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PCM.daily's 2011 DB to be released ... soon

With the 2011 season underway, PCM.daily is getting ready to release its first version of the 2011 DB.

We don't have any final details to reveal right now, but we're aiming for a release of the Public Beta this upcoming weekend. The final version is expected to be out the following week (between the 11th and 13th of February).

We're still open for suggestions for teams. The team list is pretty much unchanged from the Preview Edition, although we did add Columbia es Pasion (thanks to their Pro-Cont license and European schedule), RealCyclist.com and Christina Racing (to replace Designa Køkken). Motorpoint has also been re-added. Obviously, we've also removed disbanding teams and re-named teams which have had title sponsor changes (e.g. DHL -> BGZ Bank).

So, if you've noticed any strong team that fits with the Western Europe, British or American focus that we have, and which is not already in the DB, feel free to suggest it in the comments. We may not make any further changes to the teams, but making a suggestion has never hurt anyone.

#31 | Ithaca on 04. February 2011 11:56
I suppose main emphasis is placed on the teams, that are prominent in international media. Some smaller teams will simlpy not be available, as far as I can tell. Add them yourself, would be my advice Wink
#32 | eltoroloco on 04. February 2011 15:25
I can't wait! PCM Daily DB are every time awesomeSmile

The guys are great!
#33 | vangerner on 05. February 2011 07:04
Van Vliet-EBH Elsof is now ; Cyclingteam De Rijke
#34 | AiZaK on 05. February 2011 17:55
CrueTrue, Finally, How many teams will be in tha Final DB 2011???
100??? 110??? 120???
#35 | valverde321 on 05. February 2011 18:23
He said he doesn't care as long as its less than 100. So my guess would be 85-99 teams.
#36 | Bromers on 05. February 2011 18:30
The wait is killing me!
#37 | issoisso on 05. February 2011 21:29
Bromers, here's a handy PCMDaily -> English dictionary while you wait:

April or May -> Never
Monday -> Friday
Later today -> In 5 minutes
This weekend -> Sunday night
#38 | Bromers on 05. February 2011 22:59
Haha well said issoisso
#39 | PremierRus91 on 06. February 2011 04:49
#40 | Matt97 on 06. February 2011 09:17
The wait is killing me to!
#41 | Dennuz on 06. February 2011 12:15
We are all waiting...! So I guess it will be sunday night ;-)
#42 | lakris91 on 06. February 2011 12:35
have heard something about the has a lot of bugs, but i don't know if it solves problems too, so when the 2011 db is released which patch, do you recommend to use with db?
#43 | roturn on 07. February 2011 09:38
It doesn`t matter what newer DB you install as the is always just bugged without making anything better.
So if you play single player you should use, for online games you unfortunately need or you can`t join the gamecenter.
#44 | mrmogli on 15. February 2011 17:09
you are doing a great job,but waiting is so hard...
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