Some is seriously wrong when it comes to how the time difference is calculated. I've been in three stages who were all classified as "hilly" and seen huge variations in the time difference.
In the first stage the difference between me (3rd) and the winner was 1.15''. However, in the next stage I won with the same distance down to the 2nd rider, but now it was only 22''. It got even worse during the third stage; this time the distance was the same as both the previous ones, but now everyone got the same time. I now how big the gap was because I paused the game and measured the gap.
It allmost seems like you need a gap three times as big as the AI to even get a noticeable time gap. This frustrates me incredibly, is there any way for me to edit the time difference from the given stage in the editor?
STA_stage -> gene_f_time_gap. Here you put the number of seconds in game needed for a gap to count (between the last rider of one group and the first of the other). The normal on PCMDaily DBs is 15 seconds for flat stages, 10 for hilly and 7/4 for mountain (depending on how steep it ends). But obviously there are also exceptions. The stage were Contador first attacked in the Giro 2011 (Stage 8) is classified as flat so riders don't go crazy attacking, but has a time gap of 7 since - like 'real life' proved - is suitable for attacks.
Edited by lluuiiggii on 20-04-2012 23:15
On a side note, I've put the rider evolution to 0.2 at the start of my career, but I thinks it's a bit to slow. What do i change in order to increase it?