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New rider model
The first screenshot of PCM12 showing the new rider model.

Date: 10-04-2012
Added by: CrueTrue
Dimensions: 1920 x 1080 pixels
Filesize: 297.5kB
Comments: 14
Rating: *****
Number of views: 7976
#1 | kissaha on 10. April 2012 15:56
Not that much improvement graphicswise if you ask me. Which is a good thing, because that hopefully means that they have concentrated on the gameplay.
#2 | SC1990 on 10. April 2012 16:48
Looks like an attempt at a likeness of the Manx Doughboy.
#3 | ruben on 10. April 2012 17:35
#4 | lagetcher on 10. April 2012 18:20
They're so vein.
#5 | KenL on 10. April 2012 20:37
The rider at the fore and in the background have a different facial model to that of the Cav one, maybe this means that you can now add new facial models for riders.

Something like the FIFA series, where you can add O edit files (nif like meshes) for individuals

This would be great, no more pasting faces over the existing model and hoping it somewhat looks realistic.
#6 | fenian_1234 on 10. April 2012 22:29
Quite an underwhelming first screenshot.

Though will be good to have community faces work properly again (if this indeed will make it so?)
#7 | canojuancho on 11. April 2012 03:41
Licensed teams? cofidis, sky.. is really good.
#8 | lluuiiggii on 11. April 2012 17:38
#7: well, they had Cofidis and Sky licensed last year as well so nothing really new.
#9 | baggieboys32 on 11. April 2012 20:56
the FDJ jersey looks correct as well, not sure they were licensed last year?
#10 | lluuiiggii on 12. April 2012 03:07
Yes. All French teams were licensed in PCM 11 (not coincidentally, I guess).
#11 | Aquarius on 12. April 2012 12:12
Oh great, they're using A.A. for this year's screenshot(s). Pfft
Maybe the riders lack a little fat or have taken too much Aicar though, they really look so "vein".
#12 | MitchNL on 12. April 2012 17:05
#9 & 10: The FDJ jersey was licensed, but the riders came up with names like "Geesdon" or "Offrodo".
#13 | elite on 13. April 2012 15:22
I would like to see if they improve not only the riders but also the bikes, e.g. shifting animation!
#14 | Maxvir on 25. May 2012 11:17
Some team sponsors are wrong again :/ ( CCC, RadioShack-Nissan etc..)
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