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1 Jour of Dunkerque
Report by Tsmoha


The first classic-edition of Dunkerque: the party flat, partly hilly parcours from Dunkerque to Cassel (a well known parcours, that already had been featured as part of the stage race editions) may see the punchy cobblers as the main contenders for the victory:

Breen as something like a top favorite, but Ferreira, Kluge, Kulppi, Zhupa or Kasperkiewicz really do not look less dangerous on such a profile. Van der Haar, Schoonbroodt, Marzuki, Verhelst and Vermote as the best puncheurs amongst those riders, who handle the pavé pretty well.. Machado, Taubel, Jacobs, Grand and Drucker as the best cobblers with less strong climbing skills.

The first few breakaway attempts were not allowed to go far:

#1 - Matsumoto, Gregaard, Felipe, Stash, De Luna, Opie
#2 - Lau, Stewart, Cherkasov, Antonijevic
#3 - Kamp, Goldstein, Paajanen, Anotnijevic


With just 125km to go (and the first cobbled sector coming soon) a group of 3 riders finally went for a gap:

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_xrs.png Buckosky
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_ccr.png Gonzalez Cortes
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_xsi.png Bissinger

A few kilometres later (the race is quite action-packed so far) 4 more riders would bridge across from the peloton with now 93km remaining and this new leading group being two minutes ahead of the pack:

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_spr.png Veelers
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_wcc.png Feng
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_lpu.png Verhelst
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_nvo.png Kolev
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_xrs.png Buckosky

Bissinger and Gonzalez Cortes can't follow anymore, the general pace is quite high at this point! An interesting leading group, for sure: Verhelst and Feng both with some nice allround skills for such a profile here and Veelers as a still solid cobbler despite his age!


Just ten kilometres later, a next group with 3 riders attacked from the peloton, joining the leading group 66km before the finish with a 4'45" lead on the pack:

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_ssc.png Marzuki
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_vad.png Brynjolfsson
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_xbp.png Coronel

The 8-men-group won't becoming less interesting with the latest trio catching up!


Coronel and Buckosky are the next riders dropping off the leading group a couple of laps later then: 41km to go now, the peloton started to narrow the gap back to just 2 minutes with teams like Swisslion and Cerveceria doing the pace (60 riders).

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_ccr.png Kluge is the first favorite to attack on the pavé!


He catches up to the leading group 30km before the finish, but the peloton (now down to 29 riders) ain't too far behind with still Swisslion pulling the strings hard in order to reel Kluge back in..


..which happens soon after (27km before the finish):

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_sct.png Zhupa doing the dirty work by himself now and also GCN (with Minoungou) providing some support for the chasing teams so far.. Kluge and the former breakaway group have been swallowed by the main group, that is at 29 riders with now three laps (and three cobbles sectors) to go..


The general pace made some first bigger names suffering:

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_emo.png Machado can't hang on anymore..

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_csd.png Drucker in troubles as well, a few seconds behind Machado!


Next lap, 16km to the finish: pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_ccr.png Kluge goes again!

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_sct.png Zhupa jumping behind quickly and so does pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_gcn.png Jacobs..


Jacobs could not follow though and both Kluge as well as Zhupa opened up a small gap on the main group:

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_rot.png Ferreira now as the next riders trying to go clear from the bunch and to catch up to Kluge and Zhupa with 14.4km to go!


9.5km and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_ccr.png Kluge increased the gap to 27 seconds..

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_sct.png Zhupa still ahead of the main group by 18 seconds..

Ferreira could not stay clear, just like Jacobs - they are back in the group, that is reduced to 15 riders with those latest attacks.. just when Drucker looked like he would re-join, but now he's part of a small chasing group with Gatto and Riesebeek at his side (a minute behind group Ferreira/Breen)..


8km to the finish and also Zhupa could not stay clear from the main group, that is 37 seconds behind solo leader pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_ccr.png Kluge with the race settling down for a few moments. 16 riders in this group now:

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_del.png Breen
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_sct.png Zhupa
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_spr.png Taubel
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_npn.png Vermote
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_api.png Eeckhout
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_nvo.png Kasperkiewicz
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_vad.png Kulppi
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_xrs.png Rathe
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_ssc.png Marzuki
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_lpu.png Joseph
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_wcc.png Feng
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_rot.png Ferreira
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_npn.png Darbinyan
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_red.png Schoonbroodt
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_xbp.png Stybar
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_spr.png Veelers

Group pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_csd.png Drucker is further 1'30" behind..


The race indeed settled down for quite a while then and it's not as action-packed as in the first two thirds of the day: the first chasing group kept a steady (though not overwhelming pace) and Kluge did not try to fight his way to the finish all on his own. The German is caught by the main group with now just 4km and the final cobbles sector ahead!

Just 14 riders in the group though, with

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_rot.png Ferreira
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_xbp.png Stybar
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_npn.png Darbinyan losing contact in the meantime!


Thanks to a slow pace now, the trio catches back to the leading group with now 2.5km remaining and the final cobbled uphill sector entered:

Kluge still at the front of the group with Kasperkiewicz, Vermote, Kulppi and Rathe on the further positions..

Darbinyan trying to move further to the front after re-joining the group.. Ferreira though sits at the back of the group..


Just one kilometre to go and there's still no proper sprint or attack going on. Positioning will become a big factor for those riders then and so let's have a look at the order in the group:

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_ccr.png Kluge
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_npn.png Vermote
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_npn.png Darbinyan
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_nvo.png Kasperkiewicz
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_vad.png Kulppi
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_xrs.png Rathe
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_del.png Breen
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_spr.png Veelers
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_ssc.png Marzuki
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_spr.png Taubel
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_api.png Eeckhout
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_lpu.png Joseph
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_sct.png Zhupa
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_wcc.png Feng

Ferreira still at the last position behind Stybar and Schoonbroodt..


Just a few hundred metres to go and Kluge showed something like an acceleration and/or short sprint: he's opening up a small gap on Vermote!

Darbinyan can't keep up anymore and so it's Kasperkiewicz, Rathe and Kulppi going past him - though with a small gap on Vermote..

Breen next.. Veelers, Marzuki, Taubel, Eeckhout, Jospeh.. Zhupa struggles! Ferreira got dropped!


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_ccr.png Kluge takes the victory ahead of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_npn.png Vermote! He went early, got caught.. went again, got caught again.. still finished it off with the win. A kinda slow final 5-10km of a race, that had some action-packed moments earlier on though.

Oviously a great result for Vermote as well. Hanging on with the best cobblers and some clever positioning prior to a slow "sprint" from a this reduced main group.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_xrs.png Rathe with a rather shocking 3rd place then! What a huge result for himself and his amateur's team and certainly an upsetting performance against some of the big favorites for the race:

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_nvo.png Kasperkiewicz 4th ahead of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_vad.png Kulppi and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_del.png Breen.. Not the result those guys might have hoped for, but the lack of attacks surely did not help them to achieve a podium today.

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_spr.png Veelers "outsprints" pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_ssc.png Marzuki to finish 7th - a good result for both!


The same goes for pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_npn.png Darbinyan as 9th ahead of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_spr.png Taubel!

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_api.png Eeckhout with a solid 11th ahead of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_wcc.png Feng and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_xbp.png Stybar.. some notable results for all of those three: given Eeckhout's weakness on hills, he may be happy to just miss out on a Top-10 result eventually.


Joseph (14th), Zhupa (15th) and Schoonbroodt (16th) with disappointing results - crossing the finish 39 seconds later..

Ferreira has to settle for an underwhelming 17th place.. Drucker comes in 18th a minute later.. Gatto and Riesebeek complete the Top-20 and there's quite a long list of DNFs (which you can check below).

Final Results
1Roger KlugeTeam Cerveceria Costa Rica4h28'02
2Julien VermoteNovatek-Panarmenian.nets.t.
3Jakob RatheRBC Spidertechs.t.
4Przemyslaw KasperkiewiczNetia - Vonins.t.
5Olli KulppiValio - DeLavals.t.
6Vegard BreenDelvauxs.t.
7Tom VeelersSauber Petronas Racings.t.
8Nur Amirul MarzukiSPAR - Shimano - SCGs.t.
9Varsham DarbinyanNovatek-Panarmenian.nets.t.
10Christoph TaubelSauber Petronas Racings.t.
11Kevin EeckhoutAndorra Project - InGambas.t.
12Chun Kai FengWorld Cycling Centres.t.
13Zdenek StybarBecherovka - Petrofs.t.
14Stijn JosephLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 39
15Eugert ZhupaSwisslion Cycling Teams.t.
16Bob SchoonbroodtTeam Reddits.t.
17Ricardo FerreiraRothaus - Aegon+ 53
18Jempy DruckerCampari - Super Dry+ 2'02
19Oscar GattoSauber Petronas Racing+ 2'11
20Oscar RiesebeekTeam Reddits.t.
21Mateo FrankovicSwisslion Cycling Team+ 3'23
22Lars Van der HaarDelvauxs.t.
23Thiago Duarte NardinDiesel Development Teams.t.
24Arnaud GrandSauber Petronas Racings.t.
25Oumaru MinoungouGCN ProTeams.t.
26Gunnar Dahl-OlsenNetia - Vonins.t.
27Pieter JacobsGCN ProTeams.t.
28Kari BrynjolfssonValio - DeLavals.t.
29Louis VerhelstLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 3'59
30Cristofer Robin JuradoTeam Reddit+ 4'24
31Stijn VandenberghRothaus - Aegons.t.
32Gregory HugentoblerSauber Petronas Racings.t.
33Krisztian LovassyENI-MOLs.t.
34Oliver NaesenAndorra Project - InGambas.t.
35Constantinos ThymidesSwisslion Cycling Teams.t.
36Aviv YechezkelValio - DeLavals.t.
37Eduardo ColonCampari - Super Drys.t.
38Ahmad ArissolWorld Cycling Centres.t.
39Daniel RuizENI-MOLs.t.
40Evert VerbistDelvauxs.t.
41Marc MachadoENI-MOLs.t.
42Iliyan KolevNetia - Vonins.t.
43Jesse KaislavuoRBC Spidertech+ 6'26
44Geoffroy NgandambaGCN ProTeams.t.
45Lukas MeilerCampari - Super Drys.t.
46Gianni MeersmanSignal Idunas.t.
47Lars AnderssonRisa - Ergons.t.
48Maral-Erdene BatmunkhBecherovka - Petrofs.t.
49Dan McLayGCN ProTeam+ 7'15
50Samuel CoronelBecherovka - Petrof+ 9'05
51Kamil MaleckiNetia - Vonins.t.
52Daniel JuarezWorld Cycling Centres.t.
53Evgeny RussoWorld Cycling Centres.t.
54Guytan LilholtRisa - Ergons.t.
55Yanjanani SakalaSignal Idunas.t.
56Marco Andre AcevedoRBC Spidertech+ 10'17
57Jóanis Albert NielsenNetia - Vonins.t.
58Dries De BondtDelvauxs.t.
59Milan MentenNetia - Vonins.t.
60Miguel AfonsoAndorra Project - InGambas.t.
61Cyrus MonkTeam Reddits.t.
62Samuel SsabagwanyaSPAR - Shimano - SCGs.t.
63Cristian CominelliTeam Cerveceria Costa Ricas.t.
64Matija MestricSwisslion Cycling Teams.t.
65Michail KortsidakisSignal Iduna+ 11'41
66Oscar Emil LandaRisa - Ergons.t.
67Kyle BuckoskyRBC Spidertechs.t.
68Meiyin WangDiesel Development Team+ 12'25
69Mamyr StashNovatek-Panarmenian.nets.t.
70Jovan ZekavicaSwisslion Cycling Teams.t.
71Marcelo FelipeDiesel Development Teams.t.
72Pawel FranczakNetia - Vonins.t.
73Wout Van AertLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
74Goran AntonijevicRisa - Ergons.t.
75Fridtjof RoinasRisa - Ergon+ 13'15
76Kristoffer HalvorsenRothaus - Aegons.t.
77Michael ThomsonGCN ProTeams.t.
78Miha PoljanecSwisslion Cycling Teams.t.
79Benjamin PerryRBC Spidertechs.t.
80Bryan SalasTeam Cerveceria Costa Ricas.t.
81Ivan VilaAndorra Project - InGambas.t.
82Mirac KalSignal Idunas.t.
83Flavio De LunaWorld Cycling Centre+ 13'49
84Josue Gonzalez CortesTeam Cerveceria Costa Rica+ 17'04
85Florian BissingerSignal Idunas.t.
86Omer GoldsteinAndorra Project - InGambas.t.
87Nicolay CherkasovNetia - Vonins.t.
88Wan Yau LauDiesel Development Teams.t.
89Thomas StewartRBC Spidertechs.t.
90Sasu HelmeValio - DeLavals.t.
91Stan DewulfLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
92Soufiane HaddiGCN ProTeams.t.
93Yosukue MatsumotoCampari - Super Drys.t.
94Jenthe BiermansLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
95Fabien GrellierDelvaux+ 18'52
96August JensenRisa - Ergons.t.
97Rui OliveiraSwisslion Cycling Teams.t.
98Frantisek SisrBecherovka - Petrofs.t.
99Risto AaltioValio - DeLavals.t.
100Jiri HudecekNovatek-Panarmenian.nets.t.
101Guy Diaz GroillerAndorra Project - InGamba+ 19'51
102Alexander KampDiesel Development Team+ 20'41
103Maris BogdanovicsCampari - Super Drys.t.
104Paavo PaajanenValio - DeLavals.t.
105Bauke MollemaRothaus - Aegons.t.
106Nandra Eko WahyudiSauber Petronas Racings.t.
107Jonas GregaardENI-MOLs.t.
DNFLaurens De PlusLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam
DNFSandor SzalontayENI-MOL
DNFSam OomenLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam
DNFJoosten VaidemSignal Iduna
DNFJonas Aaen JorgensenRisa - Ergon
DNFMasaki YamamotoCampari - Super Dry
DNFJaroslav KulhavyBecherovka - Petrof
DNFMaciej BodnarRothaus - Aegon
DNFDaniel PearsonRBC Spidertech
DNFJohnnatan De LeonRBC Spidertech
DNFDaniel SaviniLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam
DNFGetachew SendekuWorld Cycling Centre
DNFMiles OlmanSauber Petronas Racing
DNFChris OpieGCN ProTeam
DNFSarawut SirironnachaiSPAR - Shimano - SCG
DNFAllan MoralesTeam Cerveceria Costa Rica
DNFPedro Pablo PereyraENI-MOL
DNFScott AmbroseSignal Iduna
DNFTadej LogarNovatek-Panarmenian.net
DNFKilian FrankinyTeam Reddit
DNFSimone PetilliCampari - Super Dry
DNFNick BainRothaus - Aegon
DNFWojciech PszczolarskiSignal Iduna
DNFAdria UrcelayAndorra Project - InGamba
DNFFelix GrossschartnerNovatek-Panarmenian.net
DNFMihkel RäimTeam Cerveceria Costa Rica
DNFNicholas DlaminiWorld Cycling Centre
DNFNikita RazumovNovatek-Panarmenian.net
DNFGökhan HastaValio - DeLaval
DNFMuhamad Zawawi AzmanSPAR - Shimano - SCG
DNFYevgeniy GidichSPAR - Shimano - SCG
DNFZiga RucigajBecherovka - Petrof
DNFEdgar StepanyanNovatek-Panarmenian.net
DNFAbel KenyeresENI-MOL
DNFIvo OliveiraSPAR - Shimano - SCG
DNFAlvaro HodegDelvaux
DNFJosé RujanoAndorra Project - InGamba
DNFIzidor PenkoSwisslion Cycling Team
DNFAnastasios KoumpetsosTeam Reddit
DNFPiotr BrozynaDelvaux
DNFMarco MinnardRothaus - Aegon
DNFSteven BurkeGCN ProTeam
DNFSonny ColbrelliTeam Cerveceria Costa Rica
DNFPatampob PhonarjthanSPAR - Shimano - SCG
DNFNazir JaserBecherovka - Petrof
DNFElias Abou RachidBecherovka - Petrof
DNFAjay Pandit ChhetriSPAR - Shimano - SCG
DNFFederico OleiSauber Petronas Racing
DNFAnthony GiacoppoRisa - Ergon
DNFFederico RocchettiCampari - Super Dry
DNFDmitriy RiveDiesel Development Team
DNFPeerapol ChawchiangkuangDiesel Development Team
DNFLeonid KrasnovENI-MOL
DNFAleksi HänninenValio - DeLaval
DNFDaniel Felipe MartinezWorld Cycling Centre
DNFEmmanuel KillyDiesel Development Team

Manager of [MG] Repsol - Netflix

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