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East European Add-On to PCM.daily's 09 DB released

As we announced in August, two of the PCM.daily DB Crew Members, Ozzy and Maximka, were working on an East European add-on to PCM.daily's 2009 DB. The original DB is very focused on the Central Europe and USA which means that the number of East European teams and races are very low - but with this add-on, this is remidied.

12 teams, primarily American and British ones, have been deleted and replaced with 15 East European teams. 28 new races have been added (a few have been deleted), and the teams' calendar have been tweaked to make the race participation as realistic as possible.

So, if you're from East Europe or just prefer these teams over the American/British ones, this is a must-have! Go download it here where you can also find more information about the new teams and races.

Lastly, thanks a lot to Ozzy, Adams55, Cyryl3000, E-Mail and Maximka for making this add-on.

#1 | cyclertom on 05. November 2009 12:24
Well, great db, thanks a lot. Maybe I´d prefer db with RadioShack and more czech races, but i guess, i´m only one... Grin

And if anyone prefer my czech jerseys, there it is https://pcmdaily.com/forum/viewthread....ost_228719
#2 | CrueTrue on 05. November 2009 13:09
It's a 2009 DB. RadioShack doesn't/didn't exist Wink
#3 | cyclertom on 05. November 2009 13:16
I know, i just really like your db with RadioShack... Thats all... Grin Well, big thanks to all of you, you're doin' great job!!
#4 | Inferio on 05. November 2009 17:18
Takanks you all man in the PCM.daily for this great thing Smile... These included races are all UCI races in Eastern Europe?
#5 | Ozzy on 05. November 2009 17:24
Inferio, yep.
#6 | issoisso on 06. November 2009 13:25
Thanks guys! Smile

I much prefer this to the english and american teams/races. If fits much better with the rest of the european calendar.
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