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The mud is back
Pro Cycling Manager 2011

Previous screenshots have already revealed that features from previous games, e.g. the national / world champion stripes (liseres) on the rider jerseys and the regions of each country, are back in PCM11.

We can add yet another feature to that list: The mud on the riders' jerseys after a long day in Roubaix. I don't remember exactly when this was present in PCM, but it's been included before, and now it's back.

This is revealed thanks to a couple of new screenshots that origin from the Cyclist Viewer that we mentioned a week ago.

You can see the muddy riders here.

#1 | 0buKKaKe on 19. May 2011 10:16
that is really awesome Smile
#2 | mowinckel91 on 19. May 2011 11:08
I can dig this!
#3 | nixgud on 19. May 2011 12:45
*_* Speechless!
#4 | BouBBox on 19. May 2011 13:12
Great news! Grin
#5 | hillis91 on 19. May 2011 14:07
Makes the game more realistic, love it! Smile
#6 | carlos_valverde on 19. May 2011 14:24
I don't remember exactly when this was present in PCM: cym 4 last time Wink
#7 | Alakagom on 19. May 2011 17:23
Looks good. I just hope the cobble gameplay will be good too Rolling Eyes Awful in PCM 10 to say least
#8 | owks on 19. May 2011 17:41
Well let's hope this isn't the only difference between pcm 11 & pcm 10... Rolling Eyes
#9 | CrueTrue on 19. May 2011 17:44
#8: Isn't it a bit weird to suggest that considering the fact that PCM.daily has announced several other new features?
#10 | valverde321 on 19. May 2011 20:54
Did Focus or Cyanide or whoever fire the guys that make the game trailers? You'd think there would be one out by now.
#11 | sciby on 19. May 2011 21:34
but all in all it is just one or some more textures that appear with less transparicy kilometer by kilometer. not more
#12 | Rin on 19. May 2011 23:25
Better then nothing, it adds "graphical realism" with the championship stripes.
It's done like this everywhere, like Racing games when the windscreen gets dirtier, the same procedure.
#13 | 0buKKaKe on 20. May 2011 17:19
valverde321: completely have to agree, where are some promo of the game which has about a month to be released ??? no official homepage, no trailers, no info, nothing ...
#14 | Alakagom on 20. May 2011 17:26
I have a feeling the game might be delayed. Amazon emailed me that they are not starting pre orders yet as it would be too early. Not offcial or anything, just a thought.
#15 | CountArach on 21. May 2011 00:29
That looks incredible, now I hope they include improved gameplay as well.
#16 | 0buKKaKe on 21. May 2011 09:32
how can it be delayed? it HAVE TO be released before TdF!
#17 | CrueTrue on 21. May 2011 10:56
And it will Wink
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