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Download the game and support PCM.daily at the same time
Pro Cycling Manager 2011

As promised, it's now possible to buy Pro Cycling Manager 2011 through a special PCM.daily link and support the site at the same time.

We have made a deal similar to last year's which means that when you buy the game through one of the PCM.daily links, a part of your money will go to PCM.daily rather than Focus. So you pay the same, but we get a share of the revenue.

The banners are already up on the frontpage and in the forum, and there's also a link the left menu. This one directs you to the buying page for your country, but as several of you have noticed, it may be a good idea to change the country in the right-hand corner as that may mean a lower price. If you do change it, the PCM.daily referral is removed. For example:

If I open the link, I'm directed to http://eu-focushop.gamesplanet.com/shop/pro-cycling-manager-tour-de-france-2011?affiliate=PCMDAILY.
If I change to US, the address changes to http://us-focushop.gamesplanet.com/shop/pro-cycling-manager-tour-de-france-2011/, which does not have the affliate tag by the end of the address - meaning that you're not supporting PCM.daily. If you remove the last / and add ?affiliate=PCMDAILY to the address, it will work properly, though.

Otherwise, use these links: EU || UK || US || France || Germany || Italy || Spain

All the money go to paying the costs of running the site. We got close to covering 100 % of the costs last year, so to all of those who bought the game through PCM.daily last year: If I haven't already said it - thank you!

And to those buying the game through PCM.daily this year: Thanks a lot in advance.

#1 | Thrige on 20. June 2011 22:13
Sorry Mike, ordered a few hours ago Sad
#2 | joerre on 20. June 2011 22:28
No thank you PCM Daily for all your good work ! *applause*
#3 | Mresuperstar on 20. June 2011 23:22
Going to pre-order it tonight, I've been waiting so I could support the great team here at PCM.Daily Wink
#4 | siwi on 20. June 2011 23:32
I want 50%.
#5 | CountArach on 20. June 2011 23:51
Yep, I've been waiting for this too, happy to help out such a great site.
#6 | jseadog1 on 21. June 2011 00:49
I just bought it now from the USA! Nice to help out the site too.
#7 | DJP19 on 21. June 2011 03:26
It would be best to but it from the US. $39.99 fromt he US site and 45 euro from the German site....wow
#8 | aluvium on 21. June 2011 04:02
Done thanks!
#9 | R_Funk on 21. June 2011 06:25
I'll ask my wife Grin
#10 | Polti on 21. June 2011 10:26
really strange that they include all language packages and simultenously demand different prices. If I buy the German version, I pay approx. 55 Swiss Francs while the US version costs me approx. 34 Swiss francs...sick! And that in the era of internet...

edit: bought it via pcm.daily!Cool
#11 | dealerke on 21. June 2011 17:02
Gonna buy it also thorugh this great job guys
#12 | valverde321 on 21. June 2011 19:53
I gave in and pre-ordered. Thanks PCM.daily, glad I could help you guys out too. Smile
#13 | Ithaca on 22. June 2011 10:02
Going to go ahead and buy it through the US-portal. With PCM-Daily affiliation, of course.
#14 | marble on 22. June 2011 14:11
I'm gonna buy this later today, supporting PCM.daily just like I did last year.Smile
#15 | Zuper Zino on 23. June 2011 10:46
how do u make a profile on PCM 11 ???
because i've downloaded everything annd installed everything but i need to make an account...

first u need to put urself a username: i did that and it was available
second u need to edit your adresse ????? WTF is that ??
3th u need to put in your "Cle Joueur" which is problably Players Key or somethin : i did that and it was OK

But what do u need to put in: EDIT ADRESSE ???
#16 | prohushovd on 27. June 2011 11:16
can i buy and download this game now if i live in norway?
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