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PCMdaily Expansion Pack: Released!

(written by haasje33)

The first version of PCM.daily's Expansion Pack for PCM 14 is now finally here.

As you all know, a few members have joined the DB team of PCM.daily for this project, but also for future projects. Zecha, bwiggins, Sykkel_Freak, Kentaurus and haasje33 accompanied Jesleyh, Alakagom, Maddrengen, admirschleck and Jacky Durand to work on this huge project.

The database comes with 101 teams, all with fully updated rosters. You will also find a lot of new equipment and the full rider palmares of 2013.

Also, we have included a lot of other important stuff to the database. The database now has over 300 races, for instance. Another thing to mention is that we have added nearly 400 new sponsors.

Thanks to Alakagom and Jesleyh, we have more realistic stats than ever. They developed an adjusted stat matrix and adjusted a lot of stats.

Lastly, it's also worth mentioning that we've been improving the generation of young riders. We started with this in the previous database (2014DB for PCM2013) and with Kentaurus joining the team, we were able to make this even more realistic.

Convinced? Well, go straight to the download here .

A mirror link will be available soon.

As always, a huge thank you to the community for providing shirts, equipment and stages - and a special shout out to all members of the PCM.daily DB team, who worked on this project: admirschleck (graphics), bwiggins (equipment), haasje33 (graphics, cdb work and coordination), Jacky Durand (sponsorkits), Jesleyh (stats and other cdb work), Kentaurus (XML-files and cdb work), Maddrengen (graphics), Sykkel_Freak (cdb work) and Zecha (logos and other graphics).


The PCM.daily DB team will now move on to the V2 which will probably include some bug fixes, as well as a few new features: all sponsorkits by Jacky Durand implemented, cyclist contracts, additional variants and more…
Releasing a small update for PCM 13 is still being considered by the DB team, so we'll see about that.

#1 | Dusen on 24. August 2014 20:01
Will you have to restart your career (with pcm daily) when the V2 comes out.

Or will the V2 only included stuff that won't interupt an already started career? Smile
#2 | admirschleck on 24. August 2014 20:02
V1 isn't "properly" released and you're already talking about V2 and asking questions. Wait, man.
#3 | Dusen on 24. August 2014 20:04
I just want to know if i can start a long lasting career with PCM Daily tomorrow or if i should wait for V2?

Shouldn't be too hard to answer if you already know what you are going to implement in the V2?
#4 | admirschleck on 24. August 2014 20:05
Start a long lasting career with PCM Daily tomorrow. Changes in V2 aren't going to be that big so they would require a whole new career (unless different sponsor kits are something major for you).
#5 | Dusen on 24. August 2014 20:06
Ok thx. Smile
#6 | Atlantius on 24. August 2014 20:18
An update for PCM13 would be awesome Wink
#7 | zachbastian on 25. August 2014 06:18
really slow download. 14 % after 9 hours. See you in a week
#8 | Vioselos on 25. August 2014 12:49
I hope we get a update for PCM 13, since i didn't buy 14 ;D
#9 | DW48 on 25. August 2014 15:51
Thank you to the entire database team for their tireless work on this.

#10 | capaz on 30. August 2014 17:47
Hello,PCM daily Expansion Pack career.cdb and PCM daily ExpansionPack_singlerace.cdb....

¿What differences exist? sorry for my bad English....Smile
#11 | lakebeach on 04. September 2014 20:12
The singlerace.cdb have the current national champions and the current rosters. The career.cdb's rosters and national champions are from the beginning of 2014.
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