Day to day progression explained
sierramike |
Posted on 16-09-2012 14:05
Under 23

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What is day to day progression
The attributes of a rider progress when a counter ( gene_i_day_progress ) counts down to zero.At this time when training progression ( capital_f_attribute ) exceeds the current level of the attribute ( charac_f_ attribute ) and isn't capped ( limit_i_attribute ), it rises and leaves the surplus for later.Training progression is made everyday and thus the day to day progression determines how much a rider will progress.
Example of 'dinging' progression:
gene_i_day_progress is at 1:next day the rider will 'ding' :charac_f_plain is 70 and capital_f_plain is 73.55 -> the plain stat will go to 71 , capital_f_plain will start again at 3.55
charac_f_hill is at 60 and capital_f_hill is 145 -> hill (charac_f_hill) will rise to 62, capital_f_hill is 25 left
charac_f_cob is 65 and capital_f_cob is 63.8 -> stat doesn't rise,capital_f_cob builds further .
Charac_f_resistance is 68 ,limit_i_resistance is also 68, capital_f_resistance still goes up everyday, but attributes won't go further.
Day to day progression versus year progression:
An important factor to d2d progress is year_progress: level 3 advances d2dp (day to day progression) 5 times as fast as level 1,level 5 (max level) 15 times.
This doesn't change whole year ,only at the end of the year.
For example in dailydb big talent (pot 7) Sagan has only level 1 in year_progression thus he won't go up any attribute the whole year despite the age and talent.
When you go through the db of riders there isn't any relation of year_progression with potential or age ,it set at the beginning of the year and pretty random with no relation to potential,I assume potential is just an indication of limits set for each attribute.
Young riders with stage contracts drop in at level 3 I believe regarless of their potential.
Feedback is welcome here.
Factors that don't influence day to day progression:
As said potential and birthday don't directly impact d2dp,not even age_decline ;Age decline seems to be seperate mechanic in-game..Also average level,fitness,fatigue,specialisation(type_rider) and morale have no impact.
edit:edited year_progression as we learn more.
Edited by sierramike on 18-09-2012 14:08
sierramike |
Posted on 16-09-2012 14:06
Under 23

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Factors that influence d2d progression:
evolution of attributes speed setting:
can be found in db under dyn_manager coef_f_evolution but as an altered value.
this adds to the base value of all d2dp. Base is set at 0.0015 , a coef_f_evolution of 0.6 will add 0.0005 giving 0.0020 to d2dp.
level limit
Difference of limit (limit_i_attribute) versus current value of attribute (charac_i_attribute) is what counts here or as you know from in-game the stars (1 star 2 levels). 1 level of difference gives a 20% bonus,so 10 levels a 200% bonus.
ex.: attrib at 72,limit at 73 gives a 20% bonus so with a base of 0.0020 that would give 0.0024.
attrib at 61,limit at 71 gives a 200% bonus so with a base of 0.0020 that would give 0.0060.
First off: fame doesn't do anything.What counts is the attribute of the workplan selected (for ex.fighter).
But first let's look at the impact of the number of trainees for the trainer: what does very good really mean when selecting 9 riders under his care.The answer is 5% per rider above 8.Thus 6 or 8 riders doesn't matter.9 means 5% penalty or 95% efficient; 10 gives 90%;12 80%;18 50% (that what I each tested for,probably a cap towards 0% in there).Continuing the example of the 2 attributes above wioth 12 riders attrib 1 with 0.0024 would go to 0.00192 ,other to 0.0048
Coach attribute of selected workplan is a straight factor to the formula of d2dp but there a twist.A coach with 10 in fighter will give a trainee with fighter plan a bonus of x10 every day,in examples above this means attrib 1 becomes 0.024 and attrib 2 0.048.1 zero less a big difference indeed.Now the twist: the lower the coachattribute the higher the chance of a lucky day bonus that goes from 0 to about 66%.This is a factor I obviously can't determe precisely in tests.What this means is a higher coachfactor is always better,but level 1 isn't that far behind level 5 as end result goes, because level 1 gets loads of lucky bonusses.
Workplan training
You've seen these workplans around the forum,like puncher adding 1 to flat, 3 to hill ,0 to cob.Add 3 what ? Well,0 is base, just like attributes missing in the table like downhill .1 adds a 100% or factor 2 if you will.2 adds 200% (x3) and level 3 adds ... 400% (x5) !!Likely a result of a balacing ,patching or something.
Say attribute 1 was flat and we have fighter as plan,that would make our d2dp 0.024x2 0.048.Let's take hill for attribute 2 that gives 0.048*5=0.24
End result:
If year_Progression was level 3 both attributes get x5:
flat=0.048*5=0.24 , days needed to level up=73/0.24=305 days
hill=0.24*5=1.2 , days needed to level up=62/1.2=52 days
So we come to the formula:
d2dp=(coef_f_evolution/100+0.0015)*[year_progression factor]*[coach efficiency penalty]*[workplan factor]*[coach attribute] + [lucky day]
now thats progression
Sorry for wall of text but things would likely be unclear,excuse me for possible langauge errors,it's not my native.
Edited by sierramike on 16-09-2012 19:02
Lachi |
Posted on 16-09-2012 14:48

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The career progression does not have to be constant. The progression can be progressive or digressive, also some riders have an explosive development early in their career, some later in their career. (I think this is the number in year_progress but I don't think there is a table which explains what value means what.)
The potential, the trainer potential, the training, the age + age decline, the career progression and the development speed set at career start define how fast each "capital" value will grow.
But I am sure that all this has been analyzed and posted before. |
sierramike |
Posted on 16-09-2012 15:46
Under 23

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Well i've seen some confused guesses,but nothing more. It's your own editor Lachi that helped me figure this out and the numbers match right down to the 0.00001
If there's a link really explaining year_progression I'm eargerly awaiting it. |
tellico |
Posted on 16-09-2012 16:26

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Wow, this is really deep and I'm not sure that all this was posted before. Big thanks for this, sierramike.
lluuiiggii |
Posted on 16-09-2012 16:34

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Amazing research you've done there Great job One question: what's the initial value of gene_i_day_progress? And in the 'end result', you mean 52 days for the counter to go to 0, but if charac_f_hill hasn't passed the current stat value the rider won't progress right? In that case he'll progress as soon as charac_f_hill does it (go bigger than current stat)?
sierramike |
Posted on 16-09-2012 17:07
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lluuiiggii wrote:
One question: what's the initial value of gene_i_day_progress? And in the 'end result', you mean 52 days for the counter to go to 0, but if charac_f_hill hasn't passed the current stat value the rider won't progress right? In that case he'll progress as soon as charac_f_hill does it (go bigger than current stat)?
I don't know what determines i_day_progress,I haven't really looked into that.
I can say 79 is the max though.Maybe Lachi knows.
In the example at the end I just showed how long it takes for the rider to be ready to go up a level.If the counter is set at 80 days for ex. it will take 80 days to go up.
say the counter would be 110 he would go up 2 at once (confirmed in test).
I think it's actually the new level capital_f_attribute has to reach,minor difference.
Also note the whole progression completly halts from 25 okt to 1 jan.
Edited by sierramike on 16-09-2012 19:10
tellico |
Posted on 20-09-2012 13:56

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sierramike wrote:
Now the twist: the lower the coachattribute the higher the chance of a lucky day bonus that goes from 0 to about 66%.This is a factor I obviously can't determe precisely in tests.What this means is a higher coachfactor is always better,but level 1 isn't that far behind level 5 as end result goes, because level 1 gets loads of lucky bonusses..
And how about "default game" coach? There is opinion that better is have no coach than bad coach beacause PCM have something like default coach which equals appr. coach level 4-5 and rider with poor coach (lvl 1 or 2) will be progressing slower than without any. Do you agree with that? And how about this lucky bonusses when rider has no coach assigned? |
Kalach |
Posted on 29-09-2012 15:52

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So if I want to keep progression of my riders I should check in lachis editor if:
gene_i_day_progress is: 1
capital_f_attribute exceeds the current level of the attribute which should be increased ( charac_f_ attribute ) and my year_progress should be the highest as is possible (5) ? |
Lachi |
Posted on 29-09-2012 19:09

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I am not sure if I understood you correctly but if you want to cheat, then just increase the stat instead of doing complicated modifications.
Kalach |
Posted on 29-09-2012 20:01

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No I dont want to cheat. I just would like to know what colums in your editor should I look when I want to know how much time remains when my stats will be upgraded or in other way how big or small is chance that my stats will be increased.
Edited by Kalach on 29-09-2012 20:14
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lluuiiggii |
Posted on 29-09-2012 20:18

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Kalach wrote:
No I dont want to cheat. I just would like to know what colums in your editor should I look when I want to know how much time remains when my stats will be upgraded or in other way how big or small is chance that my stats will be increased.
It's said in the first sentence of this thread 
The attributes of a rider progress when a counter ( gene_i_day_progress ) counts down to zero.
However the progression will only happen on this day if capital_f_attribute is bigger than the current stat (charac_f_ attribute), and obviously the rider is not maxed on that stat yet. Then the rest of the thread only explains the factors that influence the day to day progression.
Kalach |
Posted on 29-09-2012 21:24

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Well thank you ;-) |