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Where the hell is the next update?
You'd have to test it. We have no chance of knowing Wink
rapace85 wrote:
btw, I repeat my question about the db: once I'll upgrade to 1.0.4 patch, if I continue to use an ancient db version, the bug of WT teams don't participating to minor races still remain?

It depends. If you already have a save game, the bug will still be there in that save game, I think. At least for the ongoing season. The next season it might be fixed. (Confirmation?)
If you start a new career, it doesn't matter which db you use because it's a game bug that will be fixed. Databases have no influence on the working of the game.

So to give a clear answer to your question: No, the bug will always be fixed, regardless of which db you use. Only in pre- save games, the bug won't be fixed yet.
Edited by MartijnVDD on 25-09-2013 14:45
MartijnVDD wrote:
[quote]rapace85 wrote:
So to give a clear answer to your question: No, the bug will always be fixed, regardless of which db you use. Only in pre- save games, the bug won't be fixed yet.

perfect, thanks a lot! and to celebrate this news, let's go to play Big Rigs!
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MartijnVDD wrote:
If you start a new career, it doesn't matter which db you use because it's a game bug that will be fixed. Databases have no influence on the working of the game.

Disagree Pfft Sometimes the changes made by Cyanide in patches require new tables or columns in the DB (like what happens between a PCM12 .cdb and a PCM13 one). In these cases, if you use an old .cdb it's likely that you'll experience problems with that. I doubt that this will be the case in this bug (WT teams not taking part in races), but there's a possibility that you experience other problems by using pre-patch .cdbs (though it's a small chance, I don't remember any big .cdb change by patch in PCM12 and 13).

That's why each time a new patch is released DBs have to release a compatible .cdb (most things, if not all, are kept the same, so using a non-compatible .cdb works fine at first; but you never know if PCM will mess up anything in a career or something at a later point because of that) Wink
Okay, Cyanide is really killing me now. Just give us that next patch please!!!
lluuiiggii wrote:
MartijnVDD wrote:
If you start a new career, it doesn't matter which db you use because it's a game bug that will be fixed. Databases have no influence on the working of the game.

Disagree Pfft Sometimes the changes made by Cyanide in patches require new tables or columns in the DB (like what happens between a PCM12 .cdb and a PCM13 one).

So it's the other way around. The game has an influence on databases... =p

What I meant was that a database can't change the game's code. Nothing wrong with that, right? =D
if I understood... the db won't affect the game if Cyanide didn't change anything on the database. But if they edited something also on the cdb file, of course, it will be necessary to change also that file... but in this case, they should release a new .cdb file alongside the upgrade. Correct?
The new update is out!!!
yoshi8288 wrote:
The new update is out!!!

TomBoonen007 wrote:
yoshi8288 wrote:
The new update is out!!!


When I start steam, it updates automatically Grin
yoshi8288 wrote:
TomBoonen007 wrote:
yoshi8288 wrote:
The new update is out!!!


When I start steam, it updates automatically Grin Upload please!
Edited by TomBoonen007 on 26-09-2013 11:36
YUP..how to upload? It was downloading automatically and install it straight..i dont know where the file is locatedSad
Edited by yoshi8288 on 26-09-2013 11:43
As Steam is very restricted you can't grab their patch.
So you would need for Cyanide to get one.

But as I am some kind of clever (knowing the patch has to be transmitted to Steam and taking the old links and typing in the new informations)
I got around and a update should be up in the next hours here. Downloading starts now, uploading as soon as the downloads are finished.

Well if anyone can't wait for it:

If you have no patch installed:

If you have installed:
Edited by Rin on 26-09-2013 11:48
i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc512/ANFreeman/Jersey%20Sprites/bianchi.pngTeam Bianchi - 2012 Man-Game ProContinental Tour Championsi1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc512/ANFreeman/Jersey%20Sprites/bianchi.png
Rin wrote:
As Steam is very restricted you can't grab their patch.
So you would need for Cyanide to get one.

But as I am some kind of clever (knowing the patch has to be transmitted to Steam and taking the old links and typing in the new informations)
I got around and a update should be up in the next hours here. Downloading starts now, uploading as soon as the downloads are finished.

Well if anyone can't wait for it:

If you have no patch installed:

If you have installed:

Sorry bout that..first time buying through steam..soo im not sure how it works.
No problem
i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc512/ANFreeman/Jersey%20Sprites/bianchi.pngTeam Bianchi - 2012 Man-Game ProContinental Tour Championsi1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc512/ANFreeman/Jersey%20Sprites/bianchi.png
Wow! Thanks work sure!
So... any experiences yet? Wink

Someone played a whole season already with the new patch? Wink
Thanks for the links btw.
thanks downloading now.
just a question, is this official? or have they released an early patch to steam?
not sure if its been published but this is off the patch:

Update n° 4 (
- Correction: Cya World Tour teams absent from mid-season Continental races.
- Fix: solved the problem which prevented control of riders during World Championships.
- Adjustment: riders are more tolerant of their race schedule (and are therefore more easily satisfied).
- Adjustment: evaluation of objectives by riders is slightly more optimistic.
- Adjustment: during Tour de France summit finishes, points are doubled for climber standings.
- Adjustment: bonuses and points scale for climber standings in the Vuelta.

- Functionality: in a stage race, wearers of the distinctive jerseys start the race at the head of the peloton.

- Fix: from start of second season, incoherent display of fitness on rider information pages.
- Fix: change to ergonomics of the fitness schedule. Each addition/deletion of a race, change of priority or click on the "Reset" button regenerates a schedule best-suited to the objectives.
- Fix: only one leader and one sprinter can be selected in pre-race orders.

- Improvement: various adjustments to rider characteristics.

Update n° 3 (
- Correction: certain configurations could encounter random crashes while a race was loading.
- Correction: rider rendered in black on podiums.

[Gameplay/Race AI]
- Correction: In certain cases, AI teams could let too many dangerous, morning breakaways get away at the start of a tour.
- Adjustment: it is now a bit more difficult for morning breakaways to stay ahead of the peloton at the finish because AI teams try to reel them in earlier on.
- Adjustment: at the end of a race, AI teams try harder to reel in morning breakaways containing many riders.

- Functionality: added the possibility to edit fitness peaks of riders on the Objectives page.
- Functionality: number of Scheduled Race Days added on the Team Schedulde page (resolution > 1280x720).
- Correction: a crash could occur during the August « Protour du Benelux » race
- Correction: a crash could occur during the generation of calendars or before the start of the Vuelta.

- Correction: certain national championships (Germany, Denmark, Italy,...) could not be run as one-off races.

- Functionality: added the possibility to race a tour with custom database.

Update n° 2 (
- Fixed : on certain configurations, there could be a random crash during the 3D race loading or at the end of a race.

[Gameplay/AI Race]
- Fixed problem: it's sometimes too easy to win with an outsider : you attack ; in the following group, everybody counts on the big favorite to work, but he doesn't want to work alone, so nobody works. The fix is : now riders attack in a group when nobody works!
- Fixed problem: when an AI refuses to relay with a human raton, the player receive no information
- Fixed problem: still some attacks of leaders on the flat before a climb

- Fixed problem: it was impossible to renew our riders' contracts when our sponsor was still with us on the next year.
- Fixed problem: bad trainer assignation (career table squad)
- Fixed problem: empty list of rider prior to a 3d race or simu.
- Fixed problem: young riders could have a bad specialisation

- Fixed problem : it was impossible to view all the player's tours due to a missing component in the UI.
- Fixed problem : filters with several attributes did not work properly.

- Improvement : Adjustment to rider's attributes

- Fixed problem: On stage 2 of Vuelta ciclista a Mallorca, there was a building across the road.

Update n° 1 (
- Improvement: Optimized loading time of the race
- Fixed possible slowdowns shortly after the start of the race
- Fixed memory leaks between races
- Fixed problem: when a rider enters the field of vision of the camera, for a few fractions of a second, he retains the animation he had when he left the field of the vision for the last time.
- Fixed problem: when riders are waiting for the start of the race, we see them pedalling even though they are stopped
- Fixed problem: we do not see victory animations in replays
- Fixed problem: during the replay of the best moments of a race, bad rider animation at the beginning of each sequence
- Fixed problem: after the replay of the best moments of the race, riders have bad animations and the camera is badly placed. -> To avoid that, at the moment, the best moments run in a continuous loop.
- Improvement: rider animations with long-distance camera when the "Limit animation display" option is unticked.
- Improvement: new "aero" type helmets are only worn by AI riders during flat stages.

[Gameplay/AI Race]
- Fixed problem: a rider who is protecting another rider temporarily stops protecting when the pace suddenly quickens (he follows those who accelerate).
- Fixed problem: climbers sometimes attacked on the flat before a climb.
- Fixed problem: when a rider is protecting another, it is not easy to ask him to change the protected rider (you must first give a new order).
- Fixed bug: the "+" ("More information"Wink button is only partially clickable.
- When a rider loses energy due to dehydration, the player is now warned: water bottles are displayed with a red halo.
- In the list of riders, the name of the currently selected rider is shown in green
- Improvement: Disabled the possibility to sprint for a rider whose available power is not sufficient to trigger a sprint animation (avoids seeing one's rider sitting prettily when the Sprint button was pressed)

- Improvements/Corrections: stage maps
- Improvements/Corrections: Schedule page
- Improvements/Corrections: customised team creation page in career mode
- Improvement: race loading page
- Improvement: sort on chronological order of races on the latest results page
- Improvement: retains sort when a message is deleted
- Fixed problem: bad rider roles on the pre-race page.
- Fixed problem: country flag unchanged when choosing a world championship variant.
- Navigation through messages with up / down keys

- Fixed problem: the accumulation of mails after several years of career could block the game.
- Fixed problem: not possible to sign new contracts with riders when the accounts are negative.
- Fixed problem: youth (U23) world rankings points were not displayed.
- Fixed problem: image of partially succeeded objective.
- Fixed problem: young rider wages were different from those displayed on the team creation page in a game with a custom team.
- Fixed problem: rider information was not correct during contract negotiation.
- Fixed problem: progression of rider attributes.
- Fixed problem: objectives sought by sponsors were not changed after confirmation of the negotiations.
- Fixed problem: riders reputation was badly initialized
- Added: game-over if you do not sign a new contract with a sponsor.
- Added: sponsors withdraw their offers when confidence is too low.
- Adjustment: sponsor is less severe when allocating the budget for next season
- Adjustment: less relegation clauses for AI racers

- Fixed problem: Returns after simulation are badly displayed.

- Fixed problem: On stage 21 of the Tour de France, the actual finishing line was slightly offset from the one displayed.
- Fixed problem: Podium positioned in vegetation: GP al Pais Vasco stages 3 and 5.
- Fixed problem: Podium positioned in vegetation: Liege-Bastogne-Liege.
- Fixed problem: Barriers badly positioned on stage 2 of Tour of Qatar.

- Added: missing achievements
- Improvement : Adjustment to attributes

- Added: video capture possibility (CTRL + R)
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