Dear fellow PCM and cycling lovers,
The PCM.daily DB makes its PCM20 debut! The PCM.daily Database Team is incredibly proud to present to you our PCM.daily Expansion Pack. Like in prior years, we're aiming to provide you with the best possible experience to enjoy PCM20 to its fullest potential!
To keep up the tradition of forum databases, we have decided to try and stop the trend of losing the quality of PCM databases to the ties of Steam workshop. Hence we've gone oldschool, to a full forum database. In addition to the most realistic, we're also trying to be one of the most extensive databases. And while we can't compete with former in-depth quality of PCM.daily Expansion Packs, we've still got a nice amount of teams and features together. They of course include all WT and PCT teams as well as the most important and also some exotic continental teams.
In terms of stages, everything on the market that meets a certain quality standard has been turned into a part of this database. Right now we can offer a variety of races, from different WT variants to exotic .2 stage races. With this approach we want to include both the needs of in-depth WT players as well as the ones that prefer to work on the lower level and try different races.
As a last thing: This DB is meant to be continuously developing. That means: We are all in the learning process! Hence we are happy about any sort of feedback or suggestions, as long as they come in a constructive way. And if you're interested in helping out - be it with stats of some of the smaller continental teams, additional graphics or other DB work -, please contact us. Our aim is to release several updates over the course of the season to keep you current with the latest transfers and performances, the newest teams, team gear and stages. We hope that you'll have a lot of fun with the PCM.daily Expansion Pack!
For the PCM.daily Database team, Croatia14, cunego59, Löfkvist, Tafiolmo