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Weekly News #199
Weekly News

:banana: - Various

Roubaix, We Love You!

Not a single doubt that Paris-Roubaix has been the dominating point of the week. Pais Vasco tried hard but The Hell of the North is unparallelled. And then it gave us that race! I'll get the discussion thread later, for now i want to talk about Betting. A huge 43% placed bets on Spartacus, how you feeling now guys? At 22.00 Boonen came within a wheel of a huge payout for 6 people, tough luck guys. As it was with Hayman only 4 people went for the Another Rider option. Stagefrenzy capitalizing the most to move into the Top10.

Man-Game, What Man-Game?

It hasn't escaped certain members attentions that the Man-Game has been, well, non-existant recently. Well i reached out to the man in charge to try and get an update on anything about the game. To para-phrase the response: Have some patience. It's not abandoned or dead. It will pick up again. Perhaps find another hobby in the meantime.

So have some #faith that we'll #makeMGgreatagain!

Games Galore

I'll speed through these, there's a lot going on:

Bjartne wins Season 2 of Where Am I?. It was pretty damn close at the top. A Season 3 won't be coming too soon, but these two were pretty good so keep an eye out and Google at the ready.

Hunt of the Mafia, and Assassin or Inoccent S2, are currently taking sign-ups for their games.

Soccer Manager has taken off with huge popularity! You can still join by claiming any of the unmanaged teams, contact sgdanny for details or just look at the thread.

Ian Butler clearly has too much time on his hands. CX:AND continues alongside The Secret Pro and High Risk. All have great concept and quality in good measure.

Big Brother is in HoH6 and still rolling along. Plenty of salty people in and around the house makes for some funny reading.

ICL16 is currently scouting for new talented riders, whilst Avenir keeps the U23's entertained and on the market.

Next Generation is trying to get going, it needs a few managers to get their asses in gear and send in FA bidding!

Thread of the Week

Do you want to discuss, or re-live, one of the best cycling races of the past decade or more? Then check out the Thread of the Week. Paris - Roubaix 2016 (114th Edition) is the obvious pick, having broken itself, and well worth a visit even now after the race has finished. Nothing comes close this week, and i said i'd get to the discussion thread.

#1 | matt17br on 11. April 2016 15:31
I am not even salty
#2 | weirdskyfan64 on 11. April 2016 16:50
What a quote!
#3 | Ian Butler on 11. April 2016 19:05
Just stay away from page 33, legend in the making Pfft
#4 | TheManxMissile on 11. April 2016 20:00
#3 I genuinely spent a good 45mins trying to get into Page 33 and fix it.... wasn't happening Pfft
#5 | SSJ2Luigi on 11. April 2016 21:32
who broke page 33? I have a feeling a certain kiwi did but I don't want to state assumptions as truths
#6 | matt17br on 11. April 2016 21:41
#5 It wasn't Jakstar
#7 | jandal7 on 11. April 2016 22:05
#5*&6 Yeah, I don't think Jakstar was even on Rolling Eyes

Good weekly news, cheers for the Mafia mention and good to have it back! Salty players indeed make for some funnies Grin
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