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PCM.daily » PCM.daily's Management Game » [Cont-Man-Game] C2HC/C2 Results
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Gisborne GP

Hello and welcome to the C2 season opener here in New Zealand, it’s time for the Gisborne GP! 226kms of steep hills is what awaits the peloton here. Plenty of new teams making their MG debut all of them holding their breath for a great result. Some legendary hitters on the start line for the two new Italian outfits as Diego Ulissi and Edvald Boasson Hagen are here to prove that they still have one more good year in them! With that out of the way let’s get right into the race!


First attack of the season is from one of the new teams as pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sae.png Blanca Pareja is first out of the starting block. He’s joined by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/tir.png Kabas, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/stv.png McCutcheon and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/kmm.png Sommer.


The second wave of attacks is lead by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/snz.png Brandt, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/muw.png Turner, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/gla.png Wade, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/esc.png Finkst, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sva.png Maesen, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/anz.png Diaz and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/bdx.png Serrano.


This group however doesn’t get a big enough gap as pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/gct.png Tjotta works hard for his captain and keeps it under control as Maesen and Serrano try to create a new attack. A group of 11 riders form very briefly before being brought back by the pack yet again.


Serrano keeps being active in his accelerations as we see a bunch of the riders in the initial breakaway attempts also trying to create a gap that they can work with.


The gap for the break is now closing in on a minute as it seems like Tjotta has been told to let this group get away, while there might join a few stragglers in a bit let’s look at what looks like it is going to be the main break of the day: pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/bdx.png Serrano, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/snz.png Watts, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/muw.png Turner, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/gla.png Wade, McCambridge, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/bbm.png Johnson, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/anz.png Diaz, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/esc.png Finkst, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/kmm.png Sommer, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/bdx.png Serrano, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/see.png Ganjkhanlou.


With 196km to go the break’s gap is building and is already over 5 minutes as it continues.


With 108kms to go the gap to the break has dwindled down to 3’25” but nothing interesting has happened outside of a couple punctures for pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/kmm.png Helme and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/tir.png Pernsteiner. Pernsteiner made it back to the pack with ease, but Helme is struggling a bit on his own, but does make it back with 90kms to go.


While the gap is still over two minutes there is a long straight at 83 kms to go that provides visual contact for the pack(if they can look around the motorbike pacing them). The work in the pack is done with a combination of Crabbe, Hilcona, Ekoi, Gjensidige, Manada and Podium Ambition. The most surprising rider taking their turns is pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/t3a.png O'Connor who you would think could potentially create a result due to some of the inclines but T3A aren’t exactly lacking puncheur options when the final hits. As we are done with the prolonged flat sections of the initial circuit some riders are paying the price and getting dropped but no one of note are getting dropped as the pack still stands tall at 136 riders.


Accelerations at the front of the pack has started to send ripples down the pack as the group containing the main favourites are currently down to just 32 riders with a small gap of 40 seconds that should easily be shut down. Some of the riders in the second group that will have to invest a bunch of energy to get back to the main group are:
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/stv.png Villella, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sae.png Vendrame, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/snz.png Yates, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/muw.png Hagen, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sae.png Zordan and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/esc.png Hindley.


5kms later with 57kms to go contact is made again but question is as we enter the hilly finale with 10 climbs of varying lengths and toughness left how long will that contact last?


As we enter the 50km mark another small gap is created and shut on a descent, as the work of the leading riders in the peloton has gotten the gap to the break down to under 2 minutes.


With 43kms to go the gap is getting closer and closer to the minute and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/see.png Ganjkhanlou decides that the break is going too slow as he goes for an attack that is followed by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/esc.png Finkst and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/gla.png McCambridge.


But that’s not the most important thing that happens! As the pack gets into touching distance the Danish pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mcy.png Jensen was predicted to be one of if not the best puncheur in the division this year by many and he is trying to open the party as he attacks over a steep hill with just under 42kms to go!


No one follows the Dane, while he is currently flying past the remants of the break of the day and has gained a minute down to the pack. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/t3a.png Canty currently putting in a megashift at the front of the group, Podium Ambition seems to have a lot of belief in either Mayer or Lagane in today’s finish!


With 31kms to go Jensen’s gap is down to 44 seconds and there’s some action at the front of the pack!


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/tir.png Pernsteiner goes on the attack with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ccc.png Edmondson sitting in his wheel but no gap is created. It has however meant that most of the leaders are now at the front of the pack and the attack almost cuts Jensen’s gap in half with 29kms to go.


With 24,5 to go Jensen is brought back into the pack as they take on the third to last climb of the day.

The brief drop in pace is taken advantage of by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/tlt.png Pibernik as we see another favourite in pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/eko.png Teuns try to follow here. This should force some of the other favourites to make a move.


And that they do! pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/see.png Trillini, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/eko.png Paret-Peintre, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/t3a.png Lagane, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/esc.png Grosser and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/tlt.png Pibernik have been dropped as we see three of the biggest dogs in the division trample them. As you can see in top of the picture there’s a group of three riders that might have just made the decisive move! pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/gct.png Eiking and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ccc.png Edmondson are the only ones able to fully keep up with the attack that was launched by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/eko.png Teuns off the back of Pibernik’s initial attack!. 22,4km to go!


Or maybe I read the situation wrong, the others are able to bring back everyone but the Norwegian as he launches another attack!

He is brought back and instead it is now pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/t3a.png Lagane that is making moves for himself. Surprising to some as he should win any sprint at the line one would assume. While his gap never becomes massive, it has blown up the group to pieces!


You can see just how split the favourites are now. In the group that are about to reel back in Lagane we can see: pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/eko.png Paret-Peintre, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/see.png Trillini, Duchesne, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/hrt.png Morin, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/gct.png Eiking, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/esc.png Grosser, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/bdx.png Pacher and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ccc.png Edmondson. Still two more climbs to go and with 19kms left everything could still flip on its head!


At the foot of the penultimate climb the split has been shut down for the most part. 26 man big group has a gap of 40 seconds down to the next few groups. No major players are missing outside of Mayer and Zordan.


As you might have been able to spot an attack was in the making in the previous picture as pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/stv.png Luchshenko instantly lines up the attack after getting contact with the front group. The attack splits the group up in 3 pieces. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/eko.png Teuns is one of the people that seems to have been dropped by this move.


However a counterattack is instigated by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/see.png Trillini, but it amounts to nothing as another big move is made on the back of that!

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/eko.png Paret-Peintre was the biggest target for manager Kandesbunzler in the previous transfer window and he is looking to justify that focus as he makes an attack that puts a gap into the favourites. But it is quickly shut down. However, what it does do is that at the top of the penultimate climb the leading group is back down to just 11 riders that most likely will have to decide this race between them! From the back to the front of the group we have:
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/tir.png Lienhard who is struggling to hold on, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/see.png Trillini, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/esc.png Grosser, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ccc.png Edmondson, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/stv.png Luchshenko, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/gct.png Eiking, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/see.png Duchesne, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/t3a.png Lagane, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/bdx.png Pacher, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/hrt.png Morin and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/eko.png Paret-Peintre. Most notably pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mcy.png Jensen is currently in the 14 man group that is 53” behind the leaders, not looking like the Manada debut that he was hoping for!


As we start the descent pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/bdx.png Pacher decides to attack, he knows he’s one of the weaker people on the final climb and tries to create a gap that he might be able to sustain!


With 5kms as we enter the final climb to finish line Pacher is brought back by an attacking pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/eko.png Paret-Peintre, everyone is able to keep up outside of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/see.png Trillini who cannot keep up.


As we reach the barriers at the 3km-mark, the 11 are back together and Paret-Peintre drops back and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/hrt.png Morin takes the front. Keep in mind that to the finish line there are a few hundred metres of pure flat road so if some of the stronger puncheurs don’t drop some of the stronger sprinters we could see a very surprising victor in the season opener!


As it starts to flatten pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/gct.png Eiking opens up with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/t3a.png Lagane in his wheel and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ccc.png Edmondson a bit further back. There is still 1.3kms to finish line, question is did Eiking open up too early?


It wasn’t a full on openening of the sprint but that doesn’t matter to pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/stv.png Luchshenko who flies past the others to make his claim for the throne!


He faulters but out nowhere Pacher appears like he’s been shot out of a rocket


And he does it! Massive win in the season opener for the French puncheur who takes the win with a well-timed burst of speed!


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/stv.png Luchshenko second and with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/t3a.png Lagane third. Dissapointing day for pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/gct.png Eiking as he has to see all of his hard work only lead to a fourth place finish, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ccc.png Edmondson takes fifth place. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/see.png Duchesne, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/eko.png Paret-Peintre, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/hrt.png Morin, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/tir.png Lienhard and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/esc.png Grosser closes out the top 10. Catastrophic day for pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mcy.png Jensen who reached for stars with his early attack but was unable to even land on the moon, instead he had a meteoric downfall all the way down to 14th.


With that let us look at the full results of the season opener:

1Quentin PacherBordeaux Métropole - Euskotren5h23'34
2Sergey LuchshenkoStela-Vitas.t.
3Christopher LaganePodium Ambitions.t.
4Odd Christian EikingGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
5Joshua EdmondsonCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
6Antoine DuchesneSEE Turtless.t.
7Aurelien Paret-PeintreEkoi - Le Creusets.t.
8Emmanuel MorinHilcona Racing Teams.t.
9Fabian LienhardJEWA TIROL Cycling Teams.t.
10Aaron GrosserTeam Würth MODYF+ 46
11Walter TrilliniSEE Turtles+ 1'24
12Alex Ariya DestriboisKraftwerk Man Machine+ 1'44
13Daniel Alexander JaramilloSimba Cement - Tanga Freshs.t.
14Kristian Haugaard JensenManada Coyotes.t.
15Victor LafayBordeaux Métropole - Euskotrens.t.
16Jai HindleyTeam Würth MODYFs.t.
17Jan-Andre FreulerStela-Vitas.t.
18Cristian RodriguezBordeaux Métropole - Euskotrens.t.
19Yikui NiuBabymetal Cyclings.t.
20Sarawut SirironnachaiStrava+ 2'12
21Fabio FellineSimba Cement - Tanga Freshs.t.
22Roman SenyenovTrans Looney Tunes+ 2'29
23Viktor VerschaeveBabymetal Cyclings.t.
24Andrea VendrameSaecos.t.
25Peeter TarvisStravas.t.
26Evgeny ShalunovAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeos.t.
27Marc GoosStela-Vitas.t.
28Havard BlikraSimba Cement - Tanga Freshs.t.
29Pablo MudarraManada Coyotes.t.
30Fabien DoubeyBordeaux Métropole - Euskotrens.t.
31Dylan TeunsEkoi - Le Creusets.t.
32Jordan SchleckSpark-BNZ Racings.t.
33Gyung Gu JangTrans Looney Tuness.t.
34Daniel PaulusEkoi - Le Creusets.t.
35Felix GrossschartnerJEWA TIROL Cycling Teams.t.
36Andrea ZordanSaecos.t.
37Michael VinkAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeos.t.
38Irakli BablidzeHilcona Racing Teams.t.
39Eddie Van HeerdenSimba Cement - Tanga Freshs.t.
40Philip LaveryManada Coyotes.t.
41Gennadiy TatarinovBordeaux Métropole - Euskotrens.t.
42Mathieu La LavandierTeam Würth MODYFs.t.
43Felix GallEkoi - Le Creusets.t.
44Olivier Le GacEkoi - Le Creusets.t.
45Lorenzo RotaSimba Cement - Tanga Freshs.t.
46Brendan CantyPodium Ambitions.t.
47Lorenzo DelcoHilcona Racing Teams.t.
48Jorge AbreuSEE Turtless.t.
49Louis BlouweMercatone Uno - Webas.t.
50Burr HoKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
51Stan DewulfMercatone Uno - Webas.t.
52Davide VillellaStela-Vitas.t.
53Michael GoglSimba Cement - Tanga Freshs.t.
54Joel YatesSpark-BNZ Racings.t.
55Jan DieterenKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
56Connor McCutcheonStela-Vitas.t.
57Tormod JacobsenGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
58Cristian MunozTrans Looney Tuness.t.
59Luka PibernikTrans Looney Tuness.t.
60Ziga GroseljStela-Vitas.t.
61Adria UrcelayStela-Vitas.t.
62Emanuel PiaskowyTrans Looney Tuness.t.
63Dobrin LilovskiMercatone Uno - Weba+ 3'13
64Gregory HugentoblerSimba Cement - Tanga Freshs.t.
65Gaetan PonsPodium Ambitions.t.
66Arvin MoazemiKraftwerk Man Machine+ 4'39
67Hermann PernsteinerJEWA TIROL Cycling Teams.t.
68Anass Ait El AbdiaSimba Cement - Tanga Freshs.t.
69Carlos BetancourtSEE Turtless.t.
70Antoine AebiHilcona Racing Teams.t.
71Clement BerthetBordeaux Métropole - Euskotrens.t.
72Jonas KochTeam Würth MODYFs.t.
73Andris SmirnovsCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
74Kim Le CourtPodium Ambitions.t.
75Samuel GazeAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeo+ 5'21
76Jesper HansenStravas.t.
77Maurits LammertinkEkoi - Le Creusets.t.
78Maani AltanzulCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
79Alexandre MayerPodium Ambitions.t.
80Jasper De LaatBabymetal Cycling+ 5'52
81Kristoffer SkjerpingGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
82Carlos RodriguezSpark-BNZ Racings.t.
83Jacob Morales OrtegaPodium Ambitions.t.
84Clement ChevrierEkoi - Le Creusets.t.
85Stavros TheorpanousKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
86Gregor MuhlbergerJEWA TIROL Cycling Teams.t.
87Edvald Boasson HagenMercatone Uno - Webas.t.
88Kevin GranadosManada Coyotes.t.
89David WohrerStela-Vitas.t.
90Jefferson Alexander CepedaSEE Turtless.t.
91Ricardo BroxhamGlanbias.t.
92Eirik LunderGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
93Yuan Tan PengTrans Looney Tunes+ 6'39
94Brent Van MoerGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
95Stephan RabitschJEWA TIROL Cycling Teams.t.
96Diego UlissiSaecos.t.
97Frederik WandahlGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
98Archie RyanGlanbia+ 7'12
99William MaesenStravas.t.
100Edgar CadenaManada Coyote+ 7'29
101Bostjan MurnTrans Looney Tuness.t.
102Liam CurleyGlanbias.t.
103Pedro SilvaSaecos.t.
104Nick ReddishAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeos.t.
105Ben TulettTrans Looney Tuness.t.
106Filippo ZanaCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
107Nur Aiman ZariffAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeos.t.
108Davur MagnussenTeam Würth MODYFs.t.
109Joshua HuppertzHilcona Racing Teams.t.
110Luis Esteban MurilloManada Coyotes.t.
111Warre VangheluweTeam Würth MODYFs.t.
112Daniel Ricardo DiazAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeos.t.
113Joanis Albert NielsenStravas.t.
114Axel LauranceJEWA TIROL Cycling Teams.t.
115Roy JansBabymetal Cyclings.t.
116Kevin McCambridgeGlanbias.t.
117Javier SerranoBordeaux Métropole - Euskotrens.t.
118Tyler BrandtSpark-BNZ Racing+ 8'13
119Abner GonzalezPodium Ambition+ 8'51
120Mikel AgirrebeitiaBordeaux Métropole - Euskotrens.t.
121Fabio Van Den BosscheCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
122Alessandro VerreSaecos.t.
123Vadim RatiySpark-BNZ Racings.t.
124Milan PaulusCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
125Maximilian KabasJEWA TIROL Cycling Teams.t.
126Gerben KuypersHilcona Racing Team+ 9'22
127Mohammad GanjkhanlouSEE Turtless.t.
128Cooper JohnsonBabymetal Cyclings.t.
129Tilen FinkstTeam Würth MODYFs.t.
130David DrouinBabymetal Cycling+ 9'58
131Matthew DinhamGlanbias.t.
132Yuda MuhammadBabymetal Cyclings.t.
133Robin Juel SkivildSaecos.t.
134Bryan Raul ObandoSEE Turtless.t.
135Ben TurnerMercatone Uno - Weba+ 10'46
136Kiaan WattsSpark-BNZ Racings.t.
137Sasu HelmeKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
138Nicolo BurattiMercatone Uno - Weba+ 10'59
139Jan SommerKraftwerk Man Machine+ 11'08
140Nichol Blanca ParejaSaeco+ 11'26
141Henrik Teslo FjellheimGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 11'53
142Kristian SbaragliStrava+ 12'28
143Mattia PetrucciSaecos.t.
144Gordian BanzerHilcona Racing Teams.t.
145Patrick WelchBabymetal Cyclings.t.
146Harold Martin LopezSEE Turtless.t.
147Aaron WadeGlanbias.t.
148Noppachai KlahanSpark-BNZ Racing+ 13'00
149Pauls RubenisCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
150Francis JuneauGlanbias.t.
151Ben O'ConnorPodium Ambitions.t.
152Nicolas HeinrichTeam Würth MODYFs.t.
153Salvatore PuccioAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeos.t.
154Shane ArchboldAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeos.t.
155Blake QuickSpark-BNZ Racings.t.
156Taj JonesGlanbias.t.
157German Dario GomezManada Coyotes.t.
158Bredio RuizManada Coyotes.t.
159Alexander RichardsonHilcona Racing Teams.t.
160Henri UhligKraftwerk Man Machine+ 15'27
161Kevin VauquelinEkoi - Le Creuset+ 20'08
162Martin TjottaGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
163Jenno BerckmoesCrabbe-CC Chevigny+ 20'19

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