Is there really any better way to spend one of those endless train trips to and from work than writing the Weekly News? I don't think so, so here we go with yet another batch of news.
Updater available for the PCM.daily DB It's now possible to get the PCM.daily Expansion Pack for Patch in any 'flavour' you like. Both versions, the full one and the update that let's you upgrade from the Expansion Pack for Patch, are available as both torrents and on Rapidshare.
While we should never say never, it's likely that we're now ending development on the 2012 databases. Instead, our focus will shift to 2013.
Major databases released Should the PCM.daily DB not excite you, there's plenty of other options at the moment. Camerluca, once one of the leading database developers of Pro Cycling Manager, has returned to the scene with his StanosBase that's based on the 'old' PCM.daily DB, but includes Ruben's stats, among other updates.
There's also the well-known A.S.O. DB which as per tradition delivers some high-quality graphics mixed with OlegTinkov's view of the world. You can never go wrong with that.
Flag Tag to make story writing a little less complicated Our great programmer AaB-ern has been busy lately with first the Stage Databae and now a smaller, yet very useful addition to the forum: the flag tag (or BB code).
Basically, it's now possible to incorporate a flag into a forum post by simply using a BB code or pressing the flag in the drop-down box when writing a post. That's especially useful in stories where the writers tend to use the flags quite frequently.
World Championships get closer - both in the ManGame and reality It doesn't happen very often, but from time to time our Management Game and reality does cross paths. That has happened now as we're taking on the World Championship.
In the the Management Game, the Team Time Trial (which is made of national teams) has already been decided with Netherlands taking the win. Whether that happens in Limburg is something we'll find out on Sunday.
For now, you can discuss the ManGame WC here and the 'real' World Championship here. |