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First Interview with Cyanide on PCM14
Pro Cycling Manager 2014

It is that time of year again, with approximately 3 months until the new game is released, and this year PCM.daily have been given the first interview about the game!

The interview is with Clément Pinget, and reveals the first real bits of information about what we can expect in Pro Cycling Manager 2014. The main conclusions are below, or you can click here to read the full interview.

Career Mode

The career mode has been one of the main areas of focus for improvement this year, and two systems have been developed from scratch. The first involves equipment, and allows you to sign contracts with suppliers and participate in research and development programmes for new parts. The second involves the contracts and transfers system. The realism of transfers have been improved - in terms of both salary levels and the nationality focus of a team - and players will have more choices available when dealing with this part of the game.


It has been many years since there was a demo for the game, and this looks set to be partly addressed in the form of two tutorial levels. One will be aimed at total beginners, but the other will be geared towards more advanced players and will help to highlight the changes that have been made between 2013 and 2014.


The main change here relates to an automatic mode where it seems that you can let the AI take control over part of your team - to allow you to focus only on the important riders. It will also be possible to give multiple orders to a rider at the same time. So while a rider is collecting water bottles for the team, you can tell him to go straight to relaying once that task has been completed.

Daily Form

The impact of daily form looks set to be greater this year, which will lead to some more unpredictable results - an outsider could achieve a big result if he has a great daily form for that race. How the daily form is generated has also been changed - with a rider's recovery and the weather conditions being important factors. In career mode, rider illness will also lead to a rider receiving low daily form for a few days in a row.

Resistance Stat

As many people noticed, the Resistance stat had become irrelevant after changes to PCM2013. This has been addressed for this year's game.

Stage Editor

A new feature will allow climbs or route sectors to be inserted straight into a .zcts file, without the need to map them out every single time. Already nearly 60 famous climbs or places have been recreated from France and Italy, including the likes of Alpe d'Huez and Mont Ventoux. This could be a great time saving feature for stage makers.

Long Term Plans

Beyond PCM 2014, there is a hope to improve the ease in which the game can be modded, in particular with the installation of different database - making it possible for the game to work with multiple different databases at the same time. Cyclocross is also in the minds of those working on the game, having been a popular suggestion for many years.

More news to come

There will be improvements to the multiplayer mode, and other changes to the career mode, as well as news about new features for the console version of the game. But further information on this will have to wait for now!

#1 | SportingNonsense on 27. March 2014 19:26
The full interview can be found here: https://www.pcmdaily.com/articles.php?...cle_id=108
#2 | 547984 on 27. March 2014 21:27
As usual, this gets me excited but it's Cyanide so...
#3 | SSJ2Luigi on 27. March 2014 21:39
I have been waiting 4 years on this Grin

well technically 3 years and 9 months Pfft
#4 | NTTHRASH on 27. March 2014 21:47
#3: You waited for what, Resistance?
#5 | SSJ2Luigi on 27. March 2014 21:59
#4 no Resistance worked in PCM10 Wink
#6 | marble on 27. March 2014 22:33
Not sure what to think about the equipment thing, I would rather see them spend time on other things to be honest.
#7 | Rin on 27. March 2014 23:13
#6: Well when looking through the years since PCM06 the most complained stuff was the management part and I think it is even now also the most wanted part to be reworked.

New fitness etc. did it but it was/is never enough done towards the management part. So I think they are taking another step which is good.
#8 | dacascos on 28. March 2014 08:22
Excited about some proper focus on the career side, but I hope they haven't spent heaps of time on this new equipment thing. Scouting rehaul and possibility to use development teams would be way ahead on my wish list as examples.

Then really hope they address the AI side on career in how they plan their seasons to not have star riders sit out most of seasons for no good reason etc.
#9 | T-Photon on 28. March 2014 09:41
At least they ackknowledge some of the things that the community has been asking for for years Smile that in itself is new.
#10 | Ian Butler on 28. March 2014 17:06
Cyclo cross for long term, hoozay.

Well, I like the gameplay change, it'll be great for those with one-rider stories. That way you can really only care about your rider in the race.
#11 | OlegTinkov on 28. March 2014 20:31
Here we go again; months of (pre)excitement, until the release Pfft

so PCM14 is (again) the paid patch of PCM13...

EDIT: So Cyanide doesn't know that this is already possible since...forever
It will also be possible to give multiple orders to a rider at the same time. So while a rider is collecting water bottles for the team, you can tell him to go straight to relaying once that task has been completed.
#12 | Rin on 28. March 2014 21:13
You probably missunderstand what it says/reads/is Oleg.
#13 | OlegTinkov on 28. March 2014 23:49
Don't thinkso;
*You already can click on dot and then on collecting water bottles, then the rider will go straight to dot once the collecting/spreading water bottles has been completed.

*Or click on relay and then on attack, then the rider will go straight to relaying once the attack has been completed.

TutorialsNever played one
GameplaySee post(s) above
Daily FormOnly good when databaseurs can edit it, weather hopefully doesn't play a big part
Resistance Stat...
Stage EditorGood!
Long Term PlansLong Term Plans...
#14 | TheManxMissile on 30. March 2014 23:47
I won't be getting PCM14 cause my laptop would die. But i'm already skeptical about it...
We've seen similar style promises for Career Mode before and they havn't really worked or added to the gameplay experience.
Tutorials could be good in a complex and deep game, which PCM just is not.
Multiple orders is possible now, and without vastly improved AI i would not trust an auto-mode.
New form sounds good, but could become too big a factor. Does make camps meaningful though.
RES should have been adressed in an early patch.
Editor sounds good, depending on included files.
Long Term means nothing for PCM14, and frankly the game is so far from complete now anything like Cyclocross is a waste of resources
#15 | 547984 on 31. March 2014 01:36
Looks like TTTs are beyond fix Pfft
#16 | benyi lopy on 31. March 2014 18:27
And Tour de france 2014??Sad it's gonig to be a interview of the new game for PS3, 360 (and PS4?)?
#17 | Avin Wargunnson on 08. April 2014 07:11
Same bullshit again. At the point when Cyanide stops talking and starts acting and releasing finished game during reasonable window, PCM can be interesting series again. Till that time? See Oleg's post for reference....i would only add that talking about fixing the stat that was broken for a year without fix as the new feature, is the biggest trolling of customers ever. That is not a new feature, that is your legal duty you stupid morons!!!
#18 | toreaxe on 19. May 2014 19:24
I wonder how many patches this is going to have before becoming "playable"? All they seem to do is complicate their game with unnecessery things and not fixing the problems their clients have... And for the graphics... nothing that any modder is capable of doing... I hope i'm wrong, but it's the same thing over again every year...
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