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This doesn't look good..
Mass crashes are fun to watch - but not fun to be a part of, probably ;)

Date: 01-12-2006
Added by: CrueTrue
Dimensions: 500 x 274 pixels
Filesize: 182.92kB
Comments: 17
Rating: *****
Number of views: 10656
#1 | Thomas on 03. December 2006 18:07
This has never happened in my game.. does it have something to do with settings?
#2 | AaB-ern on 04. December 2006 14:36
I havent tried it often a spurt, but maybe once or twice. Mostly in a shart turn, like champselysees, and specially when they ar ca. 10-5 km. from the goal line.
#3 | AaB-ern on 04. December 2006 14:37
Ups, some spelling mistakes Wink


#4 | DOMOMAN on 05. December 2006 16:09
this is my first screen from PCM2.. Denmark Tour, patch 1.0.. maybe because it was 1.0 they crashed cause i have never seen that since

Ps. Look at the Gerolsteiner guy who fell Pfft
#5 | AaB-ern on 05. December 2006 16:15
The head breaks the "wall" Pfft
#6 | CrueTrue on 05. December 2006 17:00
I've actually experienced it quite a few times, also with the latest patch. I even had a TDF where Ullrich and Evans had to leave the race after a crash like the one in the screenshot.
#7 | Mugerli91 on 06. December 2006 18:32
On which stage? Was it first stage (if you don't count the prolog)? When I play TdF usually I see a lot of fall in first stage (well, that's bad because a lot of favourites withdrawall Sad).
#8 | lgs00watta on 08. January 2007 20:23
Yeah that stage has almost always produced a mass crash for me, probably becasue of the sharp corners close o the end. The next stage never produces a crash as the roders are wide and corners gentle. I think this is fairly realistic
#9 | SportingNonsense on 21. March 2007 16:45
Ive had a pretty big crash in the 1 day race before the TDU (PPDB Europe), I wasnt in a good position for a pic though.
#10 | Smoothie on 07. June 2007 17:53
I can imagine watching summat like this on tv Wink
#11 | litllemagnum on 02. July 2007 16:57
when i played the giro and there was the first uphill finish line, i always broke away from the pack and then cunego always fell and lost 4 or 5 minutes
#12 | Crommy on 29. July 2007 12:11
I'vr had a crash on the last stage of the Giro, with 1km left, which forced the number 5 in the GC to abandon Wink
#13 | Addy291 on 25. August 2007 18:56
i think in one of Alex's stories (might have been) Jan Ullrich was either 1, 2 or 3 in the TdF GC and he didn't actually fall off but on the Champs Elysees he just sat still on his bike and abandonedPfft

Stupid doper/GermanPfftWink
#14 | Deadpool on 27. March 2008 23:25
If your rider (or any rider) tries to jump from train to train, it will increase the chance of a crash (especially if your rider is on aggressive). I guess the chance that it will bring down a number of other riders is luck
#15 | Deadpool on 25. April 2008 14:10
Also, I have seen the TDF lost by Evans on a crash on the final stage of the tour, he crashed, and lost enough time so that my rider Contador, won it by 2 sec Grin
#16 | wILDSTED on 07. October 2008 10:20
i once played the last stage in the tour the france and on Champs-Elysses Andreas Klöden cwas in in a mass crash and he lost 3:40 min. and he was number 1 and My rider A.Contador won the tour
#17 | jokovic on 25. July 2011 15:13
ncie wildsted you write exactly the same as deadpool narbs gtf get a life
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