Several months ago, it was rumoured that PCM08 maybe would be available for a third platform (other than PC and PSP), this of course being either Xbox 360 or Playstation 3. This was backed up by Clément Pinget in the January interview by PCM.daily where he said: "the game will be released on PC, PSP - and probably another platform". Since then, we haven't heard anything. No screenshots, no official information. However, some things indicate that the game might come for Xbox 360 anyway.
On the official website, you can see a Xbox 360 Live logo at the bottom of the site, right next to PSP and PC DVD logos. On the French gaming website, Jeux Online, who ever since the beginning has been following Cyanide and their games, it's said that Pro Cycling Manager 2008 will be released for PC, PSP and Xbox 360 Live Arcade (the online gaming shop where you can download games directly to your Xbox). Another hint is found at JDLI, another French website, where Focus in an interview from the 5th of March says that they will "suggest making a version of Tour de France exclusively for Xbox Live Arcade". Last, but not least, it's also mentioned on the game's official website where it's clearly stated that the game will be released for Xbox 360 (thanks, stuartmcstuart). Earlier, Cyanide has said they had a few surprises yet to announce. One of them was the Database Editor. Maybe, this one's another?
Focus, the international publisher of the game, has responded to these rumours by stating that they "can't say anything about such a version yet".
They should've picked the PS3 !!
No seriously as I see it Managergames is meant to be played on a computer .. (Football manager on xbox - they tried it - but hell noo.. I feel the same with Cycling manager.. it's for computer!
The xbox 360 can reach an extremly wide audience thanks to the live arcade online distribution etc. It's a smart buisness move. But rather than online distribution i'd rather see a disc format. Either way if it's true i'll be buying this. (As the link says it seems to be true)
'different versions of its cycling game for the PC, PSP and Xbox 360'
I think it would be quite good on Wii, as you could use the Wii-mote in the same way you use a mouse on the computer. The lack of this precise pointing and quick moving from one place to another on the screen has been why I've never liked management or normal strategy games on consoles.
the most plausible result is that what JDLI are suggesting. A minor downloadable game on Xbox Live Arcade. It will probably be fun to play, but won't contain any option, let alone any customisability.
The maxiumum price for download games are 1600 microsoft points (the xbox currency), which is about £15. I think if they do go ahead it should be about 800 points (most games are) which is just over £8. A big plus for the xbox is that people do buy these games and there is a huge market for it. Just think achievments in cycling manager 'Win the Tour de france' etc.
well it obviously exists. Cyanide have updated the images on the site, even put the text on the studio page. Thats hardly a typing error. I'm guessing Focus won't say anything until an official press release, last thing they want is the community to discover it and the press picking it up from there.
They can't comment 'yet'. Now it's out you know the anouncement will come in days. If it's not in the works Focus would just say 'nope'. Thats correct. So it exists.