... and now I'm a jerk ... - SSJ2Luigi
It's Almost Il Giro
And this brings new joys to the forum in anticipation of the seasons first grand tour. We've just had what can be classed as the big warm-up race, Romandie. Somehow no-one thought to make a thread for it, so catch up on the action and discussion in the Other Races 2016 thread. For more specific pre-Giro stuff go to the Preview/Hype Thread, where our members bring regular chat and updates ahead of the big start.
Fancy playing the 2016 Giro in PCM? Well you can! As usual the whole PCM community came together to produce the route. You can download it right here on Daily, just click right here on this text. You know you want it!
Playing the AI not good enough? Test your knowledge in te Velogames Fantasy Giro against real Daily members. Just head over to Velogames, sign-up and join uor mini-league. You'll need the code: 01141151.
Game Night
Bored waiting for the Man-Game? Then why not try:
Big Brother is down to just 5 Housemates! The winner will shortly be known and the Alliances broken even shortlier than that. Prepare for slaging matches, and maybe even some fistfights. Then we'll have a truly worthy winner, or Jesleyh again somehow.
The ICL is rapidly closing in on the Worlds at Richmond, USA. Plus Scouting is slowly wrapping up. Keep an eye out for your chance to join which can't be too far off now. It's a fantastic game, perfect for passing the time if you like the MG.
Thread of the Week
You've been waiting for this thread to be mentioned. It's by far and away the clear victor of the last week. As British Cycling imploded we all talked and argued and laughed. Yep, thread of the week is News in April! Of course it was, with chats on Sutton, Yates, Kennaugh, Sexism, Womens Cycling and actual other news if you looked really hard. Plus Avin providing possibly the comment of the year! |