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Stages to be made
Hello fellow stagebuilders,

I've gathered all the stages that haven't got the right profile/route in the game, so I thought I post a list of these races, and if you build a race, you tell me on this post so I can mark the races that already have been built!
Also, if you have some more races that have to be made, please say so, I'll add them to the list!

I'm already working on the Ster-ZLM toer

The stages that have been built, will be boldWink

List of stages that have to be built:
- 3-Daagse de Panne-Koksijde
- Binche - Tournai - Binche
- Brabantse Pijl/ La flèche Brabandienne
- Circuit de la Sarthe
- Circuit de Lorraine
- Coppa Agostani - Giro della Brianza
- Coppa papa Carlo
- Coppa Placi
- Druivenkoers - Overijse
- Dutch Food Valley Classic
- Eneco Tour 2012
- Fleche d'emeraude - Sait Malo
- Giro del Piemonte
- Giro del Veneto
- Giro della Romagna
- Giro della Toscana (in progress by Andrepg)
- Glava Tour of Norway
- GP Banca di Legnano - Coppa Bernochi
- GP d'Isbergues - Pas de Calais
- GP Industria & Commercio di Prato (in progress by Andrepg)
- GP Kranj
- Grote Prijs Jef Scherens - Rondom Leuven
- Halle-Ingooiem
- Memorial Marco Pantani
- Milano - Torino
- Paris - Bourges
- Paris - Corrèze
- Profronde Drenthe
- Rogaland GP
- Ronde van Zeeland Seaports
- Settimana Ciclista Lombarda by Bergamasca
- Settimana Internationale Coppi e Bartali
- Sparkassen Münsterland Giro
- Ster-ZLM Toer ( In progress by Thomas66)
- Tour de Franco-Belge
- Tour de l'ain Stage 3, 4 & 5
- Tour de Rijke
- Tour de Vendée
- Tour du Limousin
- Tour du Slovenie
- Tour of Beijing
- Tour of China
- Tour of Elk Grove
- Tour of the Gila
- Tour of Utah
- Trofeo Matteoti
- Trofeo Melinda - Val di Non
- Volta à Portugal
- Vuelta à Burgos
- Vuelta a la Communidad de Madrid
- World Ports Classic

List of built stages:
- 3-daagse van West-Vlaanderen
- Amgen Tour of California
- Arno Wallaard Memorial
- Circuito del Porto - Trofeo Arvedi
- Circuito Getxo
- Clasique Loire Atlantique
- Giro Ciclistico del Friuli Venezia Giulia
- Giro del Appenino
- Giro della Calabria
- Giro di Laigueglia
- Giro di Padania
- GP Cammaiore
- GP Industria & Artigianato
- GP Kralovehradeckeho Kraje
- GP Nobili Rubinetteri e Coppa Citta di Stresa
- GP San Giuseppe
- Handzame Classic
- Int. Österreich Rundfahrt
- Japan Cup
- Klasika Primavera
- La Poly Normande
- Oberösterreichrundfahrt
- Paris Camembert
- Prorace Berlin
- Prueba Villafranka - Ordiziako Klasika
- Rabobank Dorpenomloop Rucphen
- Ronde van België
- Route de Adélie de Vitré
- Route du Sud
- Rund um Köln
- Settimana Lombarda 2011
- Skoda Tour of Luxembourg
- Sparkassen Neuseen Classics
- Talinn - Tartu GP
- Tour de Dunkerque (stage 2&4)
- Tour de Langkawi
- Tour de Picardie
- Tour de Wallonie
- Tour du Finistere
- Tour of Britain
- Tour of Denmark
- Tour of Qatar
- Tour of Qinghai Lake
- Vuelta Asturias
- Vuelta à Castilla y leon
- Vuelta a la Rioja
- Vuelta à Murcia
Edited by roturn on 05-08-2012 21:08

Add these stages to the list, because I'm making them now:

Giro Ciclistico del Friuli Venezia Giulia

Arno Wallaard Memorial
A large part of those are available in PCM11 format, so if the original creators have the zcts files, it's just a matter of opening them with the PCM12 Stage Editor and export the files.
Pro Race Berlin has been build 2 times already for PCM12.
Tour de Qatar 2012 original route will come in the next minutes by me.
I'm more than halfway through making the 2012 Tour of Britain
I will make:
- Giro della Toscana
- Giro dell'Appennino
- GP Camaiore
- GP Industria ed Artigianato

I'm currently working on Luxembourg in PCM11. I'll make it compatible with 12 too, as soon as I get the game.
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I will make:
-Rund um Köln
Margh Norway
Nice idea.

I'll soon finish Grand Prix Kralovehradeckeho Kraje (1.2 Europe),
then convert or redo Tallinn Tartu GP (1.1 Europe)
and afterwards take care of Oberösterreichrundfahrt (2.2 Europe).
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Good job Smile That's a lot of races, but as CT pointed out several are already made, let's just hope the stage makers still have their .zcts files Smile And good to see several people interested in making the real routes for these smaller races as well Wink
GP Camaiore finished Banana
I already made the 3-daagse van West Vlaanderen. And you forgot to mention the 2nd stage of 4 jours de dunkerque. I already made that stage, too.

There many more races which are not included in the pcm calender.
xflyinghighx wrote:
There many more races which are not included in the pcm calender.

The list is made of races which are in Cyanide's DB but doesn't have correct stages (use stage from other races), not races that are/are not included in the DB.
ok, I'll change the Idea, I'm going to erase the stages that have been made, so the list will grow shorter and more easy search in it. The races that are in progress will be bold
Edited by Thomas66 on 27-06-2012 23:01
Maybe you could two lists - one with the already done races and the other with the races that haven't been made yet (where the 'in progress' could be set as bold, or italic).
well that's a very nice idea!^^
I will convert the Giro di Laigueglia 2012 Wink

Finished GP Industria ed Artiginato and started GP Industria & Commercio di Prato (it isn't in my first list).

I don't know if these stages will be in Daily's pack...
RicRaf95 wrote:
I will convert the Giro di Laigueglia 2012 Wink

I do it Wink

RicRaf95 wrote:
RicRaf95 wrote:
I will convert the Giro di Laigueglia 2012 Wink

I do it Wink

So you've finished it?
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