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Rumour: Be a Pro in Tour de France for XBOX and PS3
Pro Cycling Manager 2011

One of the most requested features for Pro Cycling Manager is the "Be a Pro"-mode that makes it possible for the player to control one rider instead of directing an entire team. Cyanide has always responded with a "no" to that feature, but according to a member of PCMBenelux, who says that he's been in contact with a beta-tester of the console version of PCM, the game is much like the Tour de France game made by Konami back in 2002.

It's possible to control the rider, and it's possible to crash - just like in Konami's game. Unfortunately, it's said that Tour de France is the only playable race, and it's also said that there's no online multiplayer.

Keep in mind, though, that we have this information from EintractFan who got the info from a Dutch member who says he's been in contact with a beta tester. So the chances of this being 100 % true are quite slim.

However, we like the idea of a more arcade-like game for the consoles.

The game is set to be released on the 16th of June for both XBOX and Playstation 3. The price is currently set to 50 €.

#1 | EintrachtFan on 07. May 2011 00:22
I even used a google translator, so don't blame me for any misunderstanding there Pfft

I also like the idea of a more arcade-like game for the consoles, as i still enjoy playing the old TDF game on PS2 from time to time. But, it has to be more than a remake..Even that old game had a career mode, so this should be a matter of course for the new game - if the rumours are true.
#2 | Vincent_Shawn_TLT on 07. May 2011 01:59
I have never had the chance to find it,and nowadays in France they sell it 30 euros,because it is a "collector" game... But They must be working on it,Honestly,I have been disappointed with the xbox 360 version.
#3 | fenian_1234 on 07. May 2011 09:16
There's no reason why an Xbox version has to be more arcade like.

The last version was a bit of a joke. Give us a full PCM for the Xbox!!!
#4 | Thomas on 07. May 2011 10:00
Konamis game was absolutely rubbish so they should know how not to make the game.
#5 | CrueTrue on 07. May 2011 11:05
#2: I have it for PS2. Paying 30 € for it would be a joke Pfft

#3: Please mention one management game which has been successful on a console. That's right - none. You can't just port the PC version to the consoles.

In fact, I love the idea of having a good cycling management game on PC and a "Be a Pro"-arcade like game for the consoles. It seems like the most sensible choice.

With that said, there's no doubt that it has to be fundamentally different from the PSP and XBOX games that have been released the past few years.

#4: The game did suck, yes. What did it have? 4-5 stages. 4-5 official teams. 10-15 official riders. No peloton. I'm pretty sure that the guys at Konami hadn't ever seen a cycling race before making the game.

Either way, there's no chance that Cyanide's game will suck that much.
#6 | fenian_1234 on 07. May 2011 11:35
Crue, I'd say PCM in its current form is not really a managment game. It's already an arcade game in my opinion and I think it'd work pretty well on the XBox in its current form. Plus, Xbox live would make multiplayer a hell of a lot better and more convenient. Be A Pro should be fairly straightforward* to implement into the current version too. In the arcade part limit control to one rider, in the management part choose your race program at the start of the season and gets assigned goals for each of the races.

The main problem it would face on these formats in whatever form it takes is a lack of licensing and modding.

*Fairly straightforward for a Video Game company like Cyanide I hope. There are plenty of examples of this kind of mode out there already.
#7 | DaBobScotts on 08. May 2011 21:49
There have been many successful management games for consoles, just not cycling ones. FIFA is probably the best example. Also, there are plenty of 'Be a Pro' examples out there, even for FIFA 09 on DS!
#8 | Thomas on 08. May 2011 22:24
Bob, no. There have not been many succesfull management games for consoles. Apart from the actual gameplay Fifa is still absolute horrible. Be A Pro is a great feature, yes. But that's thanks to the gameplay - not all the features around when the matches are finished. Without a mouse a manager game on console simply can't be comfortable.
#9 | Thomas on 08. May 2011 22:31
That said, I do hope this will be released. It's an obvious idea to be one rider and could - with the right gameplay and ideas - turn out to be really interesting. I'd defently buy it.

In 10 years the same game will be released where you are connected through a home bike - imagine a multiplayer mode on that! Wink
#10 | EintrachtFan on 09. May 2011 13:44
#9: There is already something like that Wink

#11 | DaBobScotts on 10. May 2011 02:25
Yeah, i remember that. Tacx released that ages ago, but I think it kinda failed. It was pretty expensive, too
#12 | DaBobScotts on 10. May 2011 02:27
And I guess that console managers aren't as good, but I personally don't mind them. FIFA 11 was a big improvement on that feature, with more in depth player profiles, etc
#13 | hillis91 on 18. May 2011 23:07
Im just going to say it.. Give us a Be-a-pro version on the computer version aswell. If only for the TDF. I would be epic Smile
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