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PCM.Daily BBS4 - Over!
SSJ2luigi~5th Place004
Marcovdw~6th Place043
trekbmc~8th Place014
Aquarius97~2nd Place101
Jakstar22~9th Place001
Selwink~3rd Place323
weirdskyfan64~4th Place102
matt17br~10th Place001
Luxemburger~7th Place000
baseballlover312~11th Place001


Welcome to another season of Big Brother!

Season 1brewers90JesleyhDippofix
Season 2knockoutJesleyhbrewers90
Season 3Marcovdwtrekbmcjandal7

Hello, I will be your host again, jseadog1! Season 4 will be kicking underway very shortly!

Houseguests will compete against each other in numerous challenges and try to avoid elimination to become Big Brother champion!

Breakdown of the Game

The theme of the game this year is as follows:

The competitors will be split into 2 different teams when the game begins based on a random draw. You will then compete with your teammates for the beginning portion of the game in order to avoid elimination.

At the beginning of each round the 2 teams will compete in a game to control the house. The winning team will select 2 competitors from the other team to be placed for eviction. Winning teams will have to come to an agreement on 2 people from the losing team.

The losing team will then take part in a battle against each other called "Turn the Tides". The winner of this contest will be able to save someone from their team and nominate someone else from their team if they so desire. If the winning person is also on the block and they save themselves, the winning team will choose the replacement.

The losing team will then take a vote to eliminate one of the nominees. The winning team does not take part in the voting process. This will continue until the teams are merged into 1 big group. In the event of a tie, the winning group will decide who gets voted out.

Once we are one big house, all members in the game will compete for the prize of HoH. Along with immunity for that week, the HoH will nominate 2 of their fellow house-guests for eviction via PM to me.

The 2 nominated house-guests, the HoH, and 3 other random players will compete for the PoV, which allows you to take somebody off of the block. The HoH is then required to nominate someone else. The winner of the PoV is immune for being put on the block.

Every house-guest excluding the nominees and HoH will vote to remove someone from the contest. The person with the most votes will be eliminated from the game. In the event of a tie, the HoH will eliminate someone.

If you go 2 HoH contests without participating, you will be eliminated from the game, no questions asked.

As every year, there will be 1 random eviction where nobody is eliminated from the game.

Feel free to track the game without playing, I just ask that you do not try to influence the outcome of the game.

The application period is now open! There are no set number of spots open in the game so feel free to apply and express interest by posting in the thread. The game will start in roughly 7-10 days.

1. Can you commit to playing the game for as long as you are in?
2. What do you know about Big Brother?


Final Notes:

1. Feel free to play if you have played in previous seasons.

2. Feel free to post questions below.

3. Please read some of the prior seasons to gain some knowledge.


1. SSJ2luigi
2. Marcovdw
3. trekbmc
4. jandal7
5. Aquarius97
6. matt17br
7. Jakstar22
8. Selwink
9. weirdskyfan64
10. Luxemburger
11. baseballlover312
Edited by jseadog1 on 10-10-2017 13:23


PCM.Daily Survivor Season 2 Fan Favorite Winner

PCM.Daily NFL Fantasy Football Champion: 2012
PCM.Daily NHL Prediction Game Champion: 2013
PCM.Daily NFL Prediction Game Champion: 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2021
1. I can only try
2. I've learned that I have an ability to get zero votes to keep me in the game in elimination rounds
1. Of course
2. I won last year, which means I'm a total noob
Manager of Minions
1. I say there's a risk that I'll get distracted but I know that this will be the thing distracting me, so yes, I'll be active the whole way through.
2. You are evil for playing with alliances and strategy is bad.

I'm back from another try although I'm sure I don't stand a chance. Pfft

"What done is, is one." - Benji Naesen
1/2. Enough Pfft
24/02/21 - kandesbunzler said “I don't drink famous people."
15/08/22 - SotD said "Your [jandal's] humour is overrated"
11/06/24 - knockout said "Winning is fine I guess. Truth be told this felt completely unimportant."

[ICL] Santos-Euskadi | [PT] i.imgur.com/c85NSl6.png Xero Racing

5x i.imgur.com/wM6Wok5.png x5
2x pcmdaily.com/images/mg/Awards2021/funniest21.png x2
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Posted on 02-01-2025 15:42
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Got you 4 confirmed for the game Smile


PCM.Daily Survivor Season 2 Fan Favorite Winner

PCM.Daily NFL Fantasy Football Champion: 2012
PCM.Daily NHL Prediction Game Champion: 2013
PCM.Daily NFL Prediction Game Champion: 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2021
1. Yes. By next week i'll have finished all my exams, so i have enough free time

2. Talking about this game: Recently, i read season 3 of the game, so if rules haven't change a lot (apart from the teams thing) I shouldn't have any problems to play normally

Talking about the TV show: I can't understand how this show is one of the most viewed shows in my country. They just bring 15-20 idiots into a house to do idiotic things
Manager of [MG] Repsol - Netflix

1. Idk depends how long this drags on and if I'm in holiday during that time, but in that case I might as well get eliminated automatically.

2. You can't win without an alliance. If you make a 2 people ally you'll eventually get swindled without knowing.
(Former) Manager of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/gen.png Generali pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/gen.png
If you make a 2 people ally you'll eventually get swindled without knowing.

I'm eternally sorry Matt Sad
24/02/21 - kandesbunzler said “I don't drink famous people."
15/08/22 - SotD said "Your [jandal's] humour is overrated"
11/06/24 - knockout said "Winning is fine I guess. Truth be told this felt completely unimportant."

[ICL] Santos-Euskadi | [PT] i.imgur.com/c85NSl6.png Xero Racing

5x i.imgur.com/wM6Wok5.png x5
2x pcmdaily.com/images/mg/Awards2021/funniest21.png x2
2x i.imgur.com/TUidkLG.png x2
1 - At this moment yes! And most likely yes in the future (as long as this isn't anything like Ian's stories then there is no way in hell I will be able to stay up to date the whole :lolSmile

2 - Honestly...Not a lot but how hard can it be right....Nah I know a little but I have never really watched it. I followed the previous seasons on this site from afar but thats it...
1. Can you commit to playing the game for as long as you are in?

My new job will sometimes cause me to be unavailable for parts of a day, but hopefully I'll have some time every day, and most days I don't have anything planned at all, so I think I can commit quite well.

2. What do you know about Big Brother?

I participated in season 1 and read bits of season 2 and 3.
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/npn.png[PCT] Novatek-Panarmenian.net
[ICL] Sugoi-Xanterra & Canada Dry Dev Team
Stages (Requests closed)


'But why were [...] they helped to get to space? To find answers, we must look at predictions not of science, but of science-fiction.'
Ancient Aliens
8 confirmed players far! I would like to get 12 at least but we definitely need at least 10 to play. I am sure we will get a few more over the next few days Smile


PCM.Daily Survivor Season 2 Fan Favorite Winner

PCM.Daily NFL Fantasy Football Champion: 2012
PCM.Daily NHL Prediction Game Champion: 2013
PCM.Daily NFL Prediction Game Champion: 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2021
1. I'm on holiday during the back end of July and middle of August, and actually have friends this time, but I'm sure I can put time aside.
2. John De Mol invented it. I played last year, and my alliance managed to sweep me to the final five despite the fact that I was pretty rubbish. I was then stabbed in the back while I looked the other way, akin to when small children have conversations with their parents on the touchline in junior football matches while the opposition nick in and score.
Disclaimer- Most of my posts are me thinking aloud. And most of what I think is rubbish.
Winner of a FIFA Prediction Fair Play Award (a phrase becoming increasingly ironic)
"... Because he (me) has a sound tactical mind in general..." jandal7, at 9:30 am GMT on 12th May 2016
Cool! That makes 9 so far, still hoping for a few more! Smile


PCM.Daily Survivor Season 2 Fan Favorite Winner

PCM.Daily NFL Fantasy Football Champion: 2012
PCM.Daily NHL Prediction Game Champion: 2013
PCM.Daily NFL Prediction Game Champion: 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2021
Can you commit to playing the game for as long as you are in?

My summer holidays start in 2 weeks, which doesn't guarantee plenty of time, but for this it still should be enough.

2. What do you know about Big Brother?

Self crowned fan favorite of last season. Also being the best player without an alliance.
Kirchen's second account according to Spilak23, 21-07-2016 17:16
1. I'm off of school now for the summer. I have college orientation next Monday and Tuesday, but besides that I should basically be able to play for the whole summer, as my job doesn't have homework. Pfft
2. I've played before, albeit I was trashed in like the first round, so I still can't say I have much experience.
RIP Exxon Duke, David Veilleux, Double Feature, and Monster Energy
Got you 2 signed up. That bumps the number up to 11! We just need 1 more person to sign up before we can officially begin plans to start. Big Brother in real life starts in the USA this Wednesday, so I lined that up perfectly Pfft


PCM.Daily Survivor Season 2 Fan Favorite Winner

PCM.Daily NFL Fantasy Football Champion: 2012
PCM.Daily NHL Prediction Game Champion: 2013
PCM.Daily NFL Prediction Game Champion: 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2021
Second call for any newcomers to the game! Last call will be in a day or two before submissions close and the game gets underway!



PCM.Daily Survivor Season 2 Fan Favorite Winner

PCM.Daily NFL Fantasy Football Champion: 2012
PCM.Daily NHL Prediction Game Champion: 2013
PCM.Daily NFL Prediction Game Champion: 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2021
Final call. If any new players wish to apply please do so within the next 24 hours.

Thank you!


PCM.Daily Survivor Season 2 Fan Favorite Winner

PCM.Daily NFL Fantasy Football Champion: 2012
PCM.Daily NHL Prediction Game Champion: 2013
PCM.Daily NFL Prediction Game Champion: 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2021
The Start


It is time to kick off another season of Big Brother! It seems as though we have an odd number of players, so lets kick things off with a little individual challenge. Whoever wins this challenge will be the lone wolf for the start of the game. You will not join a team, but you will be safe from elimination for round 1. You will then join the team that loses and votes someone off, leaving us at 5 vs. 5!

The Classic Challenge
I'm With Stupid

I'm With Stupid is how we have classically began every season, and it is a good way to get things started although just about all of you have already played anyway. The winner will be safe from elimination and will get to watch the action in Round 1 while staying safe!

How to play: Answer the following 7 questions according to what you think is the most popular, or "best" answer. For all of you that were thinking of going for a 7 pointer, I would not advise that, as last place will incur a penalty!

Please submit your answers via PM to me by Sunday, July 2nd at 2pm EST.

1. Name a PCM.Daily member who has never won a yearly award.

2. Name any sport.

3. Who is the biggest underdog in this years TDF?

4. Name any college major.

5. What do you dip french fries in BESIDES KETCHUP?

6. Name a TV manufacturer.

7. Besides yourself, who do you think has the best chance to win BBS4.* *YOU MUST NAME A PLAYER PARTICIPATING IN THE GAME

Copy and paste the questions and answer them in a PM to me by July 2nd as stated above!


PCM.Daily Survivor Season 2 Fan Favorite Winner

PCM.Daily NFL Fantasy Football Champion: 2012
PCM.Daily NHL Prediction Game Champion: 2013
PCM.Daily NFL Prediction Game Champion: 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2021
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