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My Cobblestone Stats
This how i think the cobblestone stats should look like. i know Lars Bak is a little op. Boonen have 77. he has failed this season, and i dont think that he will reach his former level.

Date: 17-04-2011
Added by: Rasmusj
Dimensions: 1440 x 900 pixels
Filesize: 455kB
Comments: 21
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Number of views: 9440
#1 | micke007 on 17. April 2011 17:10
seriously 77? Boonen is definelty still 80, he got sick just before tirreno which made his form go way down and still he managed to win Gent-Wevelgem and became 4th in RvV, and I'm sure without all his bad luck in Paris-Roubaix he would have been excellent there
#2 | Rasmusj on 17. April 2011 18:30
Ill let him prove me wrong in 2012 then Pfft but maybe 77 is 2 low. but 80 is too high. his time is over. next year he will help Chavanel instead of riding for himself
#3 | micke007 on 17. April 2011 20:11
I seriously doubt that, and if this is based on the results of this year then why are Hushovd, Devolder and Flecha that high?
#4 | Anonymer on 17. April 2011 23:04
noob stats, really really bad
#5 | Alakagom on 18. April 2011 19:33
Msot of them are completey way off.

Where is Thomas or Chavanel for example ?

And what did Haussler or Pozatto do to have 78 ?
#6 | iambennyboy on 19. April 2011 05:17
i like your custom scheme Grin
#7 | micke007 on 19. April 2011 17:51
that's the only good thing about this screen Pfft
#8 | sanderpostema on 27. April 2011 19:55
lol Bak has got 80 but tjalingii ?
#9 | Victor95 on 28. April 2011 12:21
really bad stats
#10 | Victor95 on 28. April 2011 16:12
this stats prove that you dont know shit about cycling:
Boonen was 4th in flandres, and just had bad luck in roubaix, but still he won gent-wevelgem..
Nuyens is never gonna win a big race like that again, 81 is too much for him, he just had luck with the circumstances, its just because he is good in hilly races that he was at the front, wich doesnt means hes shit in cobbles, but he should be like 78
Devolder should be like 76
We just saw bak riding one good cobble stone race. One race doesnt make him comparable with hushovd and vansummeren immediately..
#11 | geeboyie on 30. April 2011 21:51
gilbert his hill should be 85 he lets everyone see that no one can beat him in his terrain
#12 | callumcross on 20. May 2011 20:27
these stats are pretty poor ... sorry but bit pants
#13 | karask on 28. May 2011 14:02
Bak need have max 76 cob and cancellara acceleration 77+
#14 | pcm2009fan on 22. October 2011 21:54
Boonen's a shadow of his former self - he def. has lower sprint and all round abilities, but I reckon purely in terms of how he handles the cobblestones he's still one of the best.
#15 | CasperVg on 30. October 2011 13:04
I would say Devolder failed more than Boonen this season, no?
#16 | baggieboys32 on 26. April 2012 10:46
Just saw this pop up on my sidebar "Boonen have 77. he has failed this season, and i dont think that he will reach his former level." How wrong you can be!
#17 | alex valceanu on 11. July 2012 19:22
Amazing Year by Booen . U were SO WRONNG !!!!!!!
#18 | hiiam2412 on 07. September 2012 17:40
rasmusj fail
#19 | jokovic on 04. November 2012 18:38
epic fail
#20 | andy222c on 09. January 2014 20:44
Obviously it is a Dane who has oploaded this. Lars Bak being "a little up" by giving him 80 in cob is really frustating, yet quite hilarious to see. Either a great sense of humor, or no clue about what went on in 2011.
#21 | Naskela on 05. June 2014 23:53
i would be disappointed if i didn't win all the cobble classics with that team...
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