I'm talking about the value_i_sponsor_future table in DYN_Team.
I want to know if anyone knows how this table will react on your team.
My guess would be that it's some kind of next year budget, which the sponsor will give your team, and this affects the team's maximum payment for rider fees for the next year. I don't know if this is true, but it's a logically guess i think.
If my guess is right, does anybody know how the values react on this?
Logically a higher value would provide a higher budget, but when looking at some of the other team's values, I'm getting confused...
Tell me if I'm wrong or right, if you know anything about this.
Your help will be appreciated
Quite embarasing, but I think I just have sortened out the problem by myself...
I tried to set the values of my sponsors in the table low, and when i started the game and tried to sign a rider, a line said that the allowed wage bill for my riders was now way higher than before (the green circle)
The bad side of this, was just that the line saying: "Maximum authorised wage bill", still was the same... (the red circle)
I've found out that the future value is the allocated sponsor pay for my riders, in the next year. But even though this is now way higher than before, it still don't react on the actual budget, since i can't sign anymore riders because of the authorised maximum wage bill.
Are there any pro's who can figure out a way to trick the database to highen this value?
Isn't that max authorised wage bill only for that rider? (Gilbert in this case). Otherwise your team would already be over it.
So maybe the problem is that the max salary for this rider imposed by your sponsors is 0/month?
No sadly it isn't just for this rider. As soon as i've exceeded the maximum wage bill, the salery the sponsors are willing to give, automatically will be 0...
Lachi wrote:
As far as I know it contains two different informations, the length of the contract and the amount of the contract. I found out how to raise the budget for the next year if the sponsor stays in the team. But I don't know how to divide the number which can be found in that column into the two informations.