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Weekly News #200
Weekly News

I would not mind the hair of Sagan, but as you can see, that point where i could have longer hair is gone. - Avin Wargunnson

PCM World Cup 2016

The biggest online PCM competition is back for it's yearly running. Cycling Manager Italia are in charge and are running the event from the end of April through to early June. Alongside the usual Road and Track events they are adding ITT and TTT events and bringing back the National Teams events. There's a lot of promising changes being made by this year organisers, so 2016 could easily be the best World Cup yet!

For full details head over to Cycling Manager Italia

Cycling News

No, not the website unless you are reading some posts in the Race Routes Discussion thread. This week we've had posts and discussions in a massive amount of cycling threads. Womens Cycling 2016, more reaction to Paris-Roubaix 2016, Velogames, GOAT Climbers and Sprinters, Backgrounds, Your Cycling, Transfers primarily Sagan, News in April, Other Races and of course the Brabanste/AGR/FW Thread. We've got your cycling itch well and truly scratched!

Modding Central

Finding vanilla PCM15 a bit dull? Then why not go back in time. sali has given us another great historical project, DB 2004 - PCM 15. Or try his DB 1995 - PCM 15 which got an update as well. Fancy going even further back, then check out DB 1973 (Converted) courtesy of mehdi1993. Or if you are really desparate why not look at the new PCM Focus DB, and i mean really desparate.

Thread of the Week

I thought about picking Rider Progression (and you CAN control it) for being genuinely interesting. I also thought about the Stat Discussion thread. But my Thread of the Week is TRVALEZMATENY - shirts! Ok there was only one release this week, but i thought it was about time i drew some attention to one of my favorite, and one of the absolute best, jersey makers active.

#1 | matt17br on 17. April 2016 18:44
Tmm said really desperate but he meant really desperate actually.
#2 | Waghlon on 17. April 2016 18:51
RIP Avins hair
#3 | MARSUPILAMI on 17. April 2016 20:43
Seeing that you give the TotW mention to a showroom, I would precise that, for example, the_hoyle's one would have deserved it better (or even another one I don't wanna mention)

Anyway, good to have WN too weeks in a row
#4 | matt17br on 17. April 2016 21:15
Mars that showroom gets almost no attention, I like the cheeky way TMM drew attention on it Pfft
#5 | MARSUPILAMI on 17. April 2016 21:26
Which one Matt?
#6 | matt17br on 17. April 2016 21:36
The showroom TMM drew attention on.
#7 | Avin Wargunnson on 18. April 2016 07:14
That quote Pfft
#8 | Naxela on 26. April 2016 08:26
Avin is up there with the greats, like Gandhi.
So touching.
#9 | oralie on 04. November 2022 09:20
Your writings and news are slime rancher 2 really interesting to me. There are numerous advantages to the contents. Thank you so much.
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