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Take part in the beta-tests ...
Other Games... of Cyanide's new game, Blood Bowl. Hah, I got you there ;)
Cyanide is currently working on a new game which is called Blood Bowl. It seems to have a huge fan base, because it's based upon an old game with the same name - so this might be Cyanide's new "hit" / best seller. To me, it looks quite a lot like the old Brutal Sports Football for Amiga. It's set to be released in Q3, and it will be released for PC, XBox, Playstation Portable and Nintendo DS. Several screenshots and videos have been released to the public, and Cyanide is now inviting members of the official forum to participate in official multiplayer beta tests.
There are few requirements to your PC:
- At least 1 GB of RAM
- Graphic Card of at least GeForce 6
- A processor of at least 3 GHz

And a few non-PC requirements:
- A knowledge of the tabletop game and a desire to play the turn-based version of the computer adaptation (no real-time implemented in this version)
- Being available to play at the very least 2 games a week (the more the better). A game lasts between 30 mns and 2 hours (depending how quick both players are) and you will have to play full games.
- Your internet connection will have to be relatively stable (broadband is also a minimum)
- Be willing to spend the time necessary to forward us the bugs found and discuss them in the forum.

Send an e-mail with your application to
bloodbowl@cyanide-studio.com including a dxdiag of your computer. The testing will start in about a week. But hurry up, the thread has already reached three pages on the official forum ;)
#1 | Silence on 29. February 2008 11:52
Just to be sure.
Is it okay to stink at it? :lol: - does that decrease you chances of being chosen? xD
#2 | issoisso on 29. February 2008 13:16
Take part in the beta-tests of Cyanide's new game, Blood Bowl

#3 | EintrachtFan on 29. February 2008 13:40

Why aren't they concentrating on PCM?! I don't understand it... Now i'm sure they only want the money.

#4 | Waghlon on 29. February 2008 15:20
Guys calm down! This will be the game that will end up financing Pro Cycling Manager in the future!

Also, writing a beta application as we speak, thus neglecting the Titan 2005 review
#5 | schleck93 on 29. February 2008 15:23
Cyanide has sveral games, besides PCM fx. Loki, Horse racing mananger, winter challenge and pro rugby manager. But PCM was the first game that they made.
#6 | EintrachtFan on 29. February 2008 17:09
Ah, thought this game would be something completely new, didn't know that this game is in development since a year.

Still i think it would be better to put their energy and money into the pcm series...
#7 | Waghlon on 29. February 2008 17:23

From a business point of view, the Blood Bowl license can be worth quite a lot (in european gamebusiness terms anyway) if they can pull off a great game. Besides, they need to diversify so they just arent the guys known "the creators of PCM and some minor crap".

And they did made Chaos League which wasnt all that bad, and with an official Games Workshop license in their hand, they might just get off their colective arses and make a great game.
#8 | CrueTrue on 29. February 2008 19:18
We should also keep in mind that people are hiring new people for this game. It's not like they take people from PCM-programming and magically change them into Blood Bowl-programmers.

And from a business point of view, it's not bad to focus on more than one game Wink As Waghlon says (in one of his very few serious comments -- I'm shocked Pfft) Chaos League was actually a pretty good game, and with the Blood Bowl-license (meaning thounsands of entusiatic fans) Cyanide might hit a gold mine. And in the end, that will benefit us (the PCM-players) too.
#9 | issoisso on 29. February 2008 20:37
Cyanide might hit a gold mine. And in the end, that will benefit us (the PCM-players) too.

Wrong. every past example of companies in similar situations shows that if PCM becomes marginal they'll just stop producing it altogether.
#10 | Waghlon on 29. February 2008 21:29
We should also keep in mind that people are hiring new people for this game.

As an aspiring software engineer, im still disappointed that they keep flat out refusing my pleads for internship. Im like "hey, ill move to France, you wont have to find me a place to live, ill live on the streets. Ill bring my own chair and computer. I wont even eat in the cafeteria!". Why wont you accept me for 3 or 6 months?! WHY?!

Also, Isso: We want creditable sources before we believe you.
#11 | issoisso on 29. February 2008 21:40
Also, Isso: We want creditable sources before we believe you.

The correct term would be "youtube or it didn't happen!"

you're an aspiring software engineer? in what sense? the "I'm getting a degree" sense? or the "I don't know jack squat about it but I'm making jokes about it" sense?
#12 | Waghlon on 29. February 2008 21:45
More like "I cant be bothered to study for another 4 years, so im gonna program a lot of tech demos with Shaders 3.0 and physics engines. Maybe help someone with a shitty MMO, enter som mod teams. Just generally build a portfolio whilst smooching with the department of new hirings in various companies" kinda guy.

Serious business you know...
#13 | issoisso on 29. February 2008 21:46
good luck
#14 | Waghlon on 29. February 2008 21:47
Im gonna pretend i cant feel any insinuated sarcasm and say thanks.

Also, yes, i am going to buy Blood Bowl!
#15 | issoisso on 29. February 2008 21:49
no sarcasm. just "dear god this guy is screwed"-ism (whatever that's called)
#16 | Waghlon on 29. February 2008 21:51
I think thats slight sarcasm with a topping of sadness to be honest...
#17 | p3druh on 02. March 2008 21:45
I checked out the game I have to say that I doubt it very much that this game will be a "golden boy" for cyanide...

And I seriously doubt that it will have a larger fan base than PCM...
#18 | Waghlon on 02. March 2008 22:40
p3druh: I think that you will find that many are playing both the boardgame and the JavaBBowl version online. And by many i mean a god damn lot. Cyanide wont have trouble finding or making a fanbase with that precious license in their hands.
#19 | p3druh on 03. March 2008 14:35
Still, I don't think it will have a bigger established fan base than PCM... There are many of us in the every forum but there are a lot of PCM-players that either don't have internet or simply aren't registed in any forum...

I'm not saying it won't be a good investiment for Cyanide but I think this won't be that PES, N4S, CoD, CS game that will take Cyanide to the top...
#20 | Waghlon on 03. March 2008 17:20
Cyanide is not a big blockbuster company. They are a niche game company. Dont forget that.
#21 | p3druh on 03. March 2008 19:18
That's why I'm saying that I don't think they will or should invest too much in this game beacuse it's not gonna take Cyanide to the next level of game companies...
#22 | Waghlon on 03. March 2008 19:21
p3druh, you missed my point: They are a niche game company. Occasionally, some people or companies might not even want to go the next level if they like their current position.
#23 | p3druh on 03. March 2008 19:31
No, believe me, I didn't...

Look at the article... The game is cracked up to be a "best-seller", and will be launched for PC, XBox, Playstation Portable and Nintendo DS... This makes this game a big investiment, unlike anyother Cyanide game... No company in the position of Cyanide would dare make this game unless they wanted to jump to a higher level because it's simply not feasible for a company with their resources...
#24 | Waghlon on 03. March 2008 20:04
Actually, you have a point coming to think of it. There has to be some goal with it when you release for four platforms afterall...
#25 | p3druh on 03. March 2008 22:14
Exactly... And the fact that it is being designed for Xbox indicates that the game will have graphics of a higher level... Again, investment...
#26 | CrueTrue on 04. March 2008 08:37
It is certainly an investment, but as said, I don't think we should underestimate it. I was even considering starting a bbdaily-website, simply because I can see where it's going. The English forum is very active, and it's only a matter of time before all the old Blood Bowl-guys show up and make it even more active.

But time will tell. Personally, I'm expecting a lot.
#27 | Waghlon on 04. March 2008 14:31
Crue, protip: Register the domain name already just in case...
#28 | CrueTrue on 05. March 2008 09:09
Too late Pfft
#29 | Waghlon on 05. March 2008 16:46
I see what you did there Wink

PS: Dibs on admin rights already, because i will buy it, because it is Blood Bowl afterall.
#30 | Waghlon on 06. March 2008 13:40
Just read that there will only be 25 invites sent out in this round of beta for now. Great depressing news!
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