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This will be fixed in patch 4
Pro Cycling Manager 2012

While there's been some praise of Pro Cycling Manager 12, there's also been some (okay, a lot) critism. Three patches have already been released, but these have mainly focused on the new armada mode.

However, in the next patch, the 4th one, it appears there's going to be taken care of a lot of important bugs. A patch log has appeared, and while it may not be the final one, it does give us some hope.

(Translated by roturn)


- Riding with friends (real teams)
- Spped Boost 2x - 4x. Not in time trials
- Time trials integrated in Armada. Just player teams to avoid big waiting time for AI
- Not sure about this one: Coins will be rewarded a bit different in future.
- Fixed the chat function
- Some kind of symbol for connected players. More info later.
- New cards for some success?
- Cards can be deleted
- New content for the team. (Renewing and repairing)
- Overview about players. Might be something about how much someone leaves similar to Ultimate Team


- Renewing of sponsors possible
- Bug with U23 fixed
- Bug at the Worlds fixed
- Fixed some problems with U23 riders, sponsors etc.


- Adds new object, La Chapelle de Grammont


- Zooming into profile possible
- Coloured profile for the different slopes
- Fixed a bug at detailled simulation

- Fixed some server problems in Armada
- Pack with 100 stages. Variants for all 3 GT`s and some other big races and Worlds. Will be free and downloadable.
- Startlists
- A problem with Steam&Windows XP at the start of a race is known and will hopefully be fixed if the problem is found

#1 | Mr_Monk on 07. July 2012 20:02
We can now renew sponsors Banana Banana Banana
#2 | chris01 on 07. July 2012 21:17
yes! Startlists and zooming into profiles will be working!!
#3 | Kasownik911 on 07. July 2012 22:18
What about is starting carrer with custom team in cont?
#4 | wopstick87 on 07. July 2012 23:40
- Zooming into profile possible
- Coloured profile for the different slopes

the two things that I desperately wanted, will make this game much more enjoyable. I loved these settings in pcm 2011.

when do they think it will be ready?
#5 | lluuiiggii on 08. July 2012 00:12
Roturn wrote:
The next patch is supposed to come during the second Tour de France week. It`s not 100% yet but a first changelog appeared.
#6 | flatime on 08. July 2012 00:46
Mother of god!!This is good news...the profile thing,finaly Grin
#7 | fcancellara on 08. July 2012 02:45
Now wait for the PCM Daily DB and there's not really anything left to complain about Pfft
#8 | Teddy The Creator on 08. July 2012 07:51
I'm suprisingly impressed.
#9 | PCM rulezz on 08. July 2012 09:09
Sounds good, can't wait to download and play the game
#10 | roturn on 08. July 2012 09:18
As you can see here in the newest translation the other stuff will come in a next patch and not in #4.
#11 | Abelbaba on 08. July 2012 09:34
tempting to buy the game now...
#12 | cactus-jack on 08. July 2012 12:53
You gotta love Cyanide. Who else would need 4 patches + a whole new game to correct one of the biggest faults from the previous game?
#13 | baseballlover312 on 08. July 2012 14:47
Well, when the PCM.daily db comes out, I'm for sure getting 12 Smile
#14 | Poembakat07 on 08. July 2012 15:09
Fixed a bug at detailled simulation
and Pack with 100 stages. Variants for all 3 GT`s and some other big races and Worlds. Will be free and downloadable.

good work!
#15 | Kira900 on 08. July 2012 20:27
When will the PCM.daily db come out?
#16 | Il Pirata on 08. July 2012 21:01
Great news! Hopefully this patch will fix the sponsor expetations (and wildcards) for smaller teams! (??)
#17 | lluuiiggii on 08. July 2012 21:19
#17: they don't mention anything like that, so I wouldn't expect it.
#18 | franciep on 08. July 2012 21:25
so when is this going to be released
#19 | roturn on 09. July 2012 10:13
@ 19: Soon, during the 2nd Tour week
@ all: The variant pack and the startlists + some minor things might come in a patch #5 and not necessarily in the #4 patch. But it`s surely planned.
#20 | Avin Wargunnson on 09. July 2012 10:32
Oh no, Cyanide will make game at least a half-playable right in the patch numbr four? Certainly a thing to cheer for...
#21 | marcowich on 09. July 2012 15:37
we want the patch now Smile
#22 | Shaft on 09. July 2012 18:05
But when, we are in the second week of TDF :-D
#23 | TDekker on 09. July 2012 18:57
#24 | Jaxxe on 09. July 2012 19:25
Hope they fix the problem with detailed simulation. It is currently not possible to chose, where you want to attack with you captain yet, like in 2011.
#25 | Mark Cava on 10. July 2012 02:14
They should fix, the renewal of the contracts of the riders. Because when we have 30 riders, we can renew with them, and that doesn't make any sense. I'am not adding a rider i'am just renewing with him.
This would be a small but HUGE IMPROVEMENT.
#26 | 54NGR3 on 10. July 2012 07:16
One thing i found very useful in other PCMs was group riders and with ctrl+1,2 or 3 i had my leadres, helpers or garbage all together and could see them pressing just that number 1,2 or 3. Now i can group riders but i cant move between them, i know its maybe something little but why cya changed it?

By the way. this year left boxes with riders names are worst of last PCMs. Thats poorest interface since cym1 or 2

And why the hell they changed key shortcuts? Maybe letters are now more accured but i will have to restart my mind and remember now a is u(gel), h is e(effort), d is r(relay),.lot of years using same keys

Thats enough whinning and crying by now
#27 | lluuiiggii on 10. July 2012 07:52
It's released, available in the downloads, great Smile
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