Due to the rather huge problems with the PCM.daily 09 DB V3, we've decided to remove the downloads from the DL section.
As previously mentioned, it's a difficult situation since the bug's not easy to fix like bugs usually are. However, we'll now do some back tracing where we try to incorporate changes from the V3 to the V2 and check if it works. Hopefully, we'll sooner or later be able to release a V3 Final without any March or June bug - or any other bugs for that matter, but that might be too much to hope for.
That said, it's not top priority. Personally, I have an exam project which is due for the end of next month. Due to the DB work, I'm not as far in the process as I could hope for at this stage - and that basically means that any DB work will be done in breaks, late nights where I have nothing elde to do, etc., etc. Therefore, don't expect anything any time soon.
Lastly, it's of course demotivating to see something that you've been working so intensely on for so long 'go to waste' - but on the other hand, that's also what motivates me (and the rest of the crew) to continue and at some point release a Final Version. Letting all this work go to waste would be a huge shame. |