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The Politics Thread
ringo182 wrote:
Alakagom wrote:
Not quite half of America voted for Trump. In fact only 46.8%. He's coming into the presidency with the lowest favourbility rating since the ratings began.

And the ideas of Hillary weren't crazy to most, they didn't vote because her ideas, they voted against her as she's paragon of corruptness and establishment in an election that was all about anti-establishment.

And Ringo, you are wrong. Many Republicans believe global warming is a hoax. Even when the people that study it as their job say otherwise.

This is not fucking matter of perspective, this is about being crazy retarded while being controlled by Koch brothers.

Anyway, at the current rate Hillary is gonna win popular vote by 2m votes. Time to go back to Trump again :lol:

I'm only wrong in your opinion, Which is fine, that's your opinion.
But my statement that not every person who voted for Trump is stupid is a fact which cannot be denied. As you say, many people voted for Trump to go against Hilary, so you're basically supporting my argument there whilst saying I'm wrong.

Your comment about republicans and global warming is a nothing comment based on no fact and impossible to prove correct or false.

My point is that you can't just say a particular political viewpoint is crazy, or that half of a country is stupid because they do not believe the same thing as you.

That's how all the wars and major problems in the World come about.

Don't forget that the main 3 reasons to vote for Hillary were also:

-she's a woman
-she's not Trump
-the media said so

It was a vote between 2 bad people. But still I don't get, why people don't try to make the best out of it? We germans do the same with Merkel since around 10 years. If Trump voters would've protested after Hillarys win, nobody would try to justify that. People just need to learn, that different people have different opinions and want to live in different worlds.

I may agree with lot of what Trump said(because it honestly isn't that bad, when you watch his full speeches in context).

He f.e. is against gay marriage, but understands that it's already allowed, so he won't change it. Doesn't seem like a dictator to me. He also wants less war than Hillary, hence the reason the stocks dropped on his election day for big weapon manufacturers.

And about that wall...what's so wrong with that really? He just wants to finally enforce the immigration laws. He is not against blacks, latinos and other minorities. He just want's the illegal, criminal ones out of the country. People don't get that. If you're not illegal and criminal, you won't be in trouble. Also it is funny to note, that most of the americans, who want to go to canada now, will not be able to go there, because they have actual immigration laws. You need to have money, valuable skills, don't be a criminal and it takes over 10 years to get fully integrated, whilst you need to check in the migration office every week. And canada is not labeled as racist, the last time I checked.

I know that most people here, don't care what I say, because I'm labeled as a nazi already. But I can assure you, that everyone who thinks, that I'm actually a nazi, just makes a fool out of himself(and sadly, out of the people who had to deal with the real nazis). I'm just conservative, and it clearly shows, that no side deserves to be discriminated. Everyone has different opinions, which is totally fine, but it seems like it's not fine for the left, as we're currently seeing in america. And it doesn't just show in the USA. It even shows here on daily. I got kicked out of the db team, for my opinion, for example. That's how tolerant some people seem to be.

What most people don't get, is that shouting at people, attacking them or labeling them as dumb nazis will not change their opinion. If you really think that you're smarter, then proove it, by arguing calmly, instead of trying to discredit people because of their opinion. Enlighten them, so to say. But don't expect them to change instantly. Don't get mad, when they keep their standpoint. All the time I hear: "All individuals are different!!!" and at the same time, people get mocked, because their opinion is different as well...

My problem probably is, that I care too much. I argue too much. I am not afraid to stand by my opinion. I don't change it frequently. Sometimes, I think i could be proud of this, but all the death messages I recieve on a daily basis on the internet let me feel different. And I care too much about this as well.
But there's one thing, I stopped caring about. If you call me a racist or a nazi or whatever similar to that is. It just shows that you've got no idea, what a nazi or a racist is.
Sorry for that little rant, but I got to get this off my chest, because, like I said, I probably care too much. You can dislike this post as much as you want. I don't give a fuck.
ringo182 wrote:
AbhishekLFC wrote:
ringo182 wrote:
Your comment about republicans and global warming is a nothing comment based on no fact and impossible to prove correct or false.

The President had spoken GrinPfft:lol:

A tweet by Donald Trump is not evidence that millions of Americans believe global warming if a hoax.

The point is that it doesn't take millions to believe that, just the select few who make up those relevant governmental positions. And the fact that someone like that can be voted is quite a good showing of evidence that people are idiots.
TheManxMissile wrote:
ringo182 wrote:
AbhishekLFC wrote:
ringo182 wrote:
Your comment about republicans and global warming is a nothing comment based on no fact and impossible to prove correct or false.

The President had spoken GrinPfft:lol:

A tweet by Donald Trump is not evidence that millions of Americans believe global warming if a hoax.

The point is that it doesn't take millions to believe that, just the select few who make up those relevant governmental positions. And the fact that someone like that can be voted is quite a good showing of evidence that people are idiots.

But that is the point. You can't just assume that people are stupid because they believe something different to you. That is the whole problem.

By that thinking anyone of a different religion is stupid.
"Ringo is exactly right", Shonak - 8 September 2016
ringo182 wrote:
TheManxMissile wrote:
ringo182 wrote:
AbhishekLFC wrote:
ringo182 wrote:
Your comment about republicans and global warming is a nothing comment based on no fact and impossible to prove correct or false.

The President had spoken GrinPfft:lol:

A tweet by Donald Trump is not evidence that millions of Americans believe global warming if a hoax.

The point is that it doesn't take millions to believe that, just the select few who make up those relevant governmental positions. And the fact that someone like that can be voted is quite a good showing of evidence that people are idiots.

But that is the point. You can't just assume that people are stupid because they believe something different to you. That is the whole problem.

By that thinking anyone of a different religion is stupid.

But global warming is not something that you believe or not. It's a fucking fact.
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alexkr00 wrote:
ringo182 wrote:
TheManxMissile wrote:
ringo182 wrote:
AbhishekLFC wrote:
ringo182 wrote:
Your comment about republicans and global warming is a nothing comment based on no fact and impossible to prove correct or false.

The President had spoken GrinPfft:lol:

A tweet by Donald Trump is not evidence that millions of Americans believe global warming if a hoax.

The point is that it doesn't take millions to believe that, just the select few who make up those relevant governmental positions. And the fact that someone like that can be voted is quite a good showing of evidence that people are idiots.

But that is the point. You can't just assume that people are stupid because they believe something different to you. That is the whole problem.

By that thinking anyone of a different religion is stupid.

But global warming is not something that you believe or not. It's a fucking fact.

That's a completely different point and subject.
The point I am making is that people aren't stupid simply because they don't agree with you, which is what a lot of anti-Trump people say about Trump supporters.
"Ringo is exactly right", Shonak - 8 September 2016
ringo182 wrote:
alexkr00 wrote:
ringo182 wrote:
TheManxMissile wrote:
ringo182 wrote:
AbhishekLFC wrote:
ringo182 wrote:
Your comment about republicans and global warming is a nothing comment based on no fact and impossible to prove correct or false.

The President had spoken GrinPfft:lol:

A tweet by Donald Trump is not evidence that millions of Americans believe global warming if a hoax.

The point is that it doesn't take millions to believe that, just the select few who make up those relevant governmental positions. And the fact that someone like that can be voted is quite a good showing of evidence that people are idiots.

But that is the point. You can't just assume that people are stupid because they believe something different to you. That is the whole problem.

By that thinking anyone of a different religion is stupid.

But global warming is not something that you believe or not. It's a fucking fact.

That's a completely different point and subject.
The point I am making is that people aren't stupid simply because they don't agree with you, which is what a lot of anti-Trump people say about Trump supporters.

Doesn't really matter what the people think anymore. It matters what Trump and the people making policies think. And that tweet makes it clear what Trump thinks. Let's just hope there's enough wise heads to do the actual thinking.
Again, Trump won't be appointing people from off the streets. He will be appointing people at the top of their fields. They are intelligent people even if their beliefs and opinions differ to your own.
I expect many of Trumps outlandish claims/promises during the election campaign will be drastically amended once he is actually in power. It would cost billions to build a wall and deport all illegal immigrants for starters.

The underlying problem is the American political system. How can a man with absolutely no political experience have any chance of becoming the President in the first place? That is what needs to be looked at. In what other developed country can a person buy their way into leadership? That is what is truly stupid in all of this.
"Ringo is exactly right", Shonak - 8 September 2016
ringo182 wrote:
Again, Trump won't be appointing people from off the streets. He will be appointing people at the top of their fields. They are intelligent people even if their beliefs and opinions differ to your own.
I expect many of Trumps outlandish claims/promises during the election campaign will be drastically amended once he is actually in power. It would cost billions to build a wall and deport all illegal immigrants for starters.

The underlying problem is the American political system. How can a man with absolutely no political experience have any chance of becoming the President in the first place? That is what needs to be looked at. In what other developed country can a person buy their way into leadership? That is what is truly stupid in all of this.

Outlandish to you Wink

As for the not having a political function so far, it's not exactly a bad thing.

In the Parliament elections that will be held next month, I'll vote for a party just like that (created less than one year ago), made by people who haven't been members of other parties before. By this point, it is clear that the old parties won't be reformed any time soon (parties which have at their roots 2nd level politicians from the Communist Party) and we need a major change in the political class.
alexkr00 wrote:
ringo182 wrote:
Again, Trump won't be appointing people from off the streets. He will be appointing people at the top of their fields. They are intelligent people even if their beliefs and opinions differ to your own.
I expect many of Trumps outlandish claims/promises during the election campaign will be drastically amended once he is actually in power. It would cost billions to build a wall and deport all illegal immigrants for starters.

The underlying problem is the American political system. How can a man with absolutely no political experience have any chance of becoming the President in the first place? That is what needs to be looked at. In what other developed country can a person buy their way into leadership? That is what is truly stupid in all of this.

Outlandish to you Wink

As for the not having a political function so far, it's not exactly a bad thing.

In the Parliament elections that will be held next month, I'll vote for a party just like that (created less than one year ago), made by people who haven't been members of other parties before. By this point, it is clear that the old parties won't be reformed any time soon (parties which have at their roots 2nd level politicians from the Communist Party) and we need a major change in the political class.

Outlandish and crazy are two very different things Smile

I agree that new political parties/ideas are good. But there is a very big difference in new political groups starting from the bottom with no experience, as you describe above, and Trump buying his way into the most high profile political job in the World with no experience. I cannot believe that someone can do that in this day and age, in the self-proclaimed most developed country in the World.
"Ringo is exactly right", Shonak - 8 September 2016
AbhishekLFC wrote:
ringo182 wrote:
alexkr00 wrote:
ringo182 wrote:
TheManxMissile wrote:
ringo182 wrote:
AbhishekLFC wrote:
ringo182 wrote:
Your comment about republicans and global warming is a nothing comment based on no fact and impossible to prove correct or false.

The President had spoken GrinPfft:lol:

A tweet by Donald Trump is not evidence that millions of Americans believe global warming if a hoax.

The point is that it doesn't take millions to believe that, just the select few who make up those relevant governmental positions. And the fact that someone like that can be voted is quite a good showing of evidence that people are idiots.

But that is the point. You can't just assume that people are stupid because they believe something different to you. That is the whole problem.

By that thinking anyone of a different religion is stupid.

But global warming is not something that you believe or not. It's a fucking fact.

That's a completely different point and subject.
The point I am making is that people aren't stupid simply because they don't agree with you, which is what a lot of anti-Trump people say about Trump supporters.

Doesn't really matter what the people think anymore. It matters what Trump and the people making policies think. And that tweet makes it clear what Trump thinks. Let's just hope there's enough wise heads to do the actual thinking.

That tweet was from 2012. I don't know about you, but opinions can get changed due to facts. It could be that he doesn't oppose climate change anymore, but no. We just pull a 4 year old tweet out, to show how shit someone is...
Paul23 wrote:
AbhishekLFC wrote:
ringo182 wrote:
alexkr00 wrote:
ringo182 wrote:
TheManxMissile wrote:
ringo182 wrote:
AbhishekLFC wrote:
ringo182 wrote:
Your comment about republicans and global warming is a nothing comment based on no fact and impossible to prove correct or false.

The President had spoken GrinPfft:lol:

A tweet by Donald Trump is not evidence that millions of Americans believe global warming if a hoax.

The point is that it doesn't take millions to believe that, just the select few who make up those relevant governmental positions. And the fact that someone like that can be voted is quite a good showing of evidence that people are idiots.

But that is the point. You can't just assume that people are stupid because they believe something different to you. That is the whole problem.

By that thinking anyone of a different religion is stupid.

But global warming is not something that you believe or not. It's a fucking fact.

That's a completely different point and subject.
The point I am making is that people aren't stupid simply because they don't agree with you, which is what a lot of anti-Trump people say about Trump supporters.

Doesn't really matter what the people think anymore. It matters what Trump and the people making policies think. And that tweet makes it clear what Trump thinks. Let's just hope there's enough wise heads to do the actual thinking.

That tweet was from 2012. I don't know about you, but opinions can get changed due to facts. It could be that he doesn't oppose climate change anymore, but no. We just pull a 4 year old tweet out, to show how shit someone is...

Right. He has reformed completely.

He thinks climate change is real now. He doesn't think it's cool to grope women anymore. He doesn't think he'd like to have a sexual relationship with his daughter anymore. He has yuuuuge plans for everyone. Oh yes, Mexico will pay for the wall too! Everyone's invited to this Grin

I think this is better than any movie released this year!

Things just got real people!
At least the next 4 years will be interesting. I doubt he'll make it to a second term.

Wonder what the odds are on him being shot or impeached during the next 4 years?
"Ringo is exactly right", Shonak - 8 September 2016
ringo182 wrote:
At least the next 4 years will be interesting. I doubt he'll make it to a second term.

Wonder what the odds are on him being shot or impeached during the next 4 years?

The latter has already been predicted by one of the few 'experts' who also predicted a Trump win, so time will tell (if that is any indication at all!).

And about it being interesting, I doubt the Republican party, with its fundamentally conservative make-up, will let Trump have free reign over policy-making, as is the case with most Presidents tbh. He will have free reign over his mouth, which can cause a few toes to be stepped on. I think a lot of people are waiting to see if he changes the way he talks in public after taking the oath.
Please guys avoid those quote pyramids :/
(Former) Manager of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/gen.png Generali pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/gen.png
ringo182 wrote:
The underlying problem is the American political system. How can a man with absolutely no political experience have any chance of becoming the President in the first place? That is what needs to be looked at. In what other developed country can a person buy their way into leadership? That is what is truly stupid in all of this.

Every president buys himself in. Atleast Trump used his own money.
How did Trump buy himself in? He spent much less money than most Republicans candidate do nowdays through primaries. He only started getting real donor money after getting GOP nomination. Trump had the social media presence plus the rhetoric to gather quick following and it spread from there.

GOP did everything possible in fact to make sure Trump wouldn't get nomination, but they realized that wasn't happening.

Spilak23 wrote:
ringo182 wrote:
The underlying problem is the American political system. How can a man with absolutely no political experience have any chance of becoming the President in the first place? That is what needs to be looked at. In what other developed country can a person buy their way into leadership? That is what is truly stupid in all of this.

Every president buys himself in. Atleast Trump used his own money.

Yeeaaaaaaaaaaaaah, no.
AbhishekLFC wrote:
Paul23 wrote:
AbhishekLFC wrote:
ringo182 wrote:
alexkr00 wrote:
ringo182 wrote:
TheManxMissile wrote:
ringo182 wrote:
AbhishekLFC wrote:
ringo182 wrote:
Your comment about republicans and global warming is a nothing comment based on no fact and impossible to prove correct or false.

The President had spoken GrinPfft:lol:

A tweet by Donald Trump is not evidence that millions of Americans believe global warming if a hoax.

The point is that it doesn't take millions to believe that, just the select few who make up those relevant governmental positions. And the fact that someone like that can be voted is quite a good showing of evidence that people are idiots.

But that is the point. You can't just assume that people are stupid because they believe something different to you. That is the whole problem.

By that thinking anyone of a different religion is stupid.

But global warming is not something that you believe or not. It's a fucking fact.

That's a completely different point and subject.
The point I am making is that people aren't stupid simply because they don't agree with you, which is what a lot of anti-Trump people say about Trump supporters.

Doesn't really matter what the people think anymore. It matters what Trump and the people making policies think. And that tweet makes it clear what Trump thinks. Let's just hope there's enough wise heads to do the actual thinking.

That tweet was from 2012. I don't know about you, but opinions can get changed due to facts. It could be that he doesn't oppose climate change anymore, but no. We just pull a 4 year old tweet out, to show how shit someone is...

Right. He has reformed completely.

He thinks climate change is real now. He doesn't think it's cool to grope women anymore. He doesn't think he'd like to have a sexual relationship with his daughter anymore. He has yuuuuge plans for everyone. Oh yes, Mexico will pay for the wall too! Everyone's invited to this Grin

I think this is better than any movie released this year!

Things just got real people!

Do I really need to answer this?

Well, I do.

"He thinks climate change is real now."

You base that on a quote from 2012.

"He doesn't think it's cool to grope women anymore."

You base that on a quote from 2005.

"He doesn't think he'd like to have a sexual relationship with his daughter anymore."

You base that on a quote from 2015, which is quite new, so I will go deeper on that. He only said, that he thinks that his daughter is attractive and that he would, if he wouldn't be her father. Nothing wrong with that, if you think about it. He just said it as he thinks it is. As a man, he finds her attractive, which you can do as a father, but nothing more. Again, hyped by the media. Also, weren't you from Turkey? Quite an ironic thing to make fun of that, if you're from a country, were child marriage is accepted(it's forbidden by the law, but many muslims are not against it)

"He has yuuuuge plans for everyone."

You don't know what plans he has, do you?

"Oh yes, Mexico will pay for the wall too! Everyone's invited to this Grin"

The wall itself isn't a big thing in my opinion, but yes, letting Mexico pay for it is stupid. He won't be able to let that happen. I hope the wall will happen, though. It's not that Clinton didn't want to build a "barrier"...
Haha whatever, it's creepy as fuck to say that about your daughter. Trump is the kind of guy that if you told him to go fuck himself he'd give it a try.
wackojackohighcliffe wrote:
Haha whatever, it's creepy as fuck to say that about your daughter. Trump is the kind of guy that if you told him to go fuck himself he'd give it a try.

You know what's not only creepy, but also cringeworthy as fuck? Seeing people on the internet, attacking a Person, they never met, they don't personally know, just by some of his opinions. I would never go with my daughter, but I would be able to look at her unbiased and make her compliments, totally without being dishonest. I would just say How I think it is.
But Well, you guys are probably a big part of Trumps success afterall. Loads of people are sick and tired of people in the internet attacking everything and everyone who is not conform with their opinion. They didn't vote for Trump. They voted against people like you, who are full of arrogance, whilst also not tolerating opinions(but on the other Hand you want yours to get tolerated).

I got Messages in Skype by people of this very Forum, that I should kill myself for fancying to vote for the AfD, because they are not tolerant. Are you even seeing the irony? I was asked to leave daily multiple times. Why am I not doing it? Because with me being here, you will atleast get a different opinion on certain topics, even if you are against them, but at least you heard them, which stops daily from becoming a big echochamber, where you just hear what you want to hear.
I'm not saying that politics belong everywhere, hence it is good that we have this thread, although I sometimes go out of boundaries. I understand that people don't like that. On the other Hand, certain Managers put their political Statements in the MG and Nobody cares. It's this Simple Twist of morale, which is nagging me. But since I strongly have the feeling, that Nobody bothers to read long Texts by me, I will not make this longer.

Just a quick Edit: "Haha whatever" is the best you could come up with? Great Argument.
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