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Management Game 2022 Season: Opportunity to join the game!

The 2021 ManGame season has just finished. Around 60 managers in three divisions experienced an exciting season with their teams, which now ended with promotions and relegations.

As every year this is the time where new managers are able to join the great fun.

If you are interested, you definitely should check out this thread for more information.

#1 | jandal7 on 13. July 2022 13:40
Can't recommend it enough - if you're teetering on the edge give it a go - loads of fun and a great community who will help you with anything you need getting into it!
#2 | baseballlover312 on 16. July 2022 12:41
#3 | Eden95 on 18. July 2022 23:44
Do it!
#4 | Venners on 07. February 2023 15:39
With the 2022 season of the popular management game quickly approaching, it's time to start thinking about how you can make your mark. To join the game and give yourself the best chance of success, one key element to consider is a touch free hand sanitizer dispenser. Not only will this help keep your team and competitors healthy, it will also give you an edge over the competition and show your commitment to a safe and clean environment. Get your hands on a touch free hand sanitizer dispenser today and ensure your team is ready to take on the Management Game 2022 season!
#5 | patrickchen1987 on 25. August 2023 08:36
En termes de taille, c’est un accessoire pratique pour les deux sexes. En ce qui concerne la deuxième montre la plus impeccable, elle s'appelle replique de montre Rolex Submariner et croyez-moi, c'est une montre très fabuleuse grâce à laquelle vous pourrez certainement non seulement renforcer l'influence de votre personnalité, mais également améliorer votre confiance en vous. manière pragmatique. En ce qui concerne la réplique Omega Rolex, il s’agit d’une montre courageuse pour les femmes du monde entier. Étonnamment, une boutique de montres en ligne vous propose des replique montre de luxe Rolex les moins chères dans le monde entier d'une manière prestigieuse et abordable.
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