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The Politics Thread
Margh Norway
cunego59 wrote:

You cannot seriously accuse someone of fabricating arguments with invalid lists just to immediately misquote your own list! Even if you leave out the small countries like Andorra or Liechtenstein, there are still 5 European countries with lower absolute death counts and at least one with a lower rate!

Lol, you're right that was bad research.
To keep it correct (if one is willing to trust wikipedia): There are less homicides (per inh.) in Europe in the states of Liechtenstein, Iceland and Monaco

@ringo: You're right. A-OK! Smile
baseballlover312 wrote:
jph27 wrote:
baseballlover312 wrote:

Clearly unrestricted capitalism doesn't work well, and there needs to be some common sense compromises, but I always ideologically favor equality over opportunity of equality of outcome. While equality of opportunity has been shaken for sure, that doesn't make me want to switch.

As someone who would probably position himself in about the same ideological space as Sanders on most issues - though I disagree strongly with him on surveillance and tuition-free education - I would honestly say that I believe the same thing, as do many on the left. Equality of opportunity is always better than equality of outcome in my opinion, but the issue is when true equality of opportunity isn't given chance to exist due to underlying structural factors. If things are too unequal in outcomes, then you can't have true equality of opportunity. So therefore, inequalities need to be controlled to ensure no one is left too far behind, and also to ensure a truly meritocratic society.

In summary, basically read Rawls' "A Theory of Justice". Or better still, just a summary of it. That's my argument here Pfft

I agree to an point, but in my opinion once you begin to directly redistribute wealth to a great extent, that is favoring outcome over opportunity.

And while most of trickle down economics is bull crap, I think it works the other way as well. Real entrepreneurs will cut their production and jobs if they are constantly attacked as the enemy. For every billionaire out there who inherited everything there is another person who worked their entire lives for what they made. I don't believe they should be punished in a society where individualism and hard work are the very foundation. I think at the very least a tax should cover not a bracket of people but be graduated in the sense that every dollar amount past each point is taxed at that bracket and not the entire sum. I don't support cutting taxes for the rich but I also wouldn't support raising them to the high levels that have been proposed.

I hope I'm making at least some sense cause I'm typing on my phone. I know a lot of people disagree but that's just my perspective.

That bolded part is the system they have in Australia, I know nothing about politics but I don't really understand why you would do it with the other system?

"What done is, is one." - Benji Naesen
A la Jeremy Corbyn over here, Sanders only entered to widen the debate on the left. However, now he can sniff out a win, he's beginning to roll out his own dirty tricks campaign- even if it's only activism photos, Clinton minority record attacks and TV ads, and therefore relatively small, surely it's everything he stands against as an anti-establishment candidate? Also, he increasingly sounds like a broken record, especially regarding inequality.
As for the Republicans, it makes me laugh how desperate the Repulicans are first to keep Trump from going solo, then to discredit Trump once he looks like winning.
Disclaimer- Most of my posts are me thinking aloud. And most of what I think is rubbish.
Winner of a FIFA Prediction Fair Play Award (a phrase becoming increasingly ironic)
"... Because he (me) has a sound tactical mind in general..." jandal7, at 9:30 am GMT on 12th May 2016
Personally, Hillary has my vote right at the moment.

I love Trump's idea of a wall and deporting illegal's, so if Hillary doesn't win and Trump does, he will get my vote.


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Building a wall and deporting all illegals...yeah, that's something the native americans should have done a long time ago!
jseadog1 wrote:
Personally, Hillary has my vote right at the moment.

I love Trump's idea of a wall and deporting illegal's, so if Hillary doesn't win and Trump does, he will get my vote.

So a Wall appeals to you? Explain why please
Hells 500 Crew and 6 x Everester
Don Rd Launching Place
Melbourne Hill Rd Warrandyte
Colby Drive Belgrave South
William Rd The Patch
David Hill Rd Monbulk
Lakeside Drive Emerald
baseballlover312 wrote:

So this year, though I can't yet vote, I'm supporting John Kasich. I don't agree with every position he has, but he has proven that even when he does not agree he is willing to sit down, talk about it and reach an agreement. He can come out with the better half of a deal while still pleasing the majority of people. Every other Republican and Democrat seems to think their agenda will just come to life magically. Kasich is the only one I feel is moderate enough and can work with people enough to actually get stuff done, and mostly stuff that I would support.

The problem with a president sitting down and talking out the issues is congress, it has been gerrymandered to the point that the Republicans will hold the house in almost any election, now that isn't a bad thing if they could move past the idea of saying NO to everything coming out of the Whitehouse, Kasich is far to moderate for any Republican house to work with and hold the Tea Party (minority) Base. The system is the problem and outside of some way-out thinking I can't see a way out for the current quagmire that you guys find yourself in
Hells 500 Crew and 6 x Everester
Don Rd Launching Place
Melbourne Hill Rd Warrandyte
Colby Drive Belgrave South
William Rd The Patch
David Hill Rd Monbulk
Lakeside Drive Emerald
weirdskyfan64 wrote:
A la Jeremy Corbyn over here, Sanders only entered to widen the debate on the left. However, now he can sniff out a win, he's beginning to roll out his own dirty tricks campaign- even if it's only activism photos, Clinton minority record attacks and TV ads, and therefore relatively small, surely it's everything he stands against as an anti-establishment candidate? Also, he increasingly sounds like a broken record, especially regarding inequality.
As for the Republicans, it makes me laugh how desperate the Repulicans are first to keep Trump from going solo, then to discredit Trump once he looks like winning.

If he actually did go solo there would be no chance for a Republican to be president with the vote split, just like in 1992. So now that he claims he's sticking with the party they're trying to keep him from winning.
RIP Exxon Duke, David Veilleux, Double Feature, and Monster Energy
jseadog1 wrote:
Personally, Hillary has my vote right at the moment.

I love Trump's idea of a wall and deporting illegal's, so if Hillary doesn't win and Trump does, he will get my vote.

"Let’s say it in our debate because you’ll never hear this from that immigrant-bashing carnival barker Donald Trump: The truth of the matter is net immigration from Mexico last year was zero. Fact-check me. Go ahead, check it out," O’Malley said.

Challenge accepted.

O’Malley said, "Net immigration from Mexico last year was zero. Fact-check me."

Census data from 2010 up to 2013 support O’Malley’s point, as the population of people living in America but born in Mexico fell by about 40,000 since 2010. Experts said this is a strong indication of a prevailing trend. That figure actually rose slightly in 2014 -- though remaining significantly lower than the peak number of Mexican-born Americans in 2007. And the 2014 number had a large enough margin of error that it’s possible there was an actual drop from 2013.

Other data, including a rapid decline in apprehensions at the border and changing demographics in Mexico add weight to the conclusion that O’Malley’s point is correct.

Hells 500 Crew and 6 x Everester
Don Rd Launching Place
Melbourne Hill Rd Warrandyte
Colby Drive Belgrave South
William Rd The Patch
David Hill Rd Monbulk
Lakeside Drive Emerald
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Posted on 16-09-2024 10:27
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Tbh, looking at America right now, I would love to see Sanders win. But since that won't happen, I hope that Trump wins.


Because Trump and Hillary are both shit. But Trump kinda wants to stop the shit with Russia. (Also he's against TTIP, from a german standpoint, very nice to see)

But in the end, the election is kinda like this:


Strydz wrote:
jseadog1 wrote:
Personally, Hillary has my vote right at the moment.

I love Trump's idea of a wall and deporting illegal's, so if Hillary doesn't win and Trump does, he will get my vote.

So a Wall appeals to you? Explain why please

Because I don't think they should illegally be allowed here.. Like the Muslims we are "saving" from ISIS by bringing them to the USA just to they can do damage here because someone somewhere is sneaking in with them. Mexicans come over and take cheap jobs that somebody (teen, homeless) would gladly take.

The only thing I said I could support in the past is the idea of forcing them into the USA military upon arrival for awhile, but something would go wrong somewhere.


PCM.Daily Survivor Season 2 Fan Favorite Winner

PCM.Daily NFL Fantasy Football Champion: 2012
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jseadog1 wrote:
Strydz wrote:
jseadog1 wrote:
Personally, Hillary has my vote right at the moment.

I love Trump's idea of a wall and deporting illegal's, so if Hillary doesn't win and Trump does, he will get my vote.

So a Wall appeals to you? Explain why please

Because I don't think they should illegally be allowed here.. Like the Muslims we are "saving" from ISIS by bringing them to the USA just to they can do damage here because someone somewhere is sneaking in with them. Mexicans come over and take cheap jobs that somebody (teen, homeless) would gladly take.

The only thing I said I could support in the past is the idea of forcing them into the USA military upon arrival for awhile, but something would go wrong somewhere.

You'll found out quickly that this is not true, especially here when there is an anti EU sentiment in the UK, but I'm pretty sure that a good percentage of people that are not in work, do not want to work and thats why countries need immigrants to do these 'cheap jobs' because the indigenous pop do not want to work as a refuse collector etc, as they (somehow) see themselves as being over qualified for these jobs(or rather prejudiced against said job.)

Banana John St Ledger in Team Bunzl-Centrica and Team U25Banana

Red Bull Driver in RFactor
I kinda agree with jseadog about the Wall thing.

For us germans it's a bit different though. If you say something against taking all refugees, you're instantly a nazi.

People have to decide. I was called a left wing extremist from our army and a right wing extremist(nazi) from other people...
Ah yes, it's an election year again. I might have said this before, but long story short I used to care a lot more about politics. Nowadays it's only for me to make some money on betting (mainly from connections I still had in 2012, but shh, keep it lowkey).

As you guys may or may not know, I did a lot of work for Ron Paul's campaign in 2012. I was 13-14 at the time, pretty young and naive, still a believer in the whole political system. My political views still haven't changed much, but if you put me on the political spectrum I would be pretty moderate/libertarian. I still identify as a conservative even though I am very liberal on social issues (I call these "distraction issues"Wink and foreign policy. Ultimately I believe the individuals have free will and owe nothing to society, hence my liberal positions on social issues and conservative positions on size of government/taxation. But I use "conservative" and "liberal" loosely, since I am of the belief that people either have no choice (1 party) or an illusion of choice (2+ parties).

There are two issues which I don't have a stance on at all. Gun control and abortion. As for gun control, I agree with the necessity of guns 100% in theory, and 0% in practice. The intent of the second amendment was always to protect the people from government, but considering US government's technology nowadays, what the fuck are you gonna accomplish with a civilian militia equipped with some AR-15s? Next to nothing. As for abortion, the issue always didn't strike a chord in me either way, I never could bring myself to take a stance.

In any case I try not to take politics too seriously anymore. To me it is nothing more than entertainment for the masses. Yes, in terms of your own interests it might affect you a bit here and a bit there, but from a bigger perspective many things are bound to remain the same whether a person with a (R) or (D) next to their name sits in the white house. But nowadays especially on social media more and more of my friends take an interest in politics (mostly devoted Sanders supporters, e.g. a #feelthebern facebook comment instantly gets 300 likes), and while I can't disagree more with a lot of their viewpoints, I can't help but deeply admire their optimism (a good antidote for cynicism!). A progressive type of optimism, perhaps, a view that something can be done to change the status quo, for better or for worse.

/end rant
baseballlover312, 06-03-14 : "Nuke Moscow...Don't worry Russia, we've got plenty of love to go around your cities"
Sarah Palin, 08-03-14 (CPAC, on Russian aggression) : "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a nuke is a good guy with a nuke"


Big thanks to jdog for making this AMAZING userbar!
jseadog1 wrote:

Because I don't think they should illegally be allowed here.. Like the Muslims we are "saving" from ISIS by bringing them to the USA just to they can do damage here because someone somewhere is sneaking in with them. Mexicans come over and take cheap jobs that somebody (teen, homeless) would gladly take.

The only thing I said I could support in the past is the idea of forcing them into the USA military upon arrival for awhile, but something would go wrong somewhere.

I posted this last night, but the broadband went down and it was lost in the ether. Oh well...
First of all, I'll bring you down gently- Mexico aren't gonna pay for that wall.
Second of all, Trump can't stand there saying he'll make America great again yet refuse some of the people who think it is great.
Third of all. some people(not necessarily you) seem to think deporting illegal immigrants is as simple as loading them on a boat and asking them to row home. The legal complications are huge. As for Muslims, only a tiny percentage are extremists yet they are the only ones, especially in America, who make the news. This is all thanks to the crazy rhetoric whipped up by Blair and Bush to justify an Iraq War which was so disastrous that it ultimately caused ISIS in the first place. Then there's Trump- his soundbites and his policy would be completely different.
Just stay rooting for Hilary.
Disclaimer- Most of my posts are me thinking aloud. And most of what I think is rubbish.
Winner of a FIFA Prediction Fair Play Award (a phrase becoming increasingly ironic)
"... Because he (me) has a sound tactical mind in general..." jandal7, at 9:30 am GMT on 12th May 2016
jseadog1 wrote:

Because I don't think they should illegally be allowed here.. Like the Muslims we are "saving" from ISIS by bringing them to the USA just to they can do damage here because someone somewhere is sneaking in with them. Mexicans come over and take cheap jobs that somebody (teen, homeless) would gladly take.

jph27 wrote:
jseadog1 wrote:

Because I don't think they should illegally be allowed here.. Like the Muslims we are "saving" from ISIS by bringing them to the USA just to they can do damage here because someone somewhere is sneaking in with them. Mexicans come over and take cheap jobs that somebody (teen, homeless) would gladly take.


It's not that easy. Normally, I don't have contacts or money either. The only advantage I would have is the language, but I would probably like more money than the foreigner. In Germany, you have to get paid 8,50€/h. For that reason, foreigners can't really steal your job. But I bet, that there will soon be a law to pay less, so that immigrants can work for like 3€/h or even less, like before.
Paul23 wrote:

It's not that easy. Normally, I don't have contacts or money either. The only advantage I would have is the language, but I would probably like more money than the foreigner. In Germany, you have to get paid 8,50€/h. For that reason, foreigners can't really steal your job. But I bet, that there will soon be a law to pay less, so that immigrants can work for like 3€/h or even less, like before.

Yeah that's never going to happen - it's clear discrimination, which means no western government would enact such a policy and as Germany is in the EU, it definitely couldn't. And regardless, the issue is not that immigrants are prepared to be paid less, it's that the state is failing to prevent this from happening. If they can survive on the minimum wage for the job, why can't native citizens who have entrenched benefits alongside that?
jph27 wrote:
Paul23 wrote:

It's not that easy. Normally, I don't have contacts or money either. The only advantage I would have is the language, but I would probably like more money than the foreigner. In Germany, you have to get paid 8,50€/h. For that reason, foreigners can't really steal your job. But I bet, that there will soon be a law to pay less, so that immigrants can work for like 3€/h or even less, like before.

Yeah that's never going to happen - it's clear discrimination, which means no western government would enact such a policy and as Germany is in the EU, it definitely couldn't. And regardless, the issue is not that immigrants are prepared to be paid less, it's that the state is failing to prevent this from happening. If they can survive on the minimum wage for the job, why can't native citizens who have entrenched benefits alongside that?

First off, it already happened in the past, so it wouldn't be a first time, 2nd off, they can survive with that wage, because they mostly do several jobs, working "black"(without taxes, illegally).
Avin Wargunnson
nobeer wrote:
Building a wall and deporting all illegals...yeah, that's something the native americans should have done a long time ago!

Post of the year. :lol:
I'll be back
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