I mean when the peloton catches the breakaway, the peloton slows down completely, Remember it happened a few times before usually in Tour of Qatar, now it seems to happen in every tour, are there any fix for it ?(Thanks Anyway)
Yes. This is due to the peleton merely wishing to overtake the breakaway because a) it contains a dangerous rider, or b) they don't want a chase later. To fix this, have your own rider(s)(1 or 2) relay at 25-40% effort. The other riders may or may not join you in a slow relay train out front.
yeah i understand but would call it a bug coz its not realistic, i could win 9/10 times when that happen, not even Sky or Argos running a train up front, so was hoping there was a fix but thanks for the answer anyway !!
Yes. This is due to the peleton merely wishing to overtake the breakaway because a) it contains a dangerous rider, or b) they don't want a chase later. To fix this, have your own rider(s)(1 or 2) relay at 25-40% effort. The other riders may or may not join you in a slow relay train out front.
Not really. He says that this happens after the peloton catches the break, so this wouldn't make much sense.
As for the bug: it's a well known bug in PCM12, which was said to be fixed in some of the pathces, but there are still reports of it happening. Nothing that can be done.
lluuiiggii wrote:
Not really. He says that this happens after the peleton catches the break, so this wouldn't make much sense.
I meant the recession of riders, how they stop relaying after catching the break.
Oh, that's true. But I think Aleakez, as cio said, is talking about the last kilometers of the stage, since he says that not even Sky or Argos would make a train at the front.. making a train is at the finish of the stage