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1991 DB for PCM10 released

Some of you may remember this amazing 1991 DB made for PCM09 by Rogercoll and JMURB. It received a lot of praise for its 1991 race calendar, the impressive amount of equipment, teams and riders of 1991.

Well, wouldn't it be a shame to let that DB be a PCM09-only DB? I thought so, so IĀ onverted a part of the DB to PCM10. This means that you get all the features from the 1991 DB for PCM09, except for the races and the UCI World Cup system. Everything else? Yes, it's right here, waiting to be downloaded.

The package comes with two databases: One uses the original Cyanide stages, while the other one uses the stages that come with PCM.daily's 2011 DB. If you want to use the latter, you need to install that DB before-hand. If you wish to use Cyanide's stages, the 1991 package contains everything you need.


#1 | valverde321 on 17. April 2011 23:01
Yes. Thanks

And it only takes 4 minutes to download.

Edit: Just realised I have 2 hours worth of schoolwork to do after being out all night. Angry
#2 | Mig007 on 18. April 2011 11:14
Thanks, it's just great but I prefer the PCM09 gameplay. I hope it can be fully converted for the next PCM, if the gameplay proves better, and that some changes could be made, as 1991DB has some problems with invitation system and so on.

#3 | R_Funk on 19. April 2011 18:36
Sounds great too bad i don't have more hours in a day.
#4 | felix_29 on 22. April 2011 16:47
You should have mentioned that some files of the 2011DB get replaced by the 1991DB-files. Cameron Meyer looks really strange nowWink
#5 | CrueTrue on 23. April 2011 19:19
That shouldn't really be necessary to say. I can't name one DB which doesn't replace stuff from other DBs.
#6 | GMiranda on 31. July 2015 22:26
I sit possible to reupload this DB?
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