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[CT] Banco de Bogotá
Banco de Bogotá
Special thanks to hillis91 for creating this shirt

Banco de Bogotá is the first commercial bank established in Colombia. Founded in 1870, Banco de Bogotá is the oldest commercial banking institution in Colombia, and operates through approximately 650 branches, five corporate service centers and a banking attention center in the country. It also owns bank subsidiaries in Panama and the Bahamas. In the United States, Banco de Bogotá operates two agencies, one in New York City, New York, and one in Miami, Florida.

Dominox has been chosen to be the brand new manager for this team. "Of course, I am aware of the seriousness of the situation. The management and sponsors have set really hard conditions, but I believe that our development will follow with our ideas and thoughts. And even if it won't be possible for us to gain a promotion, we will give the world the best possible cyclists coming from Colombia. The team will be relatively young, but there should be few experienced riders. They will share their knowledge with our young prospects."
Edited by dominox on 25-07-2018 19:47
Team 2018


Edited by dominox on 03-08-2018 21:21

Colombian VenteauxWin
Paris-ToursTop 5
Course de SolidarnoscTop 5
Windhoek ITTTop 10
Team StandingsTop 10


31.01Clasique Pico BasileC1
31.01Great Ocean Road ClassicC2HC


01.02 - 07.02Tour de LangkawiC2HC
10.02 - 12.02Ras TailteannC1
18.02 - 23.02Volta a CatalunyaC1
22.02Gisborne GPC2HC


05.03 - 09.03Circulo de JuarezC2
14.03 - 15.03Tour of East JavaC1
21.03 - 26.03Tour of TurkeyC2HC


01.04Nakhon Ratchasima TrophyC1
04.04 - 10.04Grand Prix du Midi LibreC2HC
18.04Betonexpressz GPC2
26.04Lincoln GPC2HC
28.04 - 30.04Corsica InternationalC1


04.05 - 05.05Windhoek ITTC2HC
12.05 - 14.05Tour du FasoC2HC
19.05 - 20.05Giro del TrentinoC2
23.05 - 28.05Olympia's TourC1


02.06 - 06.06La Tropicale Amissa BongoC2
13.06 - 17.06Tour de SlovenieC2HC
26.06Ronde van Het IJsselmeerC1
26.06 - 30.06Tour d'AndorraC2HC


11.07 - 14.07Bayern RundfahrtC1
16.07 - 20.07Tour of BulgariaC2
17.07Sakartvelo TrophyC2
23.07Vilnius GPC2HC


01.08 - 06.08Benelux ChallengeC2HC
20.08 - 21.08Grands Prix CyclistesC2HC


02.09 - 22.09Tour of AmericaC1
10.09 - 13.09Euskal BizkletaC2HC
24.09Hanko ClassicC2
24.09Colombian VenteauxC2HC


01.10Heistse PijlC2
06.10 - 09.10Course de SolidarnoscC2HC
06.10 - 10.10Herald Sun TourC2HC
18.10Zuri MetzgeteC2HC

Edited by dominox on 21-10-2018 11:05

Stages - Top 3

2ndBen KingStage 1Tour of TurkeyC2HC
3rdBen KingStage 5Tour of TurkeyC2HC
3rdWinner AnaconaStage 6Tour of TurkeyC2HC
1stLawson CraddockStage 1Grand Prix du Midi LibreC2HC
2ndH. R. Parra BustamenteStage 7Grand Prix du Midi LibreC2HC

General classifications

Vitor Rodrigues
Tour de LangkawiC2HC
Eduardo Sepulveda
Volta a CatalunyaC1
Vitor Rodrigues
Tour of East JavaC1
Heiner Rodrigo Parra Bustamente
Tour of East JavaC1
Winner Anacona
Tour of TurkeyC2HC
Eduardo Sepulveda
Grand Prix du Midi LibreC2HC

One day classics - Top 10


Team classificationVolta a CatalunyaC1
Team classificationGrand Prix du Midi LibreC2HC

Edited by dominox on 31-10-2018 21:03
There use to be a newsroom here, but it was not working properly...

Leaders calendar:

Our biggest name?


18.02 - 23.02Volta a CatalunyaC1
04.04 - 10.04Grand Prix du Midi LibreC2HC
13.06 - 17.06Tour de SlovenieC2HC
16.07 - 20.07Tour of BulgariaC2
23.07Vilnius GPC2HC
02.09 - 22.09Tour of AmericaC1
06.10 - 10.10Herald Sun TourC2HC

Our mountains hope!

Parra BustamenteHeiner Rodrigo69777467737477515171756566

List of races where all three will participate in:

31.01Clasique Pico BasileC1
14.03 - 15.03Tour of East JavaC1
28.04 - 30.04Corsica InternationalC1
19.05 - 20.05Giro del TrentinoC2
26.06 - 30.06Tour d'AndorraC2HC
24.09Colombian VenteauxC2HC

In different combinations:

01.02/07.02Tour de LangkawiC2HC(Rodrigues, Anacona)
18.02/23.02Volta a CatalunyaC1(Rodrigues, Parra Bustamente)
21.03/26.03Tour of TurkeyC2HC(Rodrigues, Anacona)
04.04/10.04Grand Prix du Midi LibreC2HC(Rodrigues, Parra Bustamente)
11.07/14.07Bayern RundfahrtC1(Rodrigues, Anacona)
16.07/20.07Tour of BulgariaC2(Parra Bustamente)
17.07Sakartvelo TrophyC2(Rodrigues, Anacona)
20.08/21.08Grands Prix CyclistesC2HC(Rodrigues, Anacona)
02.09/22.09Tour of AmericaC1(Parra Bustamente, Anacona)
18.10Zuri MetzgeteC2HC(Rodrigues, Anacona)

Do those sprinters deliver?

AngaritaMarvin Orlando72626265716575637877716365

All four sprinters will ride in those races below:

31.01Great Ocean Road ClassicC2HC
01.02 - 07.02Tour de LangkawiC2HC
10.02 - 12.02Ras TailteannC1
05.03 - 09.03Circulo de JuarezC2
01.04Nakhon Ratchasima TrophyC1
18.04Betonexpressz GPC2
12.05 - 14.05Tour du FasoC2HC
26.06Ronde van Het IJsselmeerC1
01.08 - 06.08Benelux ChallengeC2HC
24.09Hanko ClassicC2
01.10Heistse PijlC2

In different combinations:

18.02/23.02Volta a CatalunyaC1(Losch)
22.02Gisborne GPC2HC(Richeze)
18.03Geraardsbergen-BosbergC2HC(Losch, Richeze)
21.03/26.03Tour of TurkeyC2HC(King, Angarita, Richeze)
26.04Lincoln GPC2HC(Losch, Richeze)
23.05/28.05Olympia's TourC1(King, Angarita, Richeze)
02.06/06.06La Tropicale Amissa BongoC2(King, Angarita, Losch)
16.07/20.07Tour of BulgariaC2(Richeze)
23.07Vilnius GPC2HC(Richeze)
01.09Paris-ToursC2HC(King, Angarita, Losch)
10.09/13.09Euskal BizkletaC2HC(Angarita, Losch, Richeze)
06.10/10.10Herald Sun TourC2HC(King, Richeze)
06.10/09.10Course de SolidarnoscC2HC(Angarita, Losch)
18.10Zuri MetzgeteC2HC(Losch)

Edited by dominox on 29-10-2018 17:14
Newsroom #1

In the last few days we had a special press conference. President Alejandro Figueroa - who has been in this position since 1989 - said: "We are really looking forward creating a national cycling team. Cycling is one of the most popular sports in the world, and cyclists coming from Colombia have proved that they can ride and win with the best in this business. This is our first season in which we will mainly focus on convincing more sponsors to invest in this team. Banco de Bogotá is the only sponsor so far, and therefore all costs covering all aspects of running a cycling team are quite large. But we are not afraid of it. We can create a team, and we will do it."

There was some controversy about the official presentation of the team's jersey. Many people are saying that it doesn't look impressive, but rather poorly.

"We like minimalism. As we don't have any additional sponsors, the team's jersey looks just like that. The emerald color corresponds to this particular mineral. Colombia is the leading country when it comes to extracting emeralds, hence the decision of such a color. The white aspects are just a piece of art."

What are the specific goals for the team?

"We want to present ourselves more widely in Europe. The cycling team is a great move to do it. We are aware of how hard it will be to reach wider awareness of fans all over the world, but we want to stick to our nationalities and places where we have our branches. Brazil is our new export direction. That's why Brasil is our second nationality. However, we don't exclude employing cyclists not only from Colombia and Brazil, but also from the United States or Panama as we also have our branches in these countries."

Okay, now I'm done.
Edited by dominox on 19-06-2018 14:03
Ad Bot
Posted on 12-01-2025 19:19
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Great start! Still unhappy to hear about your secondary focus nation. Smile

Nice start dominox! Good luck with your team Grin
Manager of [MG] Repsol - Netflix

Good luck sir Smile
I'm very much looking forward to see you joining the fun! Awesome shirt!
Yellow Jersey
Good luck mate glad to see you join!
Really curious to see how this project shakes out, good luck dominox. Great start with a very catchy jersey
Welcome to the game! That's jersey looks great and you have an interesting plan, good luck.
Oh yes, dominox is in the building GrinGrinGrin Nice jersey, and can't wait to follow your team Grin
24/02/21 - kandesbunzler said “I don't drink famous people."
15/08/22 - SotD said "Your [jandal's] humour is overrated"
11/06/24 - knockout said "Winning is fine I guess. Truth be told this felt completely unimportant."

[ICL] Santos-Euskadi | [PT] i.imgur.com/c85NSl6.png Xero Racing

5x i.imgur.com/wM6Wok5.png x5
2x pcmdaily.com/images/mg/Awards2021/funniest21.png x2
2x i.imgur.com/TUidkLG.png x2
Nice to see you in the game. All the best! Cool jersey Smile
Wow, I didn't expect such of response, thanks all. I wish you all the best too Wink
Press Conference - Goals and First Free Agents

Couple of days ago Director Sportive and General Manager of Banco de Bogota made first important annountment before upcoming season in CT. Journalists from around the world witnessed an information about team goals for this season.

"We are very proud to announce our goals for upcoming season. We know how hard it was and you need to understand that. We made our decisions without having single rider in our team. We only had to look on route profiles and in which country those races are. Our calendar is still not done but we will say when it will be. Our most important races are of course those in Colombia and we will try to give our best there."

Main goals are:
Colombian VenteauxWin
Paris ToursTop 5
Course de SolidarnoscTop 5
Windhoek ITTTop 10
Team StandingsTop 10

Earlier today team announced first riders that will ride for Banco de Bogota in this season. All are shown in order of the time contract was signed. Those riders are:
ArredondoJulian David68737262717267516274776862

"We are very satisfied of our first riders. 1,2m€ for wages isn't that much if you think about that. First days of transfer season were very hot and it was really hard to find riders who were interested to be a part of this project. We are also really close to finish three very important deals with other teams so it's only the matter of time before you will know the names of another riders. All first 7 cyclists were free agents and decided to join us. We will give them the opportunities to show the world what they can do. We decided to expand our searching and we will sign riders not only from Colombia, Brazil, USA and possibly Panama but also from other countries from North and South America regions."

Another press conference is expected to happen in the upcoming days. The team will probably tell us more about another transfers.
Yellow Jersey
Awesome South-American, love it Smile Sepulveda can do so well in some races looking forward to see him on the road.
Some decent allrounders, Sepulveda is a pretty good stage racer, shame our Lithuanian kids are not interested in winning prestigious races
Sepulveda is a very interesting rider, and I was certainly interested in him. But I'm glad he ended up in a CT team so he can shine there. Good signings!
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