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Tour de France 2011 - here it is!
Pro Cycling Manager 2011

Update: We have added a sheet of information about the game to the screenshots section. You can see it right here.

Cyanide's upcoming console game Tour de France 2011 for XBOX and PS3 has not been officially announced by Focus yet, but luckily for them, we're here to help. We've been in contact with a publisher of the game who've kindly provided us with plenty of information about the upcoming titles.

As expected and previously reported, you will be able to play the 21 Tour de France stages - and that's it. The stages are played in a 1:1 scale, but you will only be able to play the most interesting parts of the stages, e.g. mountains, sprints etc. It's being rumoured that some additional content will become available after the release.

You will not be able to make your own rider. Instead, you will take over an existing rider on an existing team - and you will be able to "switch" riders from stage to stage. For example, you may want to control Petacchi on the flat stages and Scarponi in the mountains.

During the stages, you will be able to communicate with your team-mates (like "attack", "help", "get me some water"), and your team director will also make sure to give you information during the race, e.g. time gaps, distance left etc. It's also important to stay friends with the rest of the peloton. It's possible to form alliances, and if you respect your word, you will gain reputation among the rest of the peloton. It's not mentioned how this works out exactly, but I guess we will know later.

Since it's a console game, there will of course also be plenty of achievements to unlock.

The release? We've previously reported the 16th of June as being the release date, but that appears to be the day where the pre-orders begin. PanVision says that they expect the game to be released on the 30th of June in the Nordic countries (Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland).

And lastly -- want to see it in action? We have a video ready for you, but bear in mind that it's an old video with outdated graphics. The game is said to have progressed a lot since then. (Edit: We decided to remove the video on request from Focus/Panvision)

#31 | Matt97 on 25. May 2011 13:44
Any news about a demo version?
#32 | fabio10 on 25. May 2011 14:33
And what's about scale 1:1 in PCM too? At least in "Tour Mode"...Instead of made the graphics 5% better, use the time to create things more realistic than the 5% better graphics for thousands of pc's don't run smoothly and crash every stage with add-ons.
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