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[CT] Euskotren - Pays Basque
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Posted on 15-02-2025 06:54
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Joined: 23.11.09

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Team Identity

Name :Euskotren - Pays Basque
Seat:Donostia, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoa



Communauté d'agglomération du Pays Basque


Région Nouvelle Aquitaine



“...the secret of the Great Stories is that they have no secrets. The Great Stories are the ones you have heard and want to hear again. The ones you can enter anywhere and inhabit comfortably."
A. Roy

History and palmares

Hall of Fame

Luca WackermannZuri Metzgete2022First classic win
Oscar GueraoUSA Pro Cycling Challenge2022First stage win
Cristian RodriguezVuelta al Pais Vasco2022First best climber jersey won
Mikel IturriaTour of the Middle East2023First GC podium
Oscar GueraoUSA Pro Cycling Challenge2022First yellow jersey wearer

Riders over 100 points

Mikel Iturria2022-2023479
Luca Wackermann2022-20233186
Victor Lafay2023131
Oscar Guerao2022-2023125
Quentin Pacher2022-2023102


Zuri Metzgete2022 Luca WackermannWinner
USA Pro Cycling Challenge2022Oscar Guerao1st stage Winner
Vuelta a Pais Vasco2022 Cristian RodriguezKoM Jersey Winner
Gisborne GP2023 Quentin PacherWinner
Coppa Placi2023 Victor LafayWinner
Uppsala Classic2023 Steven Manuel PolancoWinner
Zuri Metzgete2023 Luca WackermannWinner
Tour of the Middle East2023 Mikel Iturria4th stage Winner

2023 – Bordeaux Métropole - Euskotren – CT – 11th



Bordeaux Métropole
Le Coq Sportif


Mikel Iturria7177737277747663606169667331120 000
Victor Lafay6675776372727262637478676127100 000
Remy Rochas677774617070736061737266622775 000
Quentin Pacher707175617374695870737267633150 000
Luca Wackermann746874537474735674727064513170 000
Fabien Doubey717475597272715567706360593050 000
Cristian Rodriguez707076677670705565717574672860 000
Gennadiy Tatarinov697574637171685765737663633250 000
Domenic Weinstein717070757270766768706569762955 000
Bruno Armirail727173727375736061657468712965 000
Clement Berthet647372586872646062727175582490 000
Oscar Guerao705361536558756479706774533565 000
Javier Serrano656468647174676960686971622275 000
Antoine Huby686367626470686665726564662210 000
Mathis Le Berre676468656869666666666866622260 000
Hugues Mottin655457756168605050506267753555 000
Mikel Agirrebeitia666763696668626055655972652250 000
Oier Lazkano6466725966696660647174615924 50 000
Alexis Renard7361686667746666686869666824 50 000
Einer Augusto Rubio667572647573736060717164642550 000
Oier Lazkano6466725966696660647174615924 50 000
Steven Manuel Polanco6066686868677675
Lukas Talacka5774717368677363

2022 – Bordeaux Métropole - Euskotren – CT – 15th



Bordeaux Métropole
Le Coq Sportif


Bruno Armirail7271737273757360616574687172,3628 70 000
Clement Berthet6471705868716360627069755870,3823 100 000
Fabien Doubey7174755972727155677063605973,8929 50 000
Hugues Mottin6756597764716452505264697771,1434 50 000
Quentin Pacher7071756173746958707372676374,3430 50 000
Alexis Renard7160676566736565676767656768,7623 50 000
Remy Rochas6777746170707360617372666274,5926 80 000
Marc Sarreau7558656074767572767663646773,7229 85 000
Jon Aberasturi7358635971697456787659567473,633 50 000
Mikel Bizkarra6475716270707054647170666172,6633 -
Jon Ander Insausti7053646676736477576666706672,5730 50 000
Mikel Iturria7177737277747663606169667375,1230 140 000
Oier Lazkano6464695964676360646871615968,1223 50 000
Oscar Guerao7255635568617866817369765574,4134 50 000
David Martin6459665864656758666861615866,6122 15 000
Sergio Martin6770726172727158687269666172,1726 50 000
Cristian Rodriguez7070766776707055657175746773,7727 55 000
Jordi Simon6776665371766950586567615372,1132 50 000
Mattia Petrucci6266665766646058616662635766,1122 10 000
Dario Puccioni6574666174707451536459636371,0326 -
Luca Wackermann7468745374747356747270645174,3230 65 000
Nils Brun6664685969676659626765615867,6722 50 000

Edited by Imladrik on 22-08-2024 17:57

“...the secret of the Great Stories is that they have no secrets. The Great Stories are the ones you have heard and want to hear again. The ones you can enter anywhere and inhabit comfortably."
A. Roy

2024 Squad

Coming soon...

“...the secret of the Great Stories is that they have no secrets. The Great Stories are the ones you have heard and want to hear again. The ones you can enter anywhere and inhabit comfortably."
A. Roy

2024 Renewals

Rubio Einer Augusto50 000105 00055 000
Iturria Mikel120 000150 00030 000
Lafay Victor100 000120 00020 000
Rochas Remy75 00075 000
Pacher Quentin50 00090 00040 000
Wackermann Luca70 00090 00020 000
Doubey Fabien50 00060 00010 000
Rodriguez Cristian50 00050 000
Berthet Clement90 00075 000-25 000
Weinstein Domenic55 00055 000
Lazkano Oier50 00050 000
Armirail Bruno65 00055 000-10 000
Renard Alexis50 00050 000
Serrano Javier75 00060 000-15 000
Le Berre Mathis60 00050 000-10 000
Agirrebeitia Mikel50 00050 000
Huby Antoine10 00050 00040 000
Tatarinov Gennadiy50 000Released-50 000
Talacka Lukas0Released
Guerao Oscar65 000Released-65 000
Polanco Steven Manuel0Released
Mottin Hugues55 000Released-55 000
Total1 205 0001 235 00030 000

The team bids farewell to two riders who, despite our short history, already are legends : Oscar Guerao and Hugues Mottin. Both were key riders in our inaugural season. Though last season was more complicated, they still showed their implication by doing domestique work and teaching the youngsters. Oscar was also deeply involved in Cristian Rodriguez' win of the 2022 Spanish NC.

We also thank Gennadiy Tatarinov, Lukas Talacka and Steven Manuel Polanco for their year with us. The two formers did important work in the mountains and the TTT respectively, while the latter showed his talent by winning a classic and both the Dominican NC. Only the wage cap blocked us to offer him a full contract, but we hope he'll be able to continue his developpement.

We also enter transferts with a renewal fine. Something new for us, we'll have to manage.

“...the secret of the Great Stories is that they have no secrets. The Great Stories are the ones you have heard and want to hear again. The ones you can enter anywhere and inhabit comfortably."
A. Roy
It's rather surprising to see you already over the cap limit pre-transfers, but on the other hand no rider seems to be massively overpaid. So some work to be done in transfers, but if you want to loan someone out to PCT keep in mind there won't be any problems with acclimatization or language in my team Wink
Best of luck in transfers and we hopefully be in the same division again in 2025 (and I don't mean CT).

PS: I'm looking forward to some background information regarding your sponsor change and slight shift in focus. Don't leave me alone in France (though that probably would make transfers easier)!

Being over the cap pre transfers is always rough for a CT team, you will have your work cut out for you, best of luck!

Pre-transfers roster and availabilty

Einer Augusto Rubio6777746476747560607373656475,324.10026 105 000**
Mikel Iturria7177737277747663606169667375,124.10032 150 000*
Victor Lafay6675776372727262637478676175,054.10028 120 000
Remy Rochas6777746170707360617372666274,594.10028 75 000**
Quentin Pacher7071756173746958707372676374,344.10032 90 000*
Luca Wackermann7468745374747356747270645174,324.10032 90 000*
Fabien Doubey7174755972727155677063605973,894.10031 60 000**
Cristian Rodriguez7070766776707055657175746773,774.10029 50 000**
Clement Berthet6575746070746660627372756073,664.725 75 000PT Loan
Domenic Weinstein7170707572707667687065697672,664.10030 55 000*
Oier Lazkano6569756067706860647377626072,654.1625 50 000PT Loan
Bruno Armirail7271737273757360616574687172,364.10030 55 000*
Alexis Renard7561696669756868707069676871,364.4825 50 000PT Loan
Javier Serrano6764706473756872606870716270,63.423 60 000Loan
Mathis Le Berre6964706570706769666669666269,93.423 50 000Loan
Mikel Agirrebeitia6671647167706560556660736769,173.623 50 000Loan
Antoine Huby6863676264706866657265646668,921.5023 50 000

We'll be looking to sell either Rodriguez or Doubey, who both have been helpful for our huphill teams, and have had some personnal success.
One of Rubio or Rochas will probably leave too.
For others, the door could open too, depending on how the transferts go. The best chance of us selling one one dot rider is between Wackermann and Pacher.


kandesbunzler26 wrote:

It's rather surprising to see you already over the cap limit pre-transfers, but on the other hand no rider seems to be massively overpaid. So some work to be done in transfers, but if you want to loan someone out to PCT keep in mind there won't be any problems with acclimatization or language in my team Wink
Best of luck in transfers and we hopefully be in the same division again in 2025 (and I don't mean CT).

PS: I'm looking forward to some background information regarding your sponsor change and slight shift in focus. Don't leave me alone in France (though that probably would make transfers easier)!

You'll not be alone in France, as the sponsors show. But yeah, I'll add some background and all, I hope to find some time before transferts begin.
The over the cap isn't good indeed, and maybe some riders could have been released and got back in FA. But for now I'm still to sentimental I think. Also with reasonable wages, some of them could be decent assets in transferts. But yeah, I'll have to manage my things tightly. Also two generations of talents begin to be a strain.

whitejersey wrote:

Being over the cap pre transfers is always rough for a CT team, you will have your work cut out for you, best of luck!

You're right! I'm still learning by many means.
Thank you!

“...the secret of the Great Stories is that they have no secrets. The Great Stories are the ones you have heard and want to hear again. The ones you can enter anywhere and inhabit comfortably."
A. Roy
whitejersey wrote:

Being over the cap pre transfers is always rough for a CT team, you will have your work cut out for you, best of luck!

Dont think that should be an issue in this case since its only 35k over the cap while having two riders "too many". So the over the cap situation is pretty easy to solve, it just remains the question whether you can find room to improve somewhere
A Big Thank You To All MG Reporters!

Hmm, maybe one of the available riders could be interesting to try out as a breakaway rider in a GT... But it's more likely that we'll be in talks for a potential PT Loan, given that France is still one of our secondary focus nations Wink

Good luck for transfers, and as knockout said, that small fine really shouldn't be much of an issue. I've had worse Pfft
Good luck with the upcoming transfers, and looking forward to matching up with you in the upcoming CT season Smile

It looks like you've got some decent French/Spanish talents going for loans this year, clearly a development story and I like the long-term approach. I'm curious to see what sort of price you'll be able to raise for Rodriguez or Doubey, both have some useful characteristics and I think it'll be interesting to see what the market looks like for either. Good luck!
A very clear focus in this team, which is always nice to see. The renewals fine is a small nuisance, but given the number of riders looking to make their way out on loan I can't imagine it being anything more than a minor speedbump.
Manager of
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/trg.png Tryg - ENI pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/trg.png
As knockout says there are still paths forward even if it will take some wheeling and dealing. The depth in the mountains and hills are unquestioned already and within the departments a lot of sub-specialisations - pure climbers, stage racers, MO/HI guys, puncheurs, Wackermann... maybe a couple of redundancies that could be optimised, but will have to wait and see what you do Grin As others have said, commendable regional focus going on too.
24/02/21 - kandesbunzler said “I don't drink famous people."
15/08/22 - SotD said "Your [jandal's] humour is overrated"
11/06/24 - knockout said "Winning is fine I guess. Truth be told this felt completely unimportant."

[ICL] Santos-Euskadi | [PT] i.imgur.com/c85NSl6.png Xero Racing

5x i.imgur.com/wM6Wok5.png x5
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For a team that finished only 11th in CT it's certainly not ideal to start with a renewal fine, although as said it is quite small. There definitely need to be some changes to kick on and challenge for the promotion spots.


"I am a cyclist, I may not be the best, but that is what I strive to be. I may never get there, but I will never quit trying." - Tadej Pogačar
Probably would wish some of the domestiques were slightly cheaper, but sometimes they just demand you pay up. I expect some sales, should be an interesting window.
RIP Exxon Duke, David Veilleux, Double Feature, and Monster Energy
Really surprised at some of these wages. Am sure morale on the team is very high with the strong wages, but definitely know it'll cause a challenge or two this offseason.

not sure what way you're way going to go, but some great options for improvement and a run at promotion if you plan things well and can sell a major fixture.
MG Manager - SEE Turtles

Riders Developpement

A bunch of youngster made their progression this year. Let's see what it looks like, as well as our plans for the future.

Einer Augusto RubioXP: 4.100Age: 26

Oier LazkanoXP: 4.16Age: 25

Alexis RenardXP: 4.48Age: 25

Clement BerthetXP: 4.07Age: 25

Javier SerranoXP: 3.04Age: 23

Mikel AgirrebeitiaXP: 3.06Age: 23

Mathis Le BerreXP: 3.04Age: 23


knockout wrote:

whitejersey wrote:

Being over the cap pre transfers is always rough for a CT team, you will have your work cut out for you, best of luck!

Dont think that should be an issue in this case since its only 35k over the cap while having two riders "too many". So the over the cap situation is pretty easy to solve, it just remains the question whether you can find room to improve somewhere

That's indeed the question, and I hope I'll be able to answer it sooner than later.

Fabianski wrote:

Hmm, maybe one of the available riders could be interesting to try out as a breakaway rider in a GT... But it's more likely that we'll be in talks for a potential PT Loan, given that France is still one of our secondary focus nations Wink

Good luck for transfers, and as knockout said, that small fine really shouldn't be much of an issue. I've had worse Pfft

Happy to talk with you for either of those plans Smile
The fine isn't too hard indeed, but I'll have to cut space to solve the holes in my team as it is.

Booker wrote:

Good luck with the upcoming transfers, and looking forward to matching up with you in the upcoming CT season Smile

It looks like you've got some decent French/Spanish talents going for loans this year, clearly a development story and I like the long-term approach. I'm curious to see what sort of price you'll be able to raise for Rodriguez or Doubey, both have some useful characteristics and I think it'll be interesting to see what the market looks like for either. Good luck!

Thank you! I'm indeed looking forward to coming back to competition, but I'll have to survive transfers beforehand Grin
Developement and taking my time was indeed the plan when beginning the game. And if it doesn't work, well, it's only a game full of nice people.

liefwarrior wrote:

A very clear focus in this team, which is always nice to see. The renewals fine is a small nuisance, but given the number of riders looking to make their way out on loan I can't imagine it being anything more than a minor speedbump.

jandal7 wrote:

As knockout says there are still paths forward even if it will take some wheeling and dealing. The depth in the mountains and hills are unquestioned already and within the departments a lot of sub-specialisations - pure climbers, stage racers, MO/HI guys, puncheurs, Wackermann... maybe a couple of redundancies that could be optimised, but will have to wait and see what you do Grin As others have said, commendable regional focus going on too.

I'm pretty proud to manage to keep the focus, even though it's far from what others here have made. And it makes transfers and competition well less stressful Grin
Also I'm well to attached to virtual riders. Always have, in any management game.

redordead wrote:

For a team that finished only 11th in CT it's certainly not ideal to start with a renewal fine, although as said it is quite small. There definitely need to be some changes to kick on and challenge for the promotion spots.

I still have a lot to learn, mainly to be patient and take time to do the work for the game.
But yeah, the idea is to learn again what sprints and cobbles are.

baseballlover312 wrote:

Probably would wish some of the domestiques were slightly cheaper, but sometimes they just demand you pay up. I expect some sales, should be an interesting window.

Yeah. But they won races, and that counts, I suppose. And then I thought they were better to be sold than released. We'll see.

seancoll wrote:

Really surprised at some of these wages. Am sure morale on the team is very high with the strong wages, but definitely know it'll cause a challenge or two this offseason.

not sure what way you're way going to go, but some great options for improvement and a run at promotion if you plan things well and can sell a major fixture.

I guess that the team's spirit to pay the riders what they deserve has its costs!
Planning will probably be the other major thing to do better. I still have to work my way around C1/HC races.

Thank you and good luck everyone. We've also completed the history page.

“...the secret of the Great Stories is that they have no secrets. The Great Stories are the ones you have heard and want to hear again. The ones you can enter anywhere and inhabit comfortably."
A. Roy
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