As you probably know, PCM.daily announced that we would make a 2008 database. When we announced it, we had worked on it for a while, but it wasn't until Dankan joined the crew that it really took off. He became the leader of the project and did a lot of work on the DB ... until he suddenly disappeared without giving the DB "back". For some time, we waited for him, but we eventually realized that it would be the best to restart the project - so we did, and that's the main reason why you haven't heard anything until now. With Dankan gone, most of the work will be done by Addy. The rest of the crew will support him as much as possible, and as you have seen, we have started a picture search thread in the forum where we ask you guys to help us. At some point, we might bring in another DB-creator to help out, but at the moment it definitely seems like Addy can do the job.
So, what's going to happen now? We're working very hard on the DB at the moment. Currently, the teams are being renamed, and the riders are being moved to their new teams. After that, we're going to add all the new jerseys, revise the calendar, etc. - and then we'll release the first public beta version. This version will be without the new American and British teams which we mentioned in the annoucement. If everything works out with the first beta test, we will proceed and add the more British and American teams and races - and when that's done, we release the 2nd public beta.
Release date? In fact, I hate when there's no release date - I hate it even more when there's not even a "time horizon". I rather want a delayed release date than no release date at all ;) Therefore, I'm going to say that I hope that we have at least one version of the DB out somewhere in March. That's our goal, and we will do our best to make it.
Enough of the business talk, I hear you say. What about the features? Honestly, I have no idea of what features we will bring into the DB at the moment, but I can promise you one thing: We will focus a lot more on stats and a playable, working DB than we will focus on the graphical side of the game. That's an ambition we have - therefore, the feature list might not be all that exciting, but as long as the DB works and does its job, everyone should be happy. The DB is based on the PCM Spain DB, and we will keep as many teams from the original DB as possible. Some of them has been closed down, though, and as said, we're definitely going to add some British and American teams. The ones which are most likely to be added at the moment are: Rapha Condor -, Pinarello RT, Plowman Craven Evans Cycles, Rock Racing, Type 1, Bissel Pro Cycling, Pezula and Sean Kelly's Cycling Team.
That's pretty much all I can say at the moment. Feel free to ask questions in the Comments box. Also, I promise that we will keep you more informed from now on - mainly because we actually have something to report about now ;)
I started talking to some people about stats a while back but obviously anyone is allowed to give their opinions on the stats, even now before the db is out you can feel free to say what you think certain riders deserve. In the end it's whether the crew decide they deserve them, but all opinions are valued
just so you know: it was in the newpaper today 'Mike Alloo' from 'PT3fondas transfer team' will stop cycling at top level. he doesnt have the motivation anymore to train for 4 houres a day. he has no contract anymore.
But in case uou want to put him in a free agent, his specialitiy is flat (cobbeld) races. he was in the dutch national team for paris roubaix U23 last year.
We will focus a lot more on stats and a playable, working DB than we will focus on the graphical side of the game.
I just loved that line..if you need help..ask. I will be one client..
addy, after Mike Alloo left P3 Fondas Transfer team, they now signed jonas ljungblad to replace him. his speciality is flemish classic, whether it's got cobbels or hills