The Daily DB has been around for a long time, and this year, too, you will recognise the features that made the Daily DB so popular in the past.
Cyclist adjustments
Even though this normally is not a priority for the first release of the Daily DB, we've have added 7 extra teams, all in our opinion contributing to the database. The teams we have added are Hincapie, Jamis, Meridiana, Nankang, SEG Racing, Smartstop & Vastgoedservice, bringing up the total amount of teams to 98.
As you'd expect, we have updated 2015 rosters as well, along with lots and lots of stat adjustments, done by Alakagom and Jesleyh, the combination that has proved to be quite successful in the past. However, this time, the statmatrix of the DB is a little bit closer to the Cyanide DB stat matrix.
Of course, we've also added lots of riders compared to the Cyanide Db, now totalling nearly 3500 riders. Roughly half of the riders are free agents, so you've got plenty of riders that can either be used for your custom teams or as later signing for your real team(or for your competitor ;)) Lots of the added riders are upcoming talents in real life, which a lot of members seem to be interested in.
Speaking of talents, we have also paid attention to the long-term development, with a lot of adjusted potentials and declining ages. Obviously the best youngsters in real life should have the most chances of becoming superstars, and the oldies should not all do a Horner and decline only after age 41 ;)
There has also been work done on regens. Thanks to the community we were able to include better regen names for every country, and aside from that, we were also able to ''activate'' regens from every country in the database, meaning that even a country like the Phillippines produces regens, although, obviously, less than Belgium does.
But there has also been paid a lot of attention to the graphical part. For starters, Zecha created a lot of rider photos for most riders in the database, keeping them from having a ''boring'' default face. But there has also been done a lot of work on the graphics of the teams. A lot of accessoires have been created for the teams, making sure they don't have Cyanide logo bottles and gloves anymore ;)
Another thing that has been done is recreations of several jerseys that, in our opinion, were low quality, in Cyanide's DB. We have also added a lot of NC and WC jerseys to the teams, limiting the amount of default jerseys that will be used by the teams.
What will also be appreciated is the fact that we've added lots of lots of high-quality custom sponsors. Almost 500 custom sponsors will be available for you to pick from, to either replace your current sponsor with or start a new custom team with. These sponsors range from local bike stores to huge multinationals, and from Icelandic to South-African nationalities.
Another notable thing is that we have added a lot of real name equipment to the database, mainly adding a lot of auto-color equipment and making sure every main team has the proper brands. In total, we have nearly 100 different equipment brands to choose from.
Also a generic Jacky Durand sponsor pack has been added, which will lead to more realistic race sponsors, so that not every race will be sponsored by Focus and Cyanide anymore.
But that's not all yet. We have also added a lot of NC RR and NC ITTs to the database, so that all big cycling countries have NCs to ride. An extension to the rest of the calendar will come in the V1, we did not see that as immediate priority, considering Cyanide seems to have added more races than they have done in the previous years.
However, what we did do is adding real 2015 routes. While Cyanide often use fake ones to update the calendar, we have collected all real 2015 routes, made by the community, for the races that lacked them.
Next to that, we also decided to include some variants, a feature a lot of users will be very excited about. Most, if not all, WT stage-races have got alternative routes that will be used in later seasons. But not only WT stage-races, considering we did the same for NCs and WCs. No season will be the same!
Apart from all these things, there are a lot of little things that will enhance your gaming experience even more.
An example are the race .xmls, made by clamel. They adjust the bonus sections, KoM points and sprint points you can get during races. Since the AI will respond to these changes, this will make your gameplay better.
Something else we have added are real coaches, scouts and doctors, to make the game a bit more realistic in this aspect as well.
And at last, we have also added new sound comments, so that more riders will be recognised by the commentator. He will, for instance, now mention when Vaugrenard attacks, while, in the original game, he'd remain silent.
I think this has the main additions of the database covered, although there are many more smaller things.
Should you want to view the full features list, click here.