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Weekly News #207
Weekly News

Go Go Go!

The cycling season has kicked off for 2017! It's been a dark few months struggling through the barren winter (unless you follow CX of course, or the Aussie summer, or the Americas, or Six-Days.... cycling never stops). Now with the Tour Down Under it really feels back in action. So how has Daily been dealing with this?

PCMDaily Velogames Champion 2017 is here and will run throughout the season covering as many Velogames events as possible. Well worth checking out for the bigger races and prove you know who's hot and who's not. Other Races 2017 has really kicked off with the TDU, and a few other events popping in. From here the thread will grow as every year, and is a great way to keep up with all the racing results. News in January you don't normally see too much news in January besides team presentations, but it's been a busy month and there will be more to come before it closes. Womens Cycling 2017 will keep you upto date on the other side of road racing and provided solid coverage of the WTDU.

Gotta Play Them Games

Try out the PCM.Daily Grand High Wizard Contest 2017 for testing your prediction skills by guessing various outcomes to races throughout the season. I'm With Stupid: It's Back! is worth watching this week, the current round is about to end and with a new host it'll be the perfect time to jump into one of the sites longest running games. Or if you want to be locked up look at PCM.Daily Big Brother S3 - Over! where ideas for Season 4 are being welcomed and looked at.

Then there's the big game, the Man-Game. The Tour de France came to a close on the Champs Elysees with some very familiar names at the top end. The ProTour is currently in the Czech Republic with the remodeled Parha-Karlovy Vary-Praha. The ProContinental's headed to Italy for the well known Giro del Trentino, and boy was it a close finish to what could have been a whitewash of a race. The Continental's are in Slovenia preparing for a final hilly showdown to try and rewrite the GC. July is almost over for the Man-Game and the season is really hotting up.

Thread of the Week

As it has been a cycling heavy moment with the season kicking off it is only right to highlight a cycling related thread (yes i know this is a cycling forum and almost all threads are cycling related). So Thread of the Week goes to Future Grand Tour Winners for generating some future thoughts about who could be the next great stage racers. Worth looking at and noting some names, perhaps contrinute some we've missed.

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