By: anderspcm | Average Rating: 4.75 | Game version: PCM12
How to bend logos
The shoulders
1. Create a new layer, tranparent, image size: 1000x400.
2. Create a line on the top and the buttom.
3. Drag the logo into the layer, and place it in the middle
(So far your layer should look like this
4. Duplicate all the layers, so you've now got 6 layers, 2 layers with the logo, 2 layers with the line on the top, and 2 layers with the line in the buttom. The Merge the a logo layer and a set of the lines at the top and the buttom, so you've now got 2 layers. Then click on ones of the eyes, and mark the other layer.
(Now your screen should look like this
You probably wonder what the lines at the top and the buttom does, it avoids the logo to make an ekstra bend, so the logo only bend at the end you wan't to.
5. Hold down CTRL, and press at the "T" button, now should there be a box around the layer, the right click on the box and choose the "Warp" tool.
6.Now "a fish shows up" at the top of the fish, there's a little point, and then you just have to pull at the point, and decide how much you'll have logo to bend. Next to the "FISH" box(at the top) there's a box where you can see how many % you are bending your logo, I normally bend around 40 %, but it can be very diffenrent.
The logo should also be pointing towards the collar, so you'll sometimes also have to use the "RISE" tool(In the same menu under the "FISH" tool). I normalle Rise half as much as i Fish.
When you've finished fishing and rising, you'll have to delete the lines you did at the first point.
Example on how you're logo could look like so far.(FISH=40%, RISE=20%)
Now you just have to do the same thing with the other layer, but remember if you you used fish at 40%, then you now have to use fish at -40%, the same thing with the rise tool.
You also have to do it like this, when you bend the logos at the side of the shirt, just with lower numbers in the fish and rise tool, I used fish 8%, and rise 6% at my Avast jersey.
The side of the shorts
1. Right click at your logo, and open it in Photoshop
2. Duplicate the layer 3 times, so you now have 4 layers, click on the little eye at the 2 buttom layers.
3. Now you'll have to decide where you want the logo to bend, I want the "ST!" part of the avaST! logo to bend.
4. Now mark the the ST part with lasso tool, pen tool or what ever.
The make a selection around the ST! part, and delete, then mark the other layer you've created, and right click at the screen and choose "Select Inverse" and press delete again. Now you logo should be devided in to parts.
Now make sure the you've marked the "ST!" layer, right clikc on the screen and choose the Warp tool again. The go to the menu at the top and choose Arc. Then a box round the "ST!" shows up, drag down the little point to around 20-30%
Then press enter.
5. Hold down CTRL and press T, then flip/turn the logo to the right and move the "ST!" part so it makes a natural composition with the "AVA" part.(I failed a bit on the example beneath)
Final result:
6. Merge the two layers together and place them on the shorts!
You just have to do the same on the other part of the logo.