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First details of Pro Cycling Manager '11
Pro Cycling Manager 2011

The Cyanide Team has been pretty silent since they released the last patch for PCM10 a couple of months ago. I'm glad to announce that they are in fact still alive and working on this year's version of the game, Pro Cycling Manager 2011.

While they didn't have time for a 'proper' interview with lots of new information, we did manage to get a couple of interesting PCM11-improvements out of them:

1. Teams can get new head sponsors, including new team names and jerseys. So no more Team RadioShack in 2020 - in PCM11, RadioShack can pull its sponsorship, and the team can get a new sponsor with a new jersey.

2. Riders magically passing through each other? I'm sure most of us have learned to live with this, but we won't have to in PCM11 - it's gone! It can happen very rarely, Cyanide says, but other than that, no.

3. Another AI-thing - and compared to the other two points, this is quite minor, I guess - there will be a noticeable difference in the bunch depending on the pace. "When the pace is high you can see the peloton being more and more stretched, while it's a big large pack when the pace is cool," Clément Pinget. member of the PCM development team, explains.

He also assures that the sprint AI/gameplay is one of the highest priorities for PCM11, and that there will be several other interesting "surprises" that are yet to be revealed.

#61 | Guido Mukk on 24. January 2011 13:22
How it will go..
I will buy it (cant help it)..then I wait patch..then I wait Db..then I wait another patch..then I am happy that first Db is working with second patch..then I say: Damn They doing this year after year..and year after I still buy that game. Because this is still the best my favorite sport- cycling game at the market
#62 | 0buKKaKe on 24. January 2011 17:56
amen to that Guido, that was my point, you have to wait months so you can finaly enjoy the game with all those patches and sometimes it screws it only worse (case of and there is no correction so far, after almost year !!!) and for the community db, so the game have some meaning. i was like you, but not this time anymore, i wont support such crap, i cant, if i would be such looser in my job doing so many mistakes i would be fired imediately and they do the same mistakes yr after yr and 2010 was the final and worst ever, with the way they treat us, the customers, the people who feeds them and i wont do that not at all. its like paying full prize for a car that is broken and you have to spent another money (in case of pcm waiting if someone (cya) who will correct if they be so "kind" to do it for us) to make it actually ride.
#63 | depappie on 25. January 2011 02:14
Martin_TB #39

when i first saw the Protect Rider feature i assumed a rider protecting a rider with puncture would automaticlly stop to assist them, this doesn't happen, but should imo!
#64 | T-Photon on 25. January 2011 13:52
@0buKKaKe: if you aren't even gonna try the new game why the hell are you complaining so much?

this is news about the NEXT game not the previous ones so go call customer support if you feel they treated you bad with PCM10. PCM10 is actually pretty decent with tbh.
#65 | felix_29 on 25. January 2011 18:43
And nobody is forced to buy the game in July/August. You can simply keep playing the older version and buy the new one when a good patch and DB are available
#66 | quentinbeltran83 on 24. February 2011 18:06
I hope I would have a comment on an improvement, it's great that the final package is getting better! I hope also to have improvement in the realism of attacks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is still a great graphics engine: D
#67 | Chadwick890 on 18. May 2011 10:40
What i want to know is if it will be sold on steam! Thats what i liked.
#68 | metalbak on 21. May 2011 16:34
Looks cool
#69 | JOR on 23. May 2011 18:07
I would like there be a national's database in ps3 version and split-screen mode. Is it possible?
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