It's confirmed - PCM.daily are forming a database team! Daniel Sánchez (yes, that's me) has officially left the PCM-Spain development team as lead database maker (even though he'll be still helping out as much as possible and running the website as an administrator). That means the PCM.daily's 08 DB won't be a 1-time project - the DB-making will go on in PCM08! Expect the same way of working to be kept here. Also, Roger Coll (known as Roger in PCMS and rogercoll/cstoner27 in other international boards) will keep alive the PCMS db team as lead DB'eur - I wish he has the best possible luck as the one behind my steps, since he's a very nice bloke and a true workaholic (so am I :P ). At this moment, the DB-team is just Dankan, and then everyone who's eager to cooperate... but we're counting on you. We're looking for the best workers around here in order to make a stable development team - even people from other boards (over andere fora/desde otras páginas/dans autres communautés/da altri siti). Everyone who's capable to prove he's an experienced worker at his own task is welcome. We hope to build a strong team to make a great db in PCM08 (as long as the new game does not prevent us from doing so). Just tell me, using the appropiate ways, such as PM or e-mail - we just want to see who's willing to help next year, specially when it comes to graphic artists. ---- Anyway: we've added some new pics to the photoalbum, showing sorted stats for the most important abilities (Nountain, Hills, Timetrialling, Cobblestones and Sprinting). Note that we've brought the highest values down, to get more realistic results. This is not what you would be sure waiting for - however, we still cannot show you in-race pics till we ensure the graphical appearance is as good as we're looking for it to be. Look at the images by clicking here. Greetz! |