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Sign up for the new ICL season!
Story News

As the ICL, short for International Cycling League, heads into its 5th season, the most popular and quickest paced 'story game' of the forum is ready to welcome new players into its family!

If you've already heard about the PCM.daily Management Game, you might have an idea about what the ICL consists of: managers create a team from scratch, starting from the Continental Division in their first year, and have a choice to also sign up with a Development team, which has to be strictly composed of Under 23 riders.

If you'd like to read more, before you make a choice, you can take a look at the Frequently Asked Questions in this thread, where you'll also be able to find 2017's season most recent DB and other potentially interesting links.

If, however, you're convinced, well then you can go straight to the sign up thread! Good luck!

#1 | Bikex on 24. July 2017 20:01
Great to have an own news article for ICL, thanks Matt! Hope it attracts some people to the game.
One small correction,though: The next season will already be the 5th of the game. Pfft
#2 | knockout on 24. July 2017 20:56
I'm participant since the very first season and can recommend it to everyone who likes management games Smile
#3 | matt17br on 24. July 2017 22:45
#1 Holy, I didn't realise it was the 5th season already! That's just further proof of how quick the game is!

And whoever it was voting poor, know that I don't like you.
#4 | AbhishekLFC on 25. July 2017 06:46
I'll recommend it too. Can't wait for what's going to be my second season Smile
#5 | Shonak on 25. July 2017 16:59
Indeed new signups are much welcome, its a game thats ton of fun and needs little effort to keep track of. Smile
#6 | alexgilbert on 21. May 2022 09:22
Sounds really great! Physical education is just as important as any other form of education. Cycling is a great way to increase your stamina and build lower-body strength. I once pay someone to write my case study that was on the subject of the importance of physical education and how it leads to a healthy lifestyle!
#7 | harrygal597 on 17. September 2022 08:32
I’m trampled by your contents carry on the wonderful work. UI UX agency
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