CEO of Cyanide: "2008 was a transition year"
To PCM-fans, 'Patrick Pliggersdorfer' may not ring a bell. To those who've been involved with the game ever since it was launched 8-9 years ago, Pliggersdorfer is a magic name: He's the CEO of Cyanide and is also known as 'Storm' on the Cyanide forum. PCM.daily has interviewed Patrick to get an idea about how Cyanide is going to deal with 2009 - a year which very well may cost the lives of many small companies due to the global financial crisis.
Interview with Clément Pinget: "PCM08 and Track Cycling - of course!"
It's become a tradition that PCM.daily does an interview with Clément Pinget about the upcoming versions of PCM. And this year, we don't disappoint you. This live-interview was done over two days at MSN and goes through many parts of the upcoming game, Pro Cycling Manager 2008. Happy reading! :)