udoi wrote:
In DYN_Cyclist there's gene_i_champion_bit numbers that you have to put?
-125 for World Champion
32 for national champion
1: Former TT NC
2: Former RR NC
4: Former TT WC
8: Former RR WC
16: TT NC
32: RR NC
64: TT WC
128: RR WC
If a rider is more than one of these just add the numbers: 48 would be RR+TT National Champion.
That number can't be higher than 128 though, so if it would be just deduct 256 iirc. In that case World RR Champion+National RR Champion would be 128+32-256 = -96
Though I'm not totally sure with the last one..
Edited by matt17br on 30-04-2015 15:33