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PCM.daily Tips & Tricks Section

Adding Races and Stages

By: lluuiiggii | Average Rating: 4.71 | Game version: PCM12
1. Export the stages from the Stage Editor, which should give you a .zces and a .cds file.

2. Open the DB with an editor (not the Official one, as mentioned in the description), more specifically table STA_race. Add a new line with a new (unused) ID, and fill the tables:
gene_sz_race_name: Name of the race
gene_sz_race_name_nolicence: Just put the same thing of the above one
gene_sz_race_abbreviation: Abbreviation name of the race which will appear in the Calendar + Season Planner (it can't be too big, check with the other names to have an idea of the word size)
gene_sz_filename: the names of the stage files. Check here to know how to name it correctly.
fkIDcountry: well.. the country - see STA_country for the country IDs
fkIDnewUCIclass: choose the category of the race: 1.HC, 2.1 - see STA_UCI_class for this
fkIDseason_class: 0
First and last stage: the IDs of the first and last stages (if it's a classic, they'll be the same), which should be IDrace + 1000*stage_number
gene_f_popularity whatever you want the popularity of your race to be
gene_i_number_stages: number of stages of your race, 1 if it's a classic
game_b_isactive: make sure it's ticked/has a 1
gene_sz_mail_organisateur: email of the organization, put whatever you want
gene_ilist_fkID_team: list of teams that will appear when you play your race in single play and choose 'Real teams'
fkIDLastRaceLeader: 0
constant: whatever you like - basically it only defines the name of the race logo file, if you have one (* the race logo file should be placed on Program Files/Cyanide/PCM11/Gui/race_logo)
local_temp_count: 0
gene_sz_classification_xml: the file that will set the bonuses (points for points/KoM classement, time bonuses, etc).. normally each race category has one, and the major races have their own.
gene_f_organisateur_coeff: 0
gene_b_aso: organized by ASO or not;
gene_b_ForceProTour: if ticked (1 instead of 0), Pro Tour teams are forced to participate in the race.

3. Now go to STA_stage. This one should be much easier:
IDstage: same thing -> IDrace + 1000*stage_number
fkIDrace: ID of the race
fkIDregion: region of the stage (see STA_region)
Gene_i_day and month: well... day and month
gene_i_stage_number: number of the stage in the race, if it's a classic it's 1
gene_b_selected: 1
fkIDclimat: the climat of the stage, take a look in STA_climat for the values
All others: zero, or nothing in case of the Constant column

4. Place your stages (.zces and .cds files) in Program Files/Cyanide/PCM12/CM_Stages (a different path to the main PCM folder if you have the Steam version, but anyway it should be Main PCM folder/CM_Stages).

* If you've read somewhere that the stages should go to My Documents/PCM12/Mod/Stages, that was the original plan, but Cyanide never got it to work and the last patch that theorically would change this ( was never released by Cyanide, so CM_Stages is where you should place the stages.

5. Export the DB, place it in My Docs/PCM12/Mod/Database and choose it in game. Good luck! Smile

If you have any questions, you can ask in the forum, where it's easier and faster to see and answer Smile

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#1 | lakebeach on 11. January 2013 22:06
Can someone please do a complete guide how to get all the real equipment in the game? Please help!
#2 | lluuiiggii on 06. February 2013 17:44
The easiest is to download a (good Pfft) DB. Otherwise, this might help Wink
#3 | DannySymons on 08. March 2013 13:45
I followed these instructions but i just can't find it in the game, i have no idea what i have done wrong
#4 | rammsteiner54 on 25. March 2013 16:22
I can find my new course in the game but when i want to play one of them, the game crashes. What can I do ?
#5 | bartek04 on 28. May 2013 18:15
I have a question. what's going on in fkIDtype_tour? fkIDfirst_stage and FkIDlast_stage maximum is 1573. How to increase
I use Lachis editor v10
#6 | lluuiiggii on 19. November 2013 23:24
#5: fkIDtype_tour is the type of race it is (cobbles, flat classic, stage race with mountains, stage race with mountains + time trial, etc) , for the AI to settle favorites, etc. The values which correspond to each type can be found in table STA_type_tour.
#7 | lukasovec on 09. August 2014 11:57
I followed these instructions but when i want to play, the game crashes.
#8 | mafons0 on 04. January 2016 21:36
"I followed these instructions but i just can't find it in the game, i have no idea what i have done wrong" same here... the new stages are abble to play as Single Stage, but not as Career Mode. I think there's something worng about the calendar plan, but i can't understand what Rolling Eyes if someone could help that would be appreciated Wink
#9 | WilburRoss on 20. December 2023 18:59
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