I am now in 2016 with my career based on the daily Daily_AddOn_Fenian database (installed on the daily expansion pack V1 as instructed). However, there is one problem getting larger every year. Practically no new decent young riders have come into the game since the start. I guess it must be a problem with the database. Does anyone know why or have experienced the same? Is it any way to change this, that is, make teams hire more young riders (using the editor)?
I think the only three decent new young riders entering the game, have been three riders I've scouted/hired (but still all <72 avg)... It's a bit weird (understatement) that not any of the other teams in any division (nor free riders) have gotten a new rider with average above 70 (or e.g. sprint >70) in 6 years? The ten best riders using the search function for all riders, and filtering on below 23, shows that they have an avg between 70 (1 rider) and 67. No rider has more than 71 on e.g. climbing, 70 on sprint or 69 on cobble.
Btw, checked the editor (which I only have used to change Froome and Nordhaug's stats to make them more realistic mid-way in my career), and there are 38 young riders with a potential of 7, so their obviously is much talent in the database, but the amount of talents hired by the other teams each year have been close to zero (I believe it's a waste of money to scout talents, so only did it the first season a bit)... I have a custom team dominating the world tour, but its getting increasingly difficult to replace older, expensive riders with promising young ones, since they simply don't exist... In "young cyclists" in the editor, most teams are sponsoring 3-6 riders, they can't be hiring many of them...
PS! the screenshot shows the best young riders available, the one with 74 in sprint, I hired unsean from the best U23-riders last year, and A.Kamp (74 in climbing), has a career starting in 2010.
dcool attached the following image:
I don't think you can tweak the database to make teams hire free agents more often, but you could try some manual editing to either move the riders to free agents (not sure if the game already does that), or move these riders to some teams in the end of the season. It might be a bit of work but it is a solution.
Thanks lluuiiggii. I've just checked the free riders not assigned to any teams, and there were a lots of young riders with potential of 7 there. I think I will wait assigning any riders using the editor for now, but gamble on some of the free riders (and U-23) each season, hoping to hit some of the talented ones, and as well hope that the computer teams will start replacing there aging squad sometime soon.