersey is so cool! One of my favourites. if not my#1 favourite in the peloton! Grin The deep blue combined with the other brighter colours makes an awesome effect and the Xero logo stands out perfectly. Grin

Some interesting 55,000 wages but Jams deserves that at least, should be the best fighter of the CT this year with those stats Pfft

Best of luck in the transfers, you've got the base to make a really strong team with some smart transfers! Smile

"What done is, is one." - Benji Naesen
Liking the new jersey and the NC's Wink
@trek - Yeah I absolutely love it, the_hoyle got it perfect in my opinion! Yeah was disappointed but tried to be too safe with Clarke and Davison and Gudsell wouldn't take 50. Jams deserves it though, you're right Grin Thanks, and best of luck to you too! We certainly hope we can build off of our current squad to aim for promotion!

@sutty - Thanks Grin

Also check out our new banners for our HQ, courtesy again of the_hoyle!

2017 Official Goals

WIN - Gisborne GP/Bayern Rundfahrt




Two vastly different races at similar calendar dates - this really depends who is purchased in transfer with one as a hilly classic, one as a flat stage race. Both will take great strength and cunning to win but the boys are up for it, especially in Gisborne which like Southland last year was an automatic win goal despite being outsiders.

Top 5 - Vuelta al Tachira


A home race for our man Jonathan Salinas and a comparatively "easier" goal for the closest we now have to a CT GT. Not as high risk with this being our only non-C2HC race goal but the pressure will still be high for a consistent performance to bring Salinas to the final stage in the top 5 on the general classification.

Top 5 - Tour d'Andorra


A pure mountain race for whoever our pure mountain goats are by transfers' end, but likely Salinas will be fronting again for one of our toughest goals and toughest races in our calendar. This one is brutal but will be very exciting to watch and hopefully we'll see a superhuman effort bringing home success in this goal.

Top 5 - Tour de San Luis


Our final race goal is one for our Rider's Rider of the Season, Tom Diggle. It's got hills but also time trials and so should see him in the mix. There were a couple of goals we considered of this type but after some deliberation, this one was best. Tom Davison is also been very vocal about his happiness for this goal and is quietly confident of a surprise GC position as well as fighting tooth and nail for the goal.

Top 5 - CT Team Standings

Here's the one that matters - direct promotion. It's been part of our reasonable vision since day one and we certainly have the tools to build with to make this a reality. Everyone, Scully, Clarke, Salinas, Diggle, Jams, whoever we have in our roster by the transfer deadline will need to give their all and then some, but that's no less than what's expected of them. Transfers will be crucial, we can provide no updates so far but there's been some good movements and some bad ones. Time will tell whether this goal is achievable.
Hm wow gutsy to already reveal your goals at this point. Can't judge them yet but direct promotion is what I like to hear. Love the jersey too. All the best for transfers and the new season.
"It’s a little bit scary when Contador attacks." - Tommy V
Shonak wrote:
Hm wow gutsy to already reveal your goals at this point. Can't judge them yet but direct promotion is what I like to hear. Love the jersey too. All the best for transfers and the new season.

Well I guess with Sergent on the market and Salinas and Diggle already here they don't surprise anyone Pfft Thanks Grin

Five Riders Put Pen to Paper

In the last day the exciting confirmations of three riders signing for us from free agency were made, as well as two from recently promoted Isostar. Two leaders, a lieutenant and two homegrown talents. Let's meet 'em!

Stijn Vandenbergh


The Belgian, formerly of Kenya Airways, was thrust into free agency late on but was strangely, given his skills, not very sought after. Good for us, though, as we secured a leader on a strange new terrain for only 55,000 euros! He doesn't have the punch or sprint of some riders but is a powerhouse above the level of many in the CT and certainly in our squad, and knows his way over cobbles. Despite his slow acceleration his fighting spirit could still see him on the offensive as he, and a little help from Jams, traverses the cobbles of the CT

Dylan Kennett

Maxes out at 79SPR 78ACC 78PRL

The young Christchurch-born lad has had a lot of success already for a 22-year-old on the boards but has also had quite a career as a junior road rider, and this year made the jump across to the road. He has great sprint and TT skills and has been often compared to Tom Scully. Already a useful domestique and attacking rider, we look forward to watching him develop at our team.

Hamish Schreurs

Maxes out at 77COB and other such stats

Much like Kennett, Hamish Schreurs is a hotly-tipped young rider from New Zealand, but unlike the Cantab he has exposure to professional cycling already. A man for the classics, Hamish is inspired by riders such as Tom David and Sam Bewley who has made it perhaps the countries' strongest terrain right now. Funny given the lack f cobbles back home. Either way, he brings plenty of talent to the table and is certainy one to watch for the future.

Igor Antón


Last year a friendly rival of Jonathan Salinas, this year teammates. The Basque rider is getting old but is no less fired up for the mountains of having an attack. The fresh young blood with their MGUCI ratings of 80 and 79 don't scare him. He'll be an amazing additon to our mountain squad and should be a deadly attacking duo with Salinas.

Egidijus Juodvalkis


The Lithuanian road race champ follows his leader from green to blue and will be a hugely valuable asset to our mountain squad, who really were missing that link between pack destroyers and leaders - a proper lieutenant. He will also be useful for our rapidly developing hill squad with decent skills there. He's not the flashiest or most attacking climber but in every team you need somebody who can get the job done and even then his attacks to win the NC showed he can fit into the squad in that area as well
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