I'm very happy and delighted to say that we managed to keep the deadline: PCM.daily's 2009 DB V1 is here!
As we said two weeks ago, this DB is mainly for the people who just can't wait with getting started on the 2009 season. A few teams (not many, but a few) have fantasy shirts since their real shirt hasn't been announced yet, and as you know, there's still being negotiated between riders and teams. With that said, this DB does give you a 2009 season feel - that's for sure ;)
Main features of this DB: - 69 teams - 35 new races (compared to the Plus Package) - 2009 race dates and race categories - Several races have got their profiles updated to 2008 - 1600 free agents (an estimate) - New fatigue system (riders fatiguing slower) - All new 2009 objectives for all teams - CQRanking has replaced the Superprestige - New material (although this will be majorly improved in V2 - more about this later) - Lots of new secondary sponsors - And more...
The team list and list of new races can be found on this link.
And for what you've been waiting for:
Mirror Link (Filefront)
Mirror Link 2 (PCMBenelux)
Notes: - If you want to play the new races in Single Race mode, please choose "Custom teams" instead of "Realistic teams". - Once during the testings, the game crashed on the day of the World Championship. If you experience this, just try again. We didn't experience any game stopping bugs. - It's not possible to sign riders in the first season. This is unfortunately unchangeable. - The banned riders are in the DB as free agents: If you don't like it, just delete them yourself. It can be done in 1 minute with CLE-ditor or Hannes Editor. - Please report any bugs that you may find - thank you! :) |