We might have started a new week, but that doesn't mean you won't have any Weekly News ;) The tradition continues upon a very interesting week.
Compatibility problems with Vista A lot have reported that Pro Cycling Manager 06 and Windows Vista simply don't work with each other, mainly because of the Starforce drivers. However, on Starforce's website you'll see that they advertise with their product being "Vista Certified". Therefore, it seems like that the Starforce program included with PCM 06 is outdated and will have to be updated. Currently, there's no solution, though.
Explanation of case between PCM.daily and PPDB Some of you might have noticed that PPDB and I had a misunderstanding during the release of PPDB Europe - this is how I experienced it: The day before the release, it's announced on the public forum of PPDB that there's going to be released a database. And since it's announced in public I suppose the DB will be public too. The following day, the database is released. Savoldelli, a forum member of PPDB, says in the topic that he's going to mirror it which makes me think that it's a public release - so I announce it at a few other sites, including PCM.daily, of course. However, it then later turns out that the DB isn't a public release, and I decide to remove links and files from the places I've posted it.
I'm of course deeply sorry of what has happened. My action does, however, in no way legimitate the things which have been said afterwards.
Updates for the PPDB Europe 2006 When the PPDB Europe was released some bugs were already known. After the release, the PPDB-team has worked on solving those bugs, and that has now resulted in three updates.
The first update was released to the public Saturday, fixing some race names which for some reason didn't work with the Spanish and Italian versions of the game. It also solved the trainer problem which was known when the database was released. Link: http://www.pcmdaily.com/downloads.php?cat_id=1&download_id=121
The second update was released yesterday night, and it fixes the experience problem. When the DB was released most riders had 4 in experience - now, it's set to realistic levels. Link: http://www.pcmdaily.com/downloads.php?cat_id=1&download_id=122
Last, but not least, is an update of the Rundum den Elm-race which - because of a typo - crashed. To install the update, simply extract the file to the CM_Stages-directory and overwrite the existing file. Link: http://www.pcmdaily.com/downloads.php?cat_id=1&download_id=123
Also, there's a problem with the 2007-edition of Tour Mediteaneen: "There seems to be a problem with the 2007 stages for the Tour Méditeranéen, in the second year of your career they make the game crash. Untill we found a solution, please remove the following files from your CM_Stages\variant folder: Tour Méditerranéen.rules.xml Tour Méditerranéen_01.descr.xml
by simply removing them the problem is solved and the game will use the 2006-stages for this race. "
Winners of the Stage Creation Contest have been found As we reported on the 5th of December 2006, Cyanide had initiated a competition to find out who the best stage maker really is - and now, the winner has been found. The winner is - for the 2nd time in row - I-Chezidek. He also won last year, and this year he followed up on the triumph by winning again.
On 2nd place came Thune, and third was Belokiller. Noticeable is it that Thune also was 2nd last year.
We will have much more information on the results when the offical statement has been translated to English ;)
Until then, you can try out the stages by downloading them from PCM.daily. Link: http://www.pcmdaily.com/downloads.php?cat_id=7&download_id=124
RSM News DB 1.3 released The most popular 2007 DB is currently the RSM News DB. It has now been updated to 1.3 which means that it now has even more transfers and is even more realistic. In the new DB you'll also see a new team, Amore e Vita, and you will notice that all transfers up until the 6th of February are included.
Download it here: http://www.pcmdaily.com/downloads.php?cat_id=1&download_id=120
RSM Profiler updated The stage creation tool, RSM Profiler, has been "dead" for long, but its author, Arkon, suddenly aroused it. The program is used to create profiles of the stages which can be done with only very few clicks on the mouse. With the update, the program is now fully compatible with the latest patch.
Link: http://www.pcmdaily.com/downloads.php?cat_id=12&download_id=117 |