PCM.daily Expansion Pack First Update

- Updated Stats for WorldTeams, ProTeams and Continental Teams - Corrected rider names with specific letters (such as ň and č) that were no longer displayed ingame - Added National Championships of Hungary and Kazakhstan (thanks to Tamijo) - Tens of Thousands of new names for regens (newly generated riders). All countries currently in the game will now produce at least one regen per season with authentic names (thanks to fjhoekie and redordead) - Sponsors now only have countries as focus regions and no longer individual regions within countries, since those are no longer displayed ingame
- The custom sponsor MEO is now Portuguese instead of Spanish - The custom sponsor Sky now has the accurate kit - Denmark now has a correct jersey for the World Championships - GP Herning has the correct route (thanks to Tamijo, again. Note: We've added this as an additional route. If you want to have this route exclusively, delete the files called c2_den-thy_2014 from the CM_Stages folder in your PCM Steam directory) - Minor changes to the leader jerseys of the Tour de Pologne (now with Sponsors) - Minor changes to palmares/records detailed here - Changes to rider nationalities detailed here - Added a few riders
While not part of the DB itself, we would like to add our recommendation to download JD Sponsorkits. With their immersion-increasing graphics, they're a perfect complement to our DB and a great addition to your PCM experience.